Trump pulls out of Syria then lies about defeating Isis

eagle1462010, post: 21476782
I didn't get my information from the MSM............I got it from the Marines who told me.........the only problem was that we didn't know how much of those weapons we destroyed back then......

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

The US Marines are the best at what they do but weapons inspecting for the UN is not what they are commissioned to do,
eagle1462010, post: 21476782
I didn't get my information from the MSM............I got it from the Marines who told me.........the only problem was that we didn't know how much of those weapons we destroyed back then......

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

The US Marines are the best at what they do but weapons inspecting for the UN is not what they are commissioned to do,
No they didn' Humvee CBR detector goes off possible malfunction............all of them at once going off isn't a malfunction.................that is what they told me...........every CBR monitor went off at the same dang we were blowing shit up over there.
eagle1462010, post: 21476782
I didn't get my information from the MSM............I got it from the Marines who told me.........the only problem was that we didn't know how much of those weapons we destroyed back then......

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

The US Marines are the best at what they do but weapons inspecting for the UN is not what they are commissioned to do,
No they didn' Humvee CBR detector goes off possible malfunction............all of them at once going off isn't a malfunction.................that is what they told me...........every CBR monitor went off at the same dang we were blowing shit up over there.

Jesus, can’t you follow the discussion.

I asked:

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

Yes or no.

I know the answer is no, but I just want know if you have the honesty to express that answer yourself.
eagle1462010, post: 21476782
I didn't get my information from the MSM............I got it from the Marines who told me.........the only problem was that we didn't know how much of those weapons we destroyed back then......

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

The US Marines are the best at what they do but weapons inspecting for the UN is not what they are commissioned to do,
No they didn' Humvee CBR detector goes off possible malfunction............all of them at once going off isn't a malfunction.................that is what they told me...........every CBR monitor went off at the same dang we were blowing shit up over there.

Jesus, can’t you follow the discussion.

I asked:

Did the Marines who advised you know more about the exact whereabouts of WMD in Iraq more so than the UNMOVIC weapon’s inspectors that went in to Iraq in December 2002 and wouid not have left if Bush had not decided to invade in March 2003.

Yes or no.

I know the answer is no, but I just want know if you have the honesty to express that answer yourself.
Stop splitting hairs dumb ass..............I told you what they told me now STFU you TDS moron.
Stop splitting hairs dumb ass..............I told you what they told me now STFU you TDS moron.

I know you told what the Marines told you. The question is can the Marines who told you anything about Iraq’s WMD have better, actual more factual information about the WMD in Iraq than the UN weapons inspectors that certainly were the best source of information about Iraq’s WMD in March 2003,

It is obvious that Bush was as stupid as you to not trust the UN inspectors and lie that Saddam Hussein was hiding WMD from those inspectors in March 2003.

I understand why you can’t carry on a discussion, you are stupid.
Stop splitting hairs dumb ass..............I told you what they told me now STFU you TDS moron.

I know you told what the Marines told you. The question is can the Marines who told you anything about Iraq’s WMD have better, actual more factual information about the WMD in Iraq than the UN weapons inspectors that certainly were the best source of information about Iraq’s WMD in March 2003,

It is obvious that Bush was as stupid as you to not trust the UN inspectors and lie that Saddam Hussein was hiding WMD from those inspectors in March 2003.

I understand why you can’t carry on a discussion, you are stupid.
Whatever..............I told you what you asked for............and said what was told to me..........I really don't give a fuck about anything else from you.

We blew their shit up..........but we didn't know how much of it we destroyed...............Our airpower smoked every ammo depot, or bunker we could find.........they didn't have a whole lot left...........LOL
eagle1462010, post: 21482192,
....Our airpower smoked every ammo depot, or bunker we could find....

When did that happen? I’ve heard a lot of make-believe from Iraq invasion warmongers on why the WMD wasnt there but this is a new one.
eagle1462010, post: 21476222
Time opinion going in was to hit them and leave if we had to do it.........Saddam was contained........and we would get stuck......

First of all we did not ‘have to do it’ because the UN weapons inspectors were not finding evidence of WMD including investigators conducting searches based on the intelligence the US, UK and other nations provided to them.

Why don’t you pay attention when a President is pressing you to support ‘starting a preemptive war’ by invading a nation that is no threat with the intent of toppling the government in place. We could not topple an entire government, military, police and court system and just leave.

If that is what you thought Bush was gonna do you had no clue what Bush was doing when contemplating starting a war.
ThunderKiss1965, post: 21482778
Well that's almost as bad as trying to distract from the impact of ISIS on the region by calling them "The JV team".

ISIS’ impact on ‘the region’ was limited to the first time ISIL went public in Fallujah assisting Sunni’s in that city in their fight against the Shiite dominated Maliki government in Baghdad.

Anyway had more to say than calling offshoots of Al Qaeda like a JV team.

Remnick: "But that JV team just took over Fallujah."

Obama: "I understand. But when you say took over Fallujah –"

Remnick: "And I don’t know for how long."

Obama: "But let’s just keep in mind, Fallujah is a profoundly conservative Sunni city in a country that, independent of anything we do, is deeply divided along sectarian lines. And how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into."

I don’t see Obama’s comments as a distraction from the impact of ISIS in the region since Isis had not made much of an impact in the region at the time of the interview.

And Obama’s was defining ISIL as not the same kind of threat to the US Homeland as al Qaeada had been.

Trumpo is worse because we all know now what ISIS has done.
eagle1462010, post: 21476222
I was very surprised when we didn't find them........and in that regards the Dems including Billy Boy and Hillary all chanted the same message......

Both Hillary Clinton and Bill urged Bush to give the inspectors more time - do not invade.

So you have swallowed a right wing lie in that regard.

And yet Hillary voted to invade? Have your cake and eat it too...Not Fooled?
ThunderKiss1965, post: 21482778
Well that's almost as bad as trying to distract from the impact of ISIS on the region by calling them "The JV team".

ISIS’ impact on ‘the region’ was limited to the first time ISIL went public in Fallujah assisting Sunni’s in that city in their fight against the Shiite dominated Maliki government in Baghdad.

Anyway had more to say than calling offshoots of Al Qaeda like a JV team.

Remnick: "But that JV team just took over Fallujah."

Obama: "I understand. But when you say took over Fallujah –"

Remnick: "And I don’t know for how long."

Obama: "But let’s just keep in mind, Fallujah is a profoundly conservative Sunni city in a country that, independent of anything we do, is deeply divided along sectarian lines. And how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology is a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into."

I don’t see Obama’s comments as a distraction from the impact of ISIS in the region since Isis had not made much of an impact in the region at the time of the interview.

And Obama’s was defining ISIL as not the same kind of threat to the US Homeland as al Qaeada had been.

Trumpo is worse because we all know now what ISIS has done.

Obama was trying his best to cover his little bony ass after misjudging ISIS badly! He always did so and a compliant main stream media usually let him slide on it.
Oldstyle, post: 21500088
Obama was trying his best to cover his little bony ass after misjudging ISIS badly!

The truth is more importantly that Obama didn’t misjudge Mallki.

Maliki was the Prime Minister of Iraq, He alone is responsible for allowing the rise of ISIS in Sunni areas of Iraq. But a hater like you would not try to comprehend the impact of Maliki’s program against Iraq’s Sunni populace. There was nothing about ISIS to be misjudged because Maliki set Iraq on the path where ISIS used violence and terror against Muslims. Obama was correct to not get Americans killed and wounded in the coalition he organized to help the Iraqis rid themselves of the terror group.

Maliki had to go as part of the commitment by the US to join the fight.

It’s hard to believe you have compassion for Muslims being killed by those who commit terror in the name of Islam.
Oldstyle, post: 21500088
Obama was trying his best to cover his little bony ass after misjudging ISIS badly!

The truth is more importantly that Obama didn’t misjudge Mallki.

Maliki was the Prime Minister of Iraq, He alone is responsible for allowing the rise of ISIS in Sunni areas of Iraq. But a hater like you would not try to comprehend the impact of Maliki’s program against Iraq’s Sunni populace. There was nothing about ISIS to be misjudged because Maliki set Iraq on the path where ISIS used violence and terror against Muslims. Obama was correct to not get Americans killed and wounded in the coalition he organized to help the Iraqis rid themselves of the terror group.

Maliki had to go as part of the commitment by the US to join the fight.

It’s hard to believe you have compassion for Muslims being killed by those who commit terror in the name of Islam.

So Maliki was more in control of the Middle East than Barry was? Gee, who knew!

You just can't admit that Obama screwed up on ISIS...can you, Not Fooled? It makes you look foolish...
Oldstyle, post: 21509382
So Maliki was more in control of the Middle East than Barry was? Gee, who knew!

No. Maliki was the sovereign and elected leader of Iraq. He drove some of Iraq’s Sunni population into the terrorist arms of ISIS.

Maliki screwed up not Obama.
Oldstyle, post: 21509382
So Maliki was more in control of the Middle East than Barry was? Gee, who knew!

No. Maliki was the sovereign and elected leader of Iraq. He drove some of Iraq’s Sunni population into the terrorist arms of ISIS.

Maliki screwed up not Obama.

Maliki was a leader who recognized the danger that a premature withdrawal of US combat troops presented. He was willing to deal...negotiators at State and the Defense Department were trying to get a deal...the hold up was that Obama and his inner circle at the White House never wanted a deal and were actively resisting anything that was proposed. That's exactly what Leon Panetta described after leaving the White House but you can't admit that because then you'd have to admit that Barack Obama caused the humanitarian crisis that followed for political reasons.
Maliki’s .... “special operations forces, which Iraqis refer to as Fedayeen al-Maliki, a term reminiscent of Saddam’s infamous fedayeen Saddam, number approximately 4,200 and are under his direct control.”

Oldstyle, post: 21520982
Maliki was a leader who recognized the danger that a premature withdrawal of US combat troops presented.

You are a liar when you insert ‘combat troops’ and the dishonest notion that Maliki recognized foreign ‘dangers’ to his US made central government in Iraq.

Maliki was in fact deep into the process of building a pro-Maliki police force larger than the general army. Both the police force and the military were being filled with Maliki’s Shiite loyalists regardless of military skills or resume.

Maliki recognized and was mostly concerned his own personal political survival. He used violence and corruption to encourage loyalty to him - the Kurds and many observers were describing Naliki as the next Saddam. And to that end and in the context of Iraq being the 8th most corrupt government in the world, this is what Maliki requested and offered with respect US trooos staying in Iraq after 2011.

“Maliki, heading a tenuous coalition including politicians vehemently opposed to foreign troops, eventually advocated a training presence but rejected any legal immunity for U.S. soldiers. Those terms were deemed unacceptable in Washington.”

U.S. to pull out of Iraq after nearly 9 years of war | Reuters

So you are a liar, by not accepting the horrible historical record that Maliki actually left behind and the facts that:

(A) Maliki’s coalition never wanted or requested ‘combat’ troops in fear of a foreign invasion such as ISIS.

(B) Obama wouid have kept US military ‘trainers’ in Iraq had they been given immunity.

(C) Maliki feared his non-Shiite political enemies and had built a police state that drive a deeper wedge between Sunnis and Shiites. - ISIS exploited that sectarian divide and the terror that ensued in Iraq was allowed to fester under Maliki’s lack of inclusive leadership.

Good source for the facts I have presented you:

Probably too much for an idiot hater to read and comprehend.

The prime minister, Dodge said, is "consolidating an authoritarian regime, the ramifications of which are rather stark" and he urged the United States to "adopt a policy to combat this rising dictator." He has gone from the last man standing to a direct and profound threat to any remnants of Iraqi democracy."

Maliki began by targeting the military, the courts, and the ministries. As the U.S. military, in particular the U.S. Special Forces, transferred responsibility to their Iraqi counterparts, Maliki created several special brigades within the army as counter-terrorism brigades and moved them out of the defense ministry to report directly to him. The office of commander-in-chief was moved to the prime minister’s office and staffed with friends loyal to him. He then consolidated the police and army into one office under one general in order to control all security functions. His special operations forces, which Iraqis refer to as Fedayeen al-Maliki, a term reminiscent of Saddam’s infamous fedayeen Saddam, number approximately 4,200 and are under his direct control.

Dodge and others note that by retaining the title and role of defense and interior minister, moving special security units out of the defense ministry, streamlining the military hierarchy, and controlling high-ranking appointments, Maliki has circumvented the military chain of command and, in effect, coup proofed the military. He has also moved to tighten control over the intelligence and security services. As in Saddam’s time, Iraq now has six separate intelligence services overseeing each other and everyone else. According to Dodge’s figures, 933,000 people are employed in the Iraqi Security Forces, an estimated 8 percent of the Iraqi workforce and twelve percent of the male population. Other sources describe Maliki as targeting midlevel intelligence-officers to drive them out if they are seen as threats to him. The effect has been to undermine the coherence of the chain of command and fracture the ability to produce and utilize actionable intelligence. Shiite security forces masquerading as militias maintained secret prisons, conducted kidnappings and targeted killings with apparent impunity. Dodge estimates that given Maliki’s control over special security, intelligence, police, and prisons, no one in Iraq’s growing security apparat would dare challenge him.

Maliki's manuevering in Iraq

As in Saddam’s time, Iraq now has six separate intelligence services overseeing each other and everyone else. According to Dodge’s figures, 933,000 people are employed in the Iraqi Security Forces, an estimated 8 percent of the Iraqi workforce and twelve percent of the male population. Other sources describe Maliki as targeting midlevel intelligence-officers to drive them out if they are seen as threats to him. The effect has been to undermine the coherence of the chain of command and fracture the ability to produce and utilize actionable intelligence.”“

And ignorant and lying Obama haters frantically place Maliki (the new Saddam) on a pedestal of profoundly wise leadership in order to debase the US President who inherited the need to work with Maliki following the quagmire and mess in the Middle East. A ness that Trumpo says was originally caused by the lying George W Bush in 2003 when he decided to invade Iraq.
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Oldstyle, post: 21500088
Obama was trying his best to cover his little bony ass after misjudging ISIS badly!

The truth is more importantly that Obama didn’t misjudge Mallki.

Maliki was the Prime Minister of Iraq, He alone is responsible for allowing the rise of ISIS in Sunni areas of Iraq. But a hater like you would not try to comprehend the impact of Maliki’s program against Iraq’s Sunni populace. There was nothing about ISIS to be misjudged because Maliki set Iraq on the path where ISIS used violence and terror against Muslims. Obama was correct to not get Americans killed and wounded in the coalition he organized to help the Iraqis rid themselves of the terror group.

Maliki had to go as part of the commitment by the US to join the fight.

It’s hard to believe you have compassion for Muslims being killed by those who commit terror in the name of Islam.

Bullshit. The invasion of Iraq was launched from Syria. Of course certain Sunnis in Iraq joined ISIS but for the most part ISIS was made up of Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries. These weren't civil wars.

They were fucking invasions. Backed by the Gulf States with our help in the west of course.
If the neo cons cared so much about defeating ISIS why the hell are they letting Chechen ISIS members fight for Ukraine in the east. Along with the nazi battalions?

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