Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

eagle1462010, post: 21473705
They will be tied to Iran when it's over....because they are Shia.......and we will have spent trillions and many lives and wounded for them to just stab us in the back later.

Welcome to the Middle East Moron.

I’m quite certain you 2003 invasion supporters are the morons. Even a moron like Trumpo finally figured out that Bush lied.

That’s why I opposed Bush and his March 2003 lie that Saddam Hussein was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the UN inspectors. Bush had no reason to invade. He should have let the inspectors finish their work.

No bloodshed to find no WMD.

I find it fascinating when you bloodthirsty invasion supporters find the Iraqis at fault for not wanting to be treated like occupied people.

No Bush invasion - no al-Qaeda and ISIS IN Iraq. No Iran take-over either.

Think about it.
eagle1462010, post: 21472888
They lost the entire Northern part of their country when we left the first time........All the military equipment was abandoned and handed over to ISIS as their troops ran from ISIS............

A warmonger finally realizing the original surge and democracy building didn’t work.
Oldstyle, post: 21470751
Do you even know how Bush managed to get the extensions to the SOFA's we had? He worked at it. He negotiated with the Iraqis. He made a deal.

The 2008 SOFA was not an extension of an existing SOFA. Maliki went to the UN Security Council in 2007 and the result was that the Iraqis were granted sovereignty as a nation starting on the first day of 2008. The US occupation was finished.

Maliki did that on his own. Bush had no clue he had been bamboozled. At the beginning of negotiations Bush wanted and expected to get permanent bases and no deadline for troop withdrawal. Maliki controlled the negotiations and led Bush on to believe that he was going to get bases and a long term deal. And then time ran out. Bush had to settle for what he got. No bases and three years of immunity.

Bush didn’t work at it unless you call being told what he got - work.
eagle1462010, post: 21472888
They lost the entire Northern part of their country when we left the first time........All the military equipment was abandoned and handed over to ISIS as their troops ran from ISIS............

A warmonger finally realizing the original surge and democracy building didn’t work.
I knew from the get go that trying to force democracy in the land of theocracy wouldn't work........From the start I would have destroyed a bunch of shit and left.................

Argued with my own brother on that.............You don't stay there........from the onset you kill them and give them nothing to shoot back at.
Claudette claims she “knew” in 2012 that once US troops were gone, Iraq would be taken over by Sharia law jihadists.

Claudette, post: 9487473
Just like Iraq is now wartorn. Once our troops were gone I knew Iraq would be taken over by those Sharia law jihadists.

How did that work out Claudette? Iraq has not been taken over by Sharia law jihadists.

So you were wrong.

But still you need to blame Obama for Iraq’s decision not to request a few thousand US troops to act as trainers to stay after 2011.

What is this ‘Bingo’ crap all about anyway?

Claudette, post: 2142646
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

That's total bullshit! Obama didn't pull out troops because he "recognized and honored Iraq's SOVEREIGNTY"...he pulled out troops because he wanted to run for reelection as the President who pulled our combat troops out of the Middle East! Barry couldn't have care less about Iraq's "sovereignty"! It was all about politics. Obama's military leaders recognized the kind of problems a premature withdrawal might's why they advised him to leave a minimum of 30,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize things. Barry didn't care. He pooh poohed ISIS as the JV and left the Middle East unprotected. His political decision...designed to help him get reelected...cost untold pain and suffering in the Middle East!


What’s the ‘Bingo’ on Oldstyle’s pack of lies?

How many US hostile casualties in Iraq since Troops in 2014 went back in? I believe it was six?

You spend your time hating on Obama for respecting Iraq’s sovereignty and withdrawing all troops per the Bush Maliki deal.

And you still act as if Iraq was taken over by ISIS.

When the truth is Obama had no choice but to withdraw the troops in 2011 because Iraq requested none to stay.

And all predictions of Iraq falling to terrorists did not happen.
Claudette claims she “knew” in 2012 that once US troops were gone, Iraq would be taken over by Sharia law jihadists.

Claudette, post: 9487473
Just like Iraq is now wartorn. Once our troops were gone I knew Iraq would be taken over by those Sharia law jihadists.

How did that work out Claudette? Iraq has not been taken over by Sharia law jihadists.

So you were wrong.

But still you need to blame Obama for Iraq’s decision not to request a few thousand US troops to act as trainers to stay after 2011.

What is this ‘Bingo’ crap all about anyway?

Claudette, post: 2142646
So in your world Obama defeated Iraq right before an election and pulled out?

No, in the real world of reality and hard facts, Bush declared victory (the second big lie) and set the exact date that all trooos had to be pulled out.

Obama carried out the agreement Bush negotiated with the SOVEREIGN nation of Iraq. That SOVEREIGNTY is what Bush declared to be the victory since the WMD THING was all a lie according to Trumpo.

And you continue to bitch and moan because Obama recognized and honored Iraq’s SOVEREIGNTY before the time that anyone recognized ISIS to be any kind of threat.

That's total bullshit! Obama didn't pull out troops because he "recognized and honored Iraq's SOVEREIGNTY"...he pulled out troops because he wanted to run for reelection as the President who pulled our combat troops out of the Middle East! Barry couldn't have care less about Iraq's "sovereignty"! It was all about politics. Obama's military leaders recognized the kind of problems a premature withdrawal might's why they advised him to leave a minimum of 30,000 combat troops in Iraq to stabilize things. Barry didn't care. He pooh poohed ISIS as the JV and left the Middle East unprotected. His political decision...designed to help him get reelected...cost untold pain and suffering in the Middle East!


What’s the ‘Bingo’ on Oldstyle’s pack of lies?

How many US hostile casualties in Iraq since Troops in 2014 went back in? I believe it was six?

You spend your time hating on Obama for respecting Iraq’s sovereignty and withdrawing all troops per the Bush Maliki deal.

And you still act as if Iraq was taken over by ISIS.

When the truth is Obama had no choice but to withdraw the troops in 2011 because Iraq requested none to stay.

And all predictions of Iraq falling to terrorists did not happen.

You dumb fuck Obama went back in before a deal was made.
eagle1462010, post: 2147441
I knew from the get go that trying to force democracy in the land of theocracy wouldn't work........

So Bush lied when leaving Iraq just like he lied going in.

Why is Obama being blamed for what Bush did that you say wouid never work in the first place?

Or are you saying he was right to honor Iraq sovereignty by withdrawing all our troops in 2011?
bear513, post: 21474887
You dumb fuck Obama went back in before a deal was made.

What are you replying to. It sure isn’t my post.

But in response to your point, it was a humanitarian and military crisis in Iraq in 2014 and Iraq requested Assistance. In 2011 there was no crisis and Iraq did not request troops to stay.
bear513, post: 21474887
You dumb fuck Obama went back in before a deal was made.

What are you replying to. It sure isn’t my post.

But in response to your point, it was a humanitarian and military crisis in Iraq in 2014 and Iraq requested Assistance. In 2011 there was no crisis and Iraq did not request troops to stay.

So you admit it?

Good to see you have some self respect for the truth.

Trump pulls out of Syria that surprises his military generals, then lies about defeating Isis and throws US policy in turmoil. Trump has single handedly strengthened Russia and Isis in one stroke.

He truly is a Donald Dumbass.

Trump shocks allies and advisers with plan to pull US troops out of Syria

This after Obama claimed to beat ISIS. Obama and the Dems have been demanding we get out of there for years. When Obama closed GITMO and released terrorists, who went right back to murdering people, the left cheered.

We are not in turmoil. Obama weakened us and now Trump is showing leadership.
Clementine, post: 21475258
This after Obama claimed to beat ISIS.

No he didn’t. You are a liar.

Here is what Obama said about ISIL in June 2016

“ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -- and it will lose more.”

Remarks by the President After Counter-ISIL Meetin

Obama always gave credit to “local or Iraqi or Syrian Forces” beating ISIS.
eagle1462010, post: 2147441
I knew from the get go that trying to force democracy in the land of theocracy wouldn't work........

So Bush lied when leaving Iraq just like he lied going in.

Why is Obama being blamed for what Bush did that you say wouid never work in the first place?

Or are you saying he was right to honor Iraq sovereignty by withdrawing all our troops in 2011?
In regards to the Chemical Weapons.........Saddam had them in the 1st Gulf War........we blew the shit out of their ammo depots...............CBR monitors went off on Marines Humvees in that War.............they told me.........the ones I served with when we went to Somalia.............

I was very surprised when we didn't find them........and in that regards the Dems including Billy Boy and Hillary all chanted the same message...............

Time opinion going in was to hit them and leave if we had to do it.........Saddam was contained........and we would get stuck.......

Time line of withdrawal..............different circumstances.........imagine a Civil War had been raging and spread to Syria........leaving behind support to ensure the lands paid for in blood didn't fall into ISIL hands was was a slap in the face to those who took those places.......and allowed to be retaken for politics.........Only to have to return because of ISIS barbarism at a later date...............

Welcome to the middle east and it's Quicksand.............we are still stuck in the quicksand thing to do in quicksand is to get out............and not wiggle.
eagle1462010, post: 21476222
I was very surprised when we didn't find them........and in that regards the Dems including Billy Boy and Hillary all chanted the same message......

Both Hillary Clinton and Bill urged Bush to give the inspectors more time - do not invade.

So you have swallowed a right wing lie in that regard.
eagle1462010, post: 21476222
Time line of withdrawal..............different circumstances.........imagine a Civil War had been raging and spread to Syria........leaving behind support to ensure the lands paid for in blood didn't fall into ISIL hands was was a slap in the face to those who took those places.......a

The lands have not fallen into ISIS hands and the US suffered six hostile casualties to assist the Iraqis remove ISIS from their land.

I’m trying to figure out why you Obama haters continue to bitch and mian because Obama respected Iraq sovereignty in 2012 by not keeping troops in Iraq after the Bush deadline passed.

ISIS did not succeed and unfortunately six more Americans were killed over a six year period but that was not any higher in all probability had a couple thousand trainers remains in Iraq and ISIS Attacked anyway.

Not educated on the timeline are ya? There was no civil war in Iraq when Obama pulled the troops out according to Bush’s deadline. And Iraqis didn’t request any troops to stay.

According to your other posts we should not have been there any way.

You are very confused and Ill informed.
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eagle1462010, post: 21476222
I was very surprised when we didn't find them........and in that regards the Dems including Billy Boy and Hillary all chanted the same message......

Both Hillary Clinton and Bill urged Bush to give the inspectors more time - do not invade.

So you have swallowed a right wing lie in that regard.
I didn't get my information from the MSM............I got it from the Marines who told me.........the only problem was that we didn't know how much of those weapons we destroyed back then...............

I was told during the adventure of Somalia..............Yippie.............
Time line of withdrawal..............different circumstances.........imagine a Civil War had been raging and spread to Syria........leaving behind support to ensure the lands paid for in blood didn't fall into ISIL hands was was a slap in the face to those who took those places.......a

Not educated on the timeline are ya? There was no civil war in Iraq when Obama pulled the troops out according to Bush’s deadline. And Iraqis didn’t request any troops to stay.

According to your other posts we should not have been there any way.

You are very confused and Ill informed.

When our forces left they warned the Iraqi's not to let the rest out of the Boko prison....they didn't listen.........

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