Trump raises over $12 million in a meeting with tech giants in San Francisco.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
According to one of the billionaire attendees, many of the donors had always supported the Democratic Party but have soured on Biden's tendency for over-regulation. Good thing the Democrats have named Kamala Harris the AI Czar, that ought to turn them around.

According to one of the billionaire attendees, many of the donors had always supported the Democratic Party but have soured on Biden's tendency for over-regulation. Good thing the Democrats have named Kamala Harris the AI Czar, that ought to turn them around.

You can't understand that there is a 30-70 split at MAX, in any city USA.
Any City.
So who cares that the CULT wastes more of their MONEY $$$$$ in any city.

Please Donate your Hard Earned $$$ to POS trump.
Do it.

I will NEVER send a $ to ANY politician.
But you do you.
No wonder the greatness of The Donald is increasingly seen as him being the bringer of light (our Christ ) and also financial strength -- Gold

It is so satisfying that there is such a direct link between being the Christ and also the God of Gold and therefore salvation .

And more and more we see that Universe is built on this notion
( meaning "gold") in Greek mythology is a god and the personification of gold.
Seems scripture is being revealed in the coming of The Donald as the world saviour .
Biden has sucked for years now but Democrats seem to be only finding that out now. Or maybe it's just that they know all his possible replacements also really suck and they want to keep them hidden as long as possible. MAGA
I’ll bet a lot of those Silicon Valley execs are not fans of Trump personally but they know Trump is better for their business and the country as opposed to Biden-Harris..
more like they know "Obama" is dumb and he is making all of the destructive decisions.
Biden has sucked for years now but Democrats seem to be only finding that out now. Or maybe it's just that they know all his possible replacements also really suck and they want to keep them hidden as long as possible. MAGA

No, the entire party and administration sucks.

Biden is one weak minded and weak bodied old man that even in his younger days was an idiot. There is absolutely no way what is happening to America is happening by his hand. His entire party and administration are making it happen. All he does is sign and say what he is told to, it's all the rest of them that are responsible in the end.

The only thing his party is unhappy with is how weak he is and that he isn't polling better so more people are willing to go a long with their ideas. He isn't able to make people believe in their plans, that's what they don't like.

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