Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Here's another good video blowing the "97%" claim out of the water.

A guy who makes money by pushing industry & fossil fuels duping asshole feeble minded jerks ilke you. Where's the surprise to that?

97% agree climate change is real. Stomp your feet, scream, cry, and pout all you want. Science says yes, El Dumpster says no. I'll stick with the scientists.

More stupid BULLSHIT, YES climate change is REAL, man made climate change or the ability of man to make even a scintilla of change to the climate is NOT real, it is a con game to take trillions of dollars from the people and give it to a group of central one world government initiatives. If you are to stupid to know that, you should be in an insane asylum.

So, you think man can spew all kinds of shit into our atmosphere & not change anything? Really?

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

But hey, what the fuck does NASA know, lets believe a lying, business cheat, women grioping orange asshole instead.

I see that you didn't watch the 2 recent videos posted that debunks your assertions.

You run around with your hair on fire screaming "Armageddon Is Coming!" and claiming "97% agree". You conflate terms like "suggests" and "likely" to mean absolute proof has be presented, and then get pissy when we call bullshit on it. You call us dupes, all the while you were duped into taking junk science as gospel.

You, sir, are a "Climate Alarmist", and won't let little things like facts stand in the way of your panic.

When was the last time you saw a climate scientist say in public the earth isn't warming?
Case closed.

When was the last time you saw a climate scientist say in public the earth isn't warming?

I'm glad it did.
Chicago sucks now, it sucked even more with a mile of ice on top of it.........
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China

If you think wasting trillions on "green energy" gives someone else the economic upper hand, you're even dumber than you first appeared.
Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is like you changing lanes on the highway to avoid a collision you didn't cause but would get the bill for!
To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment. The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort. The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before.
Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out.

And YOU are PROUD of that?

*except Nicaragua and Syria And now US

The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort.

We emit more than 4 times CO2 per capita as Mexico.
The quickest, largest reduction we could make would be sending every illegal alien
back to their home country.

Do it for the planet.
Ha ha? Joke, right?

Illegal aliens emitting too much CO2 is not a joke.
Send them home.
Is it all the gas from rice and beans or what?
Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is like you changing lanes on the highway to avoid a collision you didn't cause but would get the bill for!
To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment. The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort. The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before.
Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out.

And YOU are PROUD of that?

*except Nicaragua and Syria And now US

The Paris Accords will do next to nothing to clean up the environment, something like .2 of a degree IF every nation does what they said they would. Do you really think that would happen, all these countries are doing is making promises they have no intention of keeping.

The reality is that this isn't about climate change, it's about wealth redistribution. Ostensibly between the rich countries (mostly us) and every one else. And would those under developed countries get all that money? I don't think so, most of it would go to the bureaucrats in the UN and the corrupt national leaders in those under developed countries. And they admit it too:

UN climate chief Christina Figueres: the Paris Accords organizers’ ultimate goal was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Another U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) official, Ottmar Edenhofer confirmed the travesty of global warming treaties, “ . . . one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth . . . ”
I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.
Usually when there is a dispute over policy, somewhere in the middle is about right. But in this case, it is as if the two sides are arguing from completely different realities. It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing and joining the world in that is as well. Now the rest of the world will be snubbing us when we try to deal with our solar panels and wind turbines and even our coal. Remember the Little Red Hen? If you don't work, you don't eat.

I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.

The maximum expected benefit would be 0.2 degrees, at the cost of trillions. Bad idea.

It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing

This wasted money would not actually clean the environment. That's why it's so stupid.
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To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment.

Still, only words. A non-binding agreement. Just talk is all it is. No accountability, no enforcement, no way to verify.

The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort.

Then all the better that we step out of it! Still the same bad idea no matter, just another attempt to globalize socialize one-worldize our country.

The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before. Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out. And YOU are PROUD of that?

Yep! First, we are not the #2 polluter, don't know where you got that crap, and if all the other countries still want to do it, NOTHING STOPPING THEM! JUST QUIT TRYING TO STICK ME WITH THE BILL! The US Taxpayer is SICK AND TIRED of carry the world on our shoulders. The Accord won't make a damn bit of an effect, it would cost us hugely, and besides, Trump made it clear he would be all open to it if it can be worked out different that we aren't screwed in the ass. DAMN PROUD TO HAVE A PRESIDENT stand up for me like that and take it in the chin because it was the right thing to do for the USA.
Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is like you changing lanes on the highway to avoid a collision you didn't cause but would get the bill for!
To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment. The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort. The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before.
Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out.

And YOU are PROUD of that?

*except Nicaragua and Syria And now US

The Paris Accords will do next to nothing to clean up the environment, something like .2 of a degree IF every nation does what they said they would. Do you really think that would happen, all these countries are doing is making promises they have no intention of keeping.

The reality is that this isn't about climate change, it's about wealth redistribution. Ostensibly between the rich countries (mostly us) and every one else. And would those under developed countries get all that money? I don't think so, most of it would go to the bureaucrats in the UN and the corrupt national leaders in those under developed countries. And they admit it too:

UN climate chief Christina Figueres: the Paris Accords organizers’ ultimate goal was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Another U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) official, Ottmar Edenhofer confirmed the travesty of global warming treaties, “ . . . one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth . . . ”
I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.
Usually when there is a dispute over policy, somewhere in the middle is about right. But in this case, it is as if the two sides are arguing from completely different realities. It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing and joining the world in that is as well. Now the rest of the world will be snubbing us when we try to deal with our solar panels and wind turbines and even our coal. Remember the Little Red Hen? If you don't work, you don't eat.

I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.

The maximum expected benefit would be 0.2 degrees, at the cost of trillions. Bad idea.

It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing

This wasted money would actual clean the environment. That's why it's so stupid.
The maximum expected benefit would be 0.2 degrees, at the cost of trillions. Bad idea.
Alright, but I need that link, please.
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.
You do realize we were the only one on the hook financially for the deal, if you can call it that. This country is broke we can't afford deals that give nothing in return.
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US is the second worst polluters. We are the leader not a backward follower. We now at level of Syria and Nicaragua. Even China the worst polluters sign on to this accord.

Specifically, what does this faux accord force China to do over the next twenty years and how much are they forced to contribute to this fund to transfer wealth to poorer countries?
To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment.

Still, only words. A non-binding agreement. Just talk is all it is. No accountability, no enforcement, no way to verify.

The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort.

Then all the better that we step out of it! Still the same bad idea no matter, just another attempt to globalize socialize one-worldize our country.

The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before. Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out. And YOU are PROUD of that?

Yep! First, we are not the #2 polluter, don't know where you got that crap, and if all the other countries still want to do it, NOTHING STOPPING THEM! JUST QUIT TRYING TO STICK ME WITH THE BILL! The US Taxpayer is SICK AND TIRED of carry the world on our shoulders. The Accord won't make a damn bit of an effect, it would cost us hugely, and besides, Trump made it clear he would be all open to it if it can be worked out different that we aren't screwed in the ass. DAMN PROUD TO HAVE A PRESIDENT stand up for me like that and take it in the chin because it was the right thing to do for the USA.
First, we are not the #2 polluter, don't know where you got that crap,
I don't know where you've been that you DIDN'T know we were the #2 polluter. I've heard some places say we're #1, but I'll go with the EPA and what is said in my local paper this morning.


Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data | US EPA
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.

They agreed to take steps but not until 2030! Why is that, if they're taking steps then why the delay? So they cancelled, or say they cancelled 105 coal fired plants, how many DIDN'T they cancel? Funny thing, I don't see that number in all the ballyhoo about this. And what about the 70+ coal fired plants they're building in other countries, some of them in eastern Europe?

Seriously, you think that China of all countries has any moral high ground? On anything? I find that preposterous. Consider this:

Only one large national economy has been reporting sizable emissions declines in the past 25 years, thanks to fracking. The same economy may soon also be able to take credit for slowing China’s prodigious emissions growth thanks to natural gas exports to displace Chinese coal. That country is the U.S. Whatever evolution toward a lower-carbon energy system takes place in the future, it will also certainly be driven overwhelmingly by technology and markets, not policy. Guess who leads the world in innovative technology? It sure as hell isn't China.
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.
You do realize we were the only one on the hook financially for the deal, if you can call it that. This country is broke we can't afford deals that give nothing in return.
Since when has the U.S. become the entire and only country in "the developed world"?
There is such a lot of kerfluffle over the withdrawal right now that googling the question of who pays is a pain in the patooley. But believe me you've got your facts wrong if you believe we are the only ones who agreed to pay. Trump doesn't want to. You don't want to. Okay, I hear that. But we are not the ONLY ones on the hook.

$100 Billion
"To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year," NPR's Christopher Joyce reports.

But that amount is identified as a "floor," not a ceiling.

"Developed countries won inclusion of language that would up the ante in subsequent years," he explains, "so that financial aid will keep ramping up over time."

So What Exactly Is In The Paris Climate Accord?
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To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment.

Still, only words. A non-binding agreement. Just talk is all it is. No accountability, no enforcement, no way to verify.

The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort.

Then all the better that we step out of it! Still the same bad idea no matter, just another attempt to globalize socialize one-worldize our country.

The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before. Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out. And YOU are PROUD of that?

Yep! First, we are not the #2 polluter, don't know where you got that crap, and if all the other countries still want to do it, NOTHING STOPPING THEM! JUST QUIT TRYING TO STICK ME WITH THE BILL! The US Taxpayer is SICK AND TIRED of carry the world on our shoulders. The Accord won't make a damn bit of an effect, it would cost us hugely, and besides, Trump made it clear he would be all open to it if it can be worked out different that we aren't screwed in the ass. DAMN PROUD TO HAVE A PRESIDENT stand up for me like that and take it in the chin because it was the right thing to do for the USA.
First, we are not the #2 polluter, don't know where you got that crap,
I don't know where you've been that you DIDN'T know we were the #2 polluter. I've heard some places say we're #1, but I'll go with the EPA and what is said in my local paper this morning.


Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data | US EPA

Yes but is that adjusted for population???
The U S A was supposed to decrease hugely while other countries keep rolling right along for decades
America haters just lost big time

Move to Europe if they have it so much together the way you think
Do you expect me to believe what you are bull shitting when you cannot even prove you $380 billions.
Now tell me if your rebuttal are credible. Idiot.

This is the MINIMUM petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama said we would contribute. With this, we can build the wall and have $280 BILLION MINIMUM left over.

"How much have rich countries pledged?
Industrialized countries have voluntarily pledged $10.3 billion since 2013 to help poorer nations reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change. The United States has pledged by far the most — $3 billion, twice that of the second-largest pledger, Japan. But on a per-capita basis, many other countries have offered more than the United States. Swedes, for example, will contribute nearly $60 each."
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.

They agreed to take steps but not until 2030! Why is that, if they're taking steps then why the delay? So they cancelled, or say they cancelled 105 coal fired plants, how many DIDN'T they cancel? Funny thing, I don't see that number in all the ballyhoo about this. And what about the 70+ coal fired plants they're building in other countries, some of them in eastern Europe?

Seriously, you think that China of all countries has any moral high ground? On anything? I find that preposterous. Consider this:

Only one large national economy has been reporting sizable emissions declines in the past 25 years, thanks to fracking. The same economy may soon also be able to take credit for slowing China’s prodigious emissions growth thanks to natural gas exports to displace Chinese coal. That country is the U.S. Whatever evolution toward a lower-carbon energy system takes place in the future, it will also certainly be driven overwhelmingly by technology and markets, not policy. Guess who leads the world in innovative technology? It sure as hell isn't China.
I'm not arguing that the private sector in the United States can't take an active role, but not having the government behind it both policy wise and in international negotiations will give them a bit of a handicap, I would think. That is the good news here, if there is any--Trump's troglodyte decision to pull out of the Accords will not stop green tech here or anywhere else. It will be a bit harder having the world's largest economy not contributing, but they'll have to get by.

At least they're trying. At least they're thinking. You think it is that easy/fast/simple to change their infrastructure? I don't see how you can say that this is moving too slow since you are fighting tooth and nail about changing ours from fossil fuel based energy. Would it be realistic to have changed over the economy prior to 2030? For us, maybe not as hard as for the countries that haven't even got half their people with electricity on a daily basis yet.
Lets do some math that our liberal fascist climate change fear mongers have refused to do...

The Paris accord requires the US to submit 0.8% of its GDP, of the previous year, to the UN Climate Change control body..


Using this graph of GDP for 2015.. we had 112.1 + 113.2 +113.8 +114.2= 453.3 Trillion dollars in that period. Our payment to the UN is then calculated 453.3 * 0.8% =$362.64 billion dollars.
Last years total was 482.2... making our payment amount about 380 billion..

Quite the scam wouldn't you say?

The US federal government budget is ABOUT 4.1 TRILLION DOLLARS..

Using this graph of GDP for 2015.. we had 112.1 + 113.2 +113.8 +114.2= 453.3 Trillion dollars in that period.

Not even close. Read the chart key, it says 2009=100.
That means Q42015 GDP was about 14% higher than 2009.

453.3 * 0.8% =$362.64 billion dollars.

$453.3 trillion times 0.8% is $3.6264 TRILLION.

View attachment 130623

$19 trillion GDP times 0.008 = $152 billion.

Well... That's embarrassing... leaving the decimal points on...

That's what happens when I multi-task...

Where did you come up with lower GDP numbers?
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Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is like you changing lanes on the highway to avoid a collision you didn't cause but would get the bill for!
To get every country* in the world to agree that we should ALL clean up the environment for the planet's sake was a big accomplishment. The U.S., the second largest polluter on the planet actually spearheaded the effort. The countries with economies large enough agreed to help out the countries that are still heating by campfire. This is the spirit of cooperation rarely if ever seen in the history of this planet before.
Then, along comes Trump and says "I don't want to pay anything toward this" even though we are the #2 polluter--who cares? It's cheaper to pollute. Our coal miners need jobs. And just like that, we're out.

And YOU are PROUD of that?

*except Nicaragua and Syria And now US

The Paris Accords will do next to nothing to clean up the environment, something like .2 of a degree IF every nation does what they said they would. Do you really think that would happen, all these countries are doing is making promises they have no intention of keeping.

The reality is that this isn't about climate change, it's about wealth redistribution. Ostensibly between the rich countries (mostly us) and every one else. And would those under developed countries get all that money? I don't think so, most of it would go to the bureaucrats in the UN and the corrupt national leaders in those under developed countries. And they admit it too:

UN climate chief Christina Figueres: the Paris Accords organizers’ ultimate goal was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Another U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) official, Ottmar Edenhofer confirmed the travesty of global warming treaties, “ . . . one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth . . . ”
I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.
Usually when there is a dispute over policy, somewhere in the middle is about right. But in this case, it is as if the two sides are arguing from completely different realities. It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing and joining the world in that is as well. Now the rest of the world will be snubbing us when we try to deal with our solar panels and wind turbines and even our coal. Remember the Little Red Hen? If you don't work, you don't eat.

I believe I heard the ultimate goal was to slow anticipated global warming by 2 degrees. Not .2 degrees.

The maximum expected benefit would be 0.2 degrees, at the cost of trillions. Bad idea.

It is impossible to know what is correct, except that DAMMITALL, cleaning up the environment is a good thing

This wasted money would actual clean the environment. That's why it's so stupid.
The maximum expected benefit would be 0.2 degrees, at the cost of trillions. Bad idea.
Alright, but I need that link, please.

Alright, but I need that link, please

Sorry, I was way off.

The climate impact of
all Paris INDC promises is minuscule: if we measure the impact of every nation fulfilling every promise by 2030, the total temperature reduction will be 0.048°C (0.086°F) by 2100.

  • Even if we assume that these promises would be extended for another 70 years, there is still little impact: if every nation fulfills every promise by 2030, and continues to fulfill these promises faithfully until the end of the century, and there is no ‘CO₂ leakage’ to non-committed nations, the entirety of the Paris promises will reduce temperature rises by just 0.17°C (0.306°F) by 2100.

Paris climate promises will reduce temperatures by just 0.05°C in 2100 (Press release) | Bjorn Lomborg
It's now crystal clear DT is comfortable both ceding the moral high ground and the economic upper hand to countries like China, and endangering the future for all of us.

You think CHINA has the moral high ground when it comes to air pollution? CHINA? Have you lost your freakin' mind? These guys have been opening up coal fired energy plants for years and will continue to do so right up to 2030 and probably beyond that if it's in their best interests to do so. Do you think think they or any other freakin' country that signed the Paris Agreement will spend their money to reduce emissions? OUR money? Oh yeah. THEIR money? Don't be ridiculous.
Have YOU lost YOURS? That China agreed to at least take some steps? They've cancelled 105 of the coal burning plants they had planned. It's a start. And they're revving up the green tech. What is ridiculous is that we are sulking about China being a big polluter. We are second. Don't forget that.
You do realize we were the only one on the hook financially for the deal, if you can call it that. This country is broke we can't afford deals that give nothing in return.
Since when has the U.S. become the entire and only country in "the developed world"?
There is such a lot of kerfluffle over the withdrawal right now that googling the question of who pays is a pain in the patooley. But believe me you've got your facts wrong if you believe we are the only ones who agreed to pay. Trump doesn't want to. You don't want to. Okay, I hear that. But we are not the ONLY ones on the hook.

$100 Billion
"To help developing countries switch from fossil fuels to greener sources of energy and adapt to the effects of climate change, the developed world will provide $100 billion a year," NPR's Christopher Joyce reports.

But that amount is identified as a "floor," not a ceiling.

"Developed countries won inclusion of language that would up the ante in subsequent years," he explains, "so that financial aid will keep ramping up over time."

So What Exactly Is In The Paris Climate Accord?
Since when have these other countries actually follow through on their commitments?
Is anyone here old enough to remember Zenith?

I bought their 24" color console in 1971 for $600.00 GREAT at the time. Adjusting for inflation would be $3,600.00 Two years ago I bought a Panasonic 55" Plasma Smart TV for $1,400.00

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