Trump rallies in Mich., touting economy and diplomacy and blasting media

Trump rallies in Mich., touting economy and diplomacy and blasting media

I guess Trump is most comfortable when he's running for he's holding campaign events?
Hasn't anyone told him he won..and it's time to get to work?


President Trump bragged about his economic and diplomatic accomplishments and savaged the media during a raucous rally Saturday before thousands of supporters in a state that is critical to his reelection hopes.
The campaign-style event held at the Total Sports Park was billed as counterprogramming to the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in the nation’s capital, which the president skipped for the second consecutive year
“You may have heard I was invited to another event tonight,” the president told a crowd that began gathering under cloudy skies hours before the scheduled 7 p.m. kickoff. “I’d much rather be in Washington, Mich., than Washington, D.C.”
The president treated the crowd, dotted with the familiar “Make America Great Again” hats, to his customary litany of immigration complaints, gibes at prominent Democrats including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and boasts about purchases of “brand-new” military equipment.
The president also complained that the media had not given him sufficient credit for making possible Friday’s meeting between leaders of the two Koreas, saying he had “everything” to do with it.
He also predicted that he would achieve the “all-time record” for appointing conservative judges and boasted that his tax and economic policies were working.

At nearly 80 minutes long, the rambling tour d’horizon was lengthier than most State of the Union addresses and featured nods to space travel, the price of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, promises of “crystal clean water,” entertainer Kanye West and plans to rehabilitate local infrastructure.

Trump showcased themes for the fall election campaign, warning Republicans against complacency and claiming that Democrats would raise taxes, welcome unlimited numbers of illegal immigrants into the country and whittle away at gun rights.

He brushed aside polls warning of a Democratic wave heading for congressional Republicans, predicting, “We’re going to win the House.”

Less than 20 minutes into the speech, as Trump jumped from assailing former FBI director James B. Comey to the European Union in a speech that appeared largely unscripted, some in the mostly white and older crowd headed for the exits.

You lefties haven't stopped campaigning.

Your desire to have a free hand to spread your lies is denied.
LoL! Uhh..OK. I must point out that you have no power to deny anyone anything---the only lie I'm seeing right now is where you try, once again, to paint me as a 'lefty'---it must really chaff you that those of us in the center are rejecting your polemic.

When we ignore your desire and act in such a way that you don't get what you want.

we have denied you.

And you are not the center. The Center is not going to be upset that the President held a rally.
So you say...I submit that you do not define the center and what interests/concerns we have.

The fact that the President seems to NEED a rally--that his ego is so fragile--is what is of concern.

BTW...if I were a Trump fan...I'd avoid the word 'lies' at all costs---given this President's indifferent attitude towards the factual truth.

You want to argue that Trump is not the center?

Sure. Fine. What of his policies makes him NOT the center?

His radical desire to bring back jobs?

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