Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

You see, the difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama was that Romney was telling the truth that we NEEDED to keep a force of combat troops in Iraq or risk losing the stability in that country that we'd worked so hard to establish. Barack Obama on the other hand was playing politics. He was patting himself on the back as the guy who brought our troops home and painting Romney as some sort of "war monger". It played well for Obama in that election. Of course that was before ISIS rolled through half of the Middle East and established a Caliphate that slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people! Once THAT happened, Barry changed the narrative from it was HIM that brought the troops it was Iraq that FORCED him to bring the troops home!
Oldstyle, post: 21457601
Oh, so Obama was "wrong and unclear" when he was asked if he wanted a SOFA back in 2010 and answered "No." How are you "unclear" with No?

Obama did not want a SOFA that did not include immunity for our troops. Neither did Panetta. So when asked by Romney near the end of 2012 if he wanted a SOFA in 2011 the answer could have been NO in the context of NOT wanting one without immunity.

As I said the overwhelming evidence including a Panetta statement that you cite is that Obama definitely wouid have kept troops in Iraq if the Iraqis made a request and wouid grant the same immunity that was granted to Bush in 2008. Obama demanded nothing new.

Yes Obama was perhaps wrong and unclear in the debate but the actions of 2011 and including what Panetta wrote while selling a book establish that Obama offered to keep 10,000 trooos in Iraq if the Iraqis requested them.

The lie you claim to know that Obama planned on reneging on that offer had the Iraqis made a request that included immunity cannot be made true no matter how hard you want it,

It just can’t, be true. And the third Obama Romney debate’s post debate coverage confirm that Obama had indeed broken his campaign promise by offering to leave up to 10,000 troops in Iraq after 2011.

He was criticized by all sides for his response in that debate.

Look at all the post debate commentary - my god it’s as if Obama had shot Romney’s youngest daughter in the back on stage.

From the right, left and in between and here comes Oldsyle picking that answer as the only time Obama has ever told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Better get out of the eggnog Oldstyle.
Oldstyle, post: 21457601
Oh, so Obama was "wrong and unclear" when he was asked if he wanted a SOFA back in 2010 and answered "No." How are you "unclear" with No?

Obama did not want a SOFA that did not include immunity for our troops. Neither did Panetta. So when asked by Romney near the end of 2012 if he wanted a SOFA in 2011 the answer could have been NO in the context of NOT wanting one without immunity.

As I said the overwhelming evidence including a Panetta statement that you cite is that Obama definitely wouid have kept troops in Iraq if the Iraqis made a request and wouid grant the same immunity that was granted to Bush in 2008. Obama demanded nothing new.

Yes Obama was perhaps wrong and unclear in the debate but the actions of 2011 and including what Panetta wrote while selling a book establish that Obama offered to keep 10,000 trooos in Iraq if the Iraqis requested them.

The lie you claim to know that Obama planned on reneging on that offer had the Iraqis made a request that included immunity cannot be made true no matter how hard you want it,

It just can’t, be true. And the third Obama Romney debate’s post debate coverage confirm that Obama had indeed broken his campaign promise by offering to leave up to 10,000 troops in Iraq after 2011.

He was criticized by all sides for his response in that debate.

Look at all the post debate commentary - my god it’s as if Obama had shot Romney’s youngest daughter in the back on stage.

From the right, left and in between and here comes Oldsyle picking that answer as the only time Obama has ever told the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Better get out of the eggnog Oldstyle.

You keep trying to make the case that Obama was unclear in the debate, Not Fooled and it's laughable! He was very clear. He was painting himself as the President who brought the troops home and painting Mitt Romney as the President who would send them back to fight.

I have no idea what you're talking about when you say Obama was criticized by all sides for his response to Romney's question. Romney is the one who took heat for wanting to keep troops in Iraq. Keep in mind, ISIS hadn't started it's rampage across the Middle East at that point so it was easy to portray Romney as someone preaching doom and gloom. Show me the main stream media that criticized Obama for his statement that he didn't want troops in Iraq!
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Oldstyle, post: 2145760
. He was painting himself as the President who brought the troops home and painting Mitt Romney as the President who would send them back to fight.

Obama did in fact bring the troops home and Romney wanted to keep them there apparently without immunity and not per an Iraqi request. So what is your point? The fact is, according to Panetta, Romney, Maliki and Obama, the Obama Administration put the offer on the table to continue a US Troop presence in Iraq beyond 2011 and the Iraqis never requested them.

You are lying when you make the assinine absurd claim that you know of a secret plan by Obama to never keep troops there if Iraq granted immunity and put in a specific request.
Oldstyle, post: 21457964,
Show me the main stream media that criticized Obama for his statement that he didn't want troops in Iraq!®
False Claims in Final Debate
Obama, Romney take turns twisting the facts in Florida on foreign policy.By Eugene Kiely
Posted on October 23, 2012

Here Loser. There are tons of these:


In the third and final Obama-Romney debate, the candidates again contradicted each other, while each offered incorrect or twisted factual claims
  • Obama wrongly accused Romney of not telling the truth when Romney said “you and I agreed” some U.S. troops should be left in Iraq. In fact, the president tried and failed to negotiate an agreement to keep 3,000 to 4,000 support troops there; Romney said he would have left 10,000 to 30,000.
False Claims in Final Debate -
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ISIS has been reduced to 1% of territory in Syria, which Turkey says they can finish off. How was it a lie then to say the goal of defeating ISIS has been accomplished? Do snowflakes want to keep US troops there until that 1% is gone? Why? We should never have invaded to begin with...
Oldstyle, post: 2145796
Show me the main stream media that criticized Obama for his statement that he didn't want troops in Iraq!

Even Huffington Post said Obama’s was wrong:

“Romney shot back that Obama himself wanted a new "status of forces agreement" -- and he was correct that the president initially wanted to stay longer in Iraq, past a December 2011 deadline. As late as September 2011, the Obama administration was trying to persuade the Iraqi government to let 10,000 to 30,000 troops stay indefinitely. Ultimately, the Iraqi government refused to renegotiate the agreement it had struck with George W. Bush in 2008.”

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria[/QUOTE]
Sure...this is where we want to invest our money. Great spot for an Amazon distribution center!
Oldstyle, post: 2145796
Show me the main stream media that criticized Obama for his statement that he didn't want troops in Iraq!

Even Huffington Post said Obama’s was wrong:

“Romney shot back that Obama himself wanted a new "status of forces agreement" -- and he was correct that the president initially wanted to stay longer in Iraq, past a December 2011 deadline. As late as September 2011, the Obama administration was trying to persuade the Iraqi government to let 10,000 to 30,000 troops stay indefinitely. Ultimately, the Iraqi government refused to renegotiate the agreement it had struck with George W. Bush in 2008.”

Poor Obama...had no control over Iraq. He might have tried bribing them with that hundred billion he gave Iran. What a weak dick.

Merry Christmas Foo...glad to see you're still alive...
You see, the difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama was that Romney was telling the truth that we NEEDED to keep a force of combat troops in Iraq or risk losing the stability in that country that we'd worked so hard to establish. .

Romney was not telling a truth at all. It was not our decision to make as to what was needed in Iraq in 2008 let alone 2012 and beyond.

You must think that because Bush was so stupid to kick UN inspectors out and try to find non-existent WMD by invasion and regime change, that the US earned indefinite decision making for bloodied and destroyed Iraq.

You and Romney underestime the depth of Iraqi hostility to the U.S. presence in the country

And in 2011 so did Obama.

Ending The War In Iraq: How Obama’s Own Rhetoric — And George Bush’s Pact — Boxed In The President By Dan Froomkin

10/26/2011 12:26 PM ET Updated Dec 26, 2011

Three years later, the Obama administration also underestimated the depth of Iraqi hostility to the U.S. presence in the country. Right up until Obama’s announcement last week, some administration officials were still expressing near certainty that the Iraqi government would request several thousand trainers to remain past the December 31 deadline.

But negotiations ultimately broke down over the issue of legal immunity for any remaining troops, which was an imperative for the Pentagon and a deal-breaker for the Iraqis, who after nearly nine years of U.S. military presence wanted no more infringements on their sovereignty.

As a result, Obama had no choice but to make the announcement he did on October 21. “As a candidate for President, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end,” he said.

Obama said he had spoken to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and “reaffirmed that the United States keeps its commitments.”

“So today,” Obama said, “I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year. After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.”

Ending The War In Iraq: How Obama's Own Rhetoric -- And George Bush's Pact -- Boxed In The President | HuffPost
Where in all of THAT is the criticism of Obama? The Huffington Post spent it's time telling us all how it was Bush's fault and that Barry had no choice! That's EXACTLY the line that the Obama White House was pushing as their excuse to get out of Iraq!

What their articles SHOULD have been saying according to Leon Panetta...who obviously knew what was going on in those that Obama went through the motions of trying to secure a new SOFA in 2010 but in reality opposed one behind the scenes! He then proudly campaigned on ending combat operations in Iraq claiming it was his idea to do so. Only after ISIS became a serious embarrassment to the Obama Administration because it WASN'T the "JV team" and Barry had obviously blundered badly by NOT leaving a stabilizing force behind as his military advisors cautioned him to do did Obama's narrative change to a claim that he wanted to leave a force behind...but couldn't because the Iraqis wouldn't let him!
Oldstyle, post: 21457637
You see, the difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama was that Romney was telling the truth that we NEEDED to keep a force of combat troops in Iraq or risk losing the stability in that country that we'd worked so hard to establish. .

Romney was not telling a truth at all. It was not our decision to make as to what was needed in Iraq in 2008 let alone 2012 and beyond.

You must think that because Bush was so stupid to kick UN inspectors out and try to find non-existent WMD by invasion and regime change, that the US earned indefinite decision making for bloodied and destroyed Iraq.

You and Romney underestime the depth of Iraqi hostility to the U.S. presence in the country

And in 2011 so did Obama.

Ending The War In Iraq: How Obama’s Own Rhetoric — And George Bush’s Pact — Boxed In The President By Dan Froomkin

10/26/2011 12:26 PM ET Updated Dec 26, 2011

Three years later, the Obama administration also underestimated the depth of Iraqi hostility to the U.S. presence in the country. Right up until Obama’s announcement last week, some administration officials were still expressing near certainty that the Iraqi government would request several thousand trainers to remain past the December 31 deadline.

But negotiations ultimately broke down over the issue of legal immunity for any remaining troops, which was an imperative for the Pentagon and a deal-breaker for the Iraqis, who after nearly nine years of U.S. military presence wanted no more infringements on their sovereignty.

As a result, Obama had no choice but to make the announcement he did on October 21. “As a candidate for President, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end,” he said.

Obama said he had spoken to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and “reaffirmed that the United States keeps its commitments.”

“So today,” Obama said, “I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year. After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.”

Ending The War In Iraq: How Obama's Own Rhetoric -- And George Bush's Pact -- Boxed In The President | HuffPost
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Oldstyle, post: 21460921
What their articles SHOULD have been saying according to Leon Panetta...who obviously knew what was going on in those that Obama went through the motions of trying to secure a new SOFA in 2010 but in reality opposed one behind the scenes!

Panetta said no such thing - you are a flat out liar.

Panetta said in the link you provided that Obama seemed content to extend the SOFA if State and Defense could secure it.

So you are flat out lying about your own link to Panetta in an Op-Ed selling a book.

And you have no support for your ‘going through the motions’ conspiracy theory without Panetta saying something you just made up in your hatefilled head.

No one can lie like this over and over without being consumed with hatred for Obama.
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Well let the chips fall where they will. The one thing that was certain today, was that Putin considered it a victory.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.

Normally, you have your ducks in a row, but you slipped up here. We have not had troops in Syria or Iraq for 17 years. Afghanistan? Yes.
You just want more dead American troops apparently
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.

Normally, you have your ducks in a row, but you slipped up here. We have not had troops in Syria or Iraq for 17 years. Afghanistan? Yes.
Broad statement I've are correct that is the time in Afghanistan..............I was referring to the whole region for the time frame.
Oldstyle, post: 21460921
Only after ISIS became a serious embarrassment to the Obama Administration because it WASN'T the "JV team" and Barry had obviously blundered badly by NOT leaving a stabilizing force behind as his military advisors cautioned him to do did Obama's narrative change to a claim that he wanted to leave a force behind...but couldn't because the Iraqis wouldn't let him!

More lies.

Obama has not changed his ‘narrative’ from 2011 through the present. It has been that he would have kept up to ten thousand troops in Iraq had the Iraqis made a request up to that amount and granted them immunity.
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.
No doubt, Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement sealed our fate.
Not to even mention those people will never get along each other because that’s the way it is. Getting along is way overrated
After 9/11 I would have wiped Tora Bora off the face of the earth when OBL was running............they didn't do this because they had their families with them.........Collateral Damage.......

The gloves would have been off from the onset........and that place and convoy would have been gone...........saved us a lot of dang trouble and 17 years of War.

I am just curious how you would have accomplished that. Please elaborate.
No, Americans need to come home, but he could have accomplished this without all this chaos.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.

Normally, you have your ducks in a row, but you slipped up here. We have not had troops in Syria or Iraq for 17 years. Afghanistan? Yes.
Broad statement I've are correct that is the time in Afghanistan..............I was referring to the whole region for the time frame.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Syria. I suggest consulting a map.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.

Normally, you have your ducks in a row, but you slipped up here. We have not had troops in Syria or Iraq for 17 years. Afghanistan? Yes.
Broad statement I've are correct that is the time in Afghanistan..............I was referring to the whole region for the time frame.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Syria. I suggest consulting a map.
Yawn........I know where it is........and no how long we've been comment was overall and that was a Afghanistan time table.........whatever.
LOL. Make up your mind retard..........Early on you were playing the I Hate Trump Card because we are leaving.........and now it's they need to come home.........

When you make up your mind get back to us.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.
No doubt, Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement sealed our fate.
Not to even mention those people will never get along each other because that’s the way it is. Getting along is way overrated
After 9/11 I would have wiped Tora Bora off the face of the earth when OBL was running............they didn't do this because they had their families with them.........Collateral Damage.......

The gloves would have been off from the onset........and that place and convoy would have been gone...........saved us a lot of dang trouble and 17 years of War.

I am just curious how you would have accomplished that. Please elaborate.
High level bombers..............CARPET BOMBED that caravan........and everyone there....regardless of civilian casualties.

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