Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

After conferring with NO one in OUR Govt...
Making Putin and Erdogan happy men, and signing the death warrant for tens of thousands of Kurds.

Trump must be removed.
Pence 2019.
Russia is against ISIS, just like the Kurds are.
Russia is ANTI-Democratic Syria and Pro-Assad.
Due to us leaving, Russia will get many bases in Syria,a few on the Mediterranean.
They are only against ISIS in/as part of this pursuit/continuing Assad support.
Somewhat like Turkey's main interest.. anti- Kurd.

Take look at a map of Syria. You don't have a clue!

The Russians already have all you claim that they will gain by our leaving.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.

Normally, you have your ducks in a row, but you slipped up here. We have not had troops in Syria or Iraq for 17 years. Afghanistan? Yes.
Broad statement I've are correct that is the time in Afghanistan..............I was referring to the whole region for the time frame.

Afghanistan is nowhere near Syria. I suggest consulting a map.
Yawn........I know where it is........and no how long we've been comment was overall and that was a Afghanistan time table.........whatever.

You "no" how long we have been there? Apparently not.

Syria is a Mediterranean country in the Middle East. Afghanistan is in Asia proper. There are these LARGE countries called, Iraq, Iran, and Pakistan in between them.
I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.
No doubt, Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement sealed our fate.
Not to even mention those people will never get along each other because that’s the way it is. Getting along is way overrated
After 9/11 I would have wiped Tora Bora off the face of the earth when OBL was running............they didn't do this because they had their families with them.........Collateral Damage.......

The gloves would have been off from the onset........and that place and convoy would have been gone...........saved us a lot of dang trouble and 17 years of War.

I am just curious how you would have accomplished that. Please elaborate.
High level bombers..............CARPET BOMBED that caravan........and everyone there....regardless of civilian casualties.

What caravan? Are you feeling OK?

Bad news. We did carpet bomb that area. It didn't work. Are you getting this bad info from CNN?
How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora

When the opportunity came to kill bin Laden and decimate al Qaeda, less than one hundred special operations forces were deployed to pursue bin Laden in Tora Bora. Over those five days, hundreds – if not thousands – of al Qaeda and Taliban operatives crossed effortlessly into Pakistan and disappeared.

The failure to prevent the escape of al Qaeda and the Taliban into Pakistan represented a catastrophic blunder that allowed America’s enemies to survive 2001. General Tommy Franks rebuffed numerous requests to reinforce the U.S. contingent because he believed that the light footprint model that so effectively pushed the Taliban from the cities of Afghanistan would be appropriate for the mission at Tora Bora. But this model of warfare was neither designed nor suitable for cordoning off swaths of land and capturing or killing the enemies within that region. Franks's errors showed that he did not understand the distinction between displacing the enemy and destroying it.
the US won the war but their destruction probably wont be forgotten by the poor people of the Thirld World. Trump is laying the groundwork for more and more wars, from Yemen to Syria and beyond.

Yeah, I forgot how pulling troops out of a country leads to more war in that country. Wait! What the heck are you talking about?
eagle1462010, post: 21429669
..............being chased by the kurds,Syrian army, and the Russians......


Not for long. Syrian Army and Russian troops are not chasing these terrorists.

It is US Special Forces and the Kurds - but our presence protects the Kurds.

“On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was ready to launch a new cross-border military operation at any Ishtar smoment against the Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units, or YPG, which have been shielded from Turkey by the U.S. military presence.”

Allies React With Alarm to Trump Pull-out Tweet, Kurds Fear Turkish Attack

Without the US shielding the Kurds they may fighting for their lives and territory.

Trumpo’s outta here tweet comes at a bad time with no guarantee to the safety of our allies against ISIS. The Kurds.

Should we protect the Kurds from the Turks? Is that next for democrats? Turkey is a NATO member. I spose that the US will be out there killing Kurds.

If the Kurds were stupid enough to invade Turkey, that might be the case. I am sure Trump got assurances from Erdogan that he would not cross his border into Syria or Iraq to attack the Kurds. Whether he abides by that, we will see.
Oldstyle, post: 21430098
When you're dishing out that kind of call the shots! If Barack Obama had told the Iraqi leadership that he wanted a new SOFA in exchange for the billions they were about to receive and if he didn't get that SOFA then they weren't getting the billions...that new SOFA would have been signed so fast it would have made your head spin!

What billions were we giving Iraq beyond 2011.

You are such a bald faced liar.

About 0.325 billion

And $200 million of that goes to governance, human rights and democracy building. (See Muqtada al Sadr below. ) No way Iraqis could be coerced into keeping US troops beyond 2011 by threats to pull ‘human rights’ funding, You are a pathetic fool,

“In fiscal 2012, U.S. assistance is scheduled to run roughly $325 million, with more than $200 million going to democracy, governance and human rights programs. But the organizations running these programs face security problems.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

But we were selling $12 billion to Iraq. They were transferring their oil wealth to us. So it was ‘blood for oil (dollars)’

“One bright spot for Washington: Iraq’s heavy purchase of almost $12 billion in American weaponry, including the late September announcement of 18 F-16 fighters valued at $3 billion. The aircraft would be part of the program to provide Iraq with the means to protect its airspace from outside intrusions or attacks.”

So what’s the goal of our being in Iraq again?

iraq had leverage on us your poor self-deluded fool,

Muqtada al Sadr:

“Sadr's remarkable trajectory brought him home just as his political faction attains significant power, allied in Iraq's new national unity government with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who just a few years ago moved to crush Sadr's Mahdi Army.

It was Sadr's recent decision to support Maliki for a second term, in a deal brokered by Iran, that ended eight months of political deadlock and allowed Maliki, also a Shiite, to cobble together his new government two weeks ago.”

So please stop lying. You do not know anything about 2012 Iraq l.

Iraq Wants $88 Billion for Rebuilding. Allies Offer a Fraction of That.

"The State Department emphasized that the United States since 2014 had already given Iraq $1.7 billion in humanitarian aid and $6 billion in economic and security assistance, money mostly committed during the Obama administration."

That would have built a nice border wall, right libs?
not the video that I was looking for.......but Delta operations denied and the Afghanistan fighters would go home at night.......the delta op says they had heat signatures on Al Queda but couldn't engage....he wanted to come in from behind and hit. them.

Marines in the area and other U.S. forces were denied to go into the fight and cut off his retreat......The video I'm looking for would be the Convoy from Jalalabad to Tora Bora early on..........been a long time since I saw that video.....look again for it.

One thing here.......the Afghanistan fighters got a cease fire with the Taliban not approved by the United States......When Delta went ahead their allies pointed their guns at Delta and forced them to stop.

Halliburton is an oil services company. Why they are in your diagram makes no sense.
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I do not see any contradiction between wanting our troops to come home and not wanting to pull the rug out from under the kurds who have fought with us for the past decade or not wanting to leave Russia, Turkey and Iran in a stronger position in the middle east.

As I said, it is the incompetent way that Trump is handling the withdrawal. That is the issue.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.
No doubt, Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement sealed our fate.
Not to even mention those people will never get along each other because that’s the way it is. Getting along is way overrated
After 9/11 I would have wiped Tora Bora off the face of the earth when OBL was running............they didn't do this because they had their families with them.........Collateral Damage.......

The gloves would have been off from the onset........and that place and convoy would have been gone...........saved us a lot of dang trouble and 17 years of War.

I am just curious how you would have accomplished that. Please elaborate.
High level bombers..............CARPET BOMBED that caravan........and everyone there....regardless of civilian casualties.

We could then schedule your trial for being a war criminal.

Halliburton is an oil services company. Why they are in your digarma makes no sense.
Iron Trianble exists and I didn't create the meme...........surely you don't think that this revolving door doesn't exist in every aspect of Gov' know it does.

Stop splitting hairs............

Your sources are simply wrong on the facts. If they get something that well known incorrect, what does that say about your source?

I happen to agree with you, but get your facts straight please.
And what the hell are you going to do about that.........huh..........

You would have to create a Kurdistan there to protect them.......And that would cause a War with Turkey.............

The place if a dang nut house........and our people have been over there for 17 stinking years.............let them deal with it.
No doubt, Fucked up politically correct rules of engagement sealed our fate.
Not to even mention those people will never get along each other because that’s the way it is. Getting along is way overrated
After 9/11 I would have wiped Tora Bora off the face of the earth when OBL was running............they didn't do this because they had their families with them.........Collateral Damage.......

The gloves would have been off from the onset........and that place and convoy would have been gone...........saved us a lot of dang trouble and 17 years of War.

I am just curious how you would have accomplished that. Please elaborate.
High level bombers..............CARPET BOMBED that caravan........and everyone there....regardless of civilian casualties.

We could then schedule your trial for being a war criminal.
Go ahead with it then.........You fight a war to win or don't fight it all...........those rules are why we lose wars are get stuck there forever........Tell me about WWII and how we destroyed entire cities........

This video is close but not the one I'm looking for.........about the Convoy that wasn't hit and allowed to escape to Tora Bora...

Been a long time ago I saw the video I'm looking for.........but that convoy could have been hit and taken his butt out........but if I remember correctly they didn't hit it because the Taliban and Al Queda had women and children in it..............There is your War Crimes on me.........because I would have wasted that entire convoy with air power without blinking an eye.
Oldstyle, post: 21460921
What their articles SHOULD have been saying according to Leon Panetta...who obviously knew what was going on in those that Obama went through the motions of trying to secure a new SOFA in 2010 but in reality opposed one behind the scenes!

Panetta said no such thing - you are a flat out liar.

Panetta said in the link you provided that Obama seemed content to extend the SOFA if State and Defense could secure it.

So you are flat out lying about your own link to Panetta in an Op-Ed selling a book.

And you have no support for your ‘going through the motions’ conspiracy theory without Panetta saying something you just made up in your hatefilled head.

No one can lie like this over and over without being consumed with hatred for Obama.

Obama "seemed content to extend the SOFA if State and Defense could secure it"? Panetta stated quite clearly THAT was the problem! The SOFA wasn't going to get done unless the President of the United States FOUGHT for it! Obama was "content" to sit back and wait...knowing all too well that Maliki wasn't apt to go out on a limb trying to push through a SOFA when it was obvious Obama would be happier if it never happened!

So what's the REAL story, Not Fooled?

Was Obama telling the truth when he said he'd be "content" if a deal got done but didn't lift a finger to make that happen?

Was he telling the truth when he said in the debate that he never intended to leave combat troops in Iraq and didn't seek a SOFA?

Or was he telling the truth when he said that he did seek a SOFA and was rebuffed by the Iraqis?

The "truth" with Barry was whatever was convenient at the time.
Oldstyle, post: 21460921
Only after ISIS became a serious embarrassment to the Obama Administration because it WASN'T the "JV team" and Barry had obviously blundered badly by NOT leaving a stabilizing force behind as his military advisors cautioned him to do did Obama's narrative change to a claim that he wanted to leave a force behind...but couldn't because the Iraqis wouldn't let him!

More lies.

Obama has not changed his ‘narrative’ from 2011 through the present. It has been that he would have kept up to ten thousand troops in Iraq had the Iraqis made a request up to that amount and granted them immunity.

For someone to claim Obama hasn't changed his narrative is laughable! He's changed it rather dramatically...which is why he was mildly rebuked by the main stream media when he did so in the debate with Romney! That didn't keep him from later changing THAT narrative once again when it became obvious that he'd fucked up by ignoring the advice of his military leaders and not left some combat troops to keep Iraq stable!
Oldstyle, post: 21462590
Obama "seemed content to extend the SOFA if State and Defense could secure it"? Panetta stated quite clearly THAT was the problem! The SOFA wasn't going to get done unless the President of the United States FOUGHT for it!

Obama did not agree with Panetta’s risky idea to threaten the Iraqis with cutting off funding since among several problems that could have backfired and aroused even more resentment and pushed Iraq in to the welcoming arms of Iran.

So in your mind Obama had to take orders from his Secretary of Defense and ignore all other advisers.

You don’t get to decide that Panetta was 100% right and that his threat plan wouid ever have worked.

I am not deciding that but you are because you are a liar.

Why did you lie when you wrote “that Obama went through the motions of trying to secure a new SOFA in 2010 but in reality opposed one behind the scenes!”.

You just admitted that you knew that Obama did not oppose helping troops in Iraq if the Iraqis requested them and granted them immunity.

You’ve been saying all along that Obama would not have kept troops in Iraq no matter what because he wanted to be re-elected.

Now you disagree with yourself by admitting that Obama’s was willing to keep troops in Iraq as I have been telling you.

That kind of lying should be exposed and thankfully it has been.

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