Trump Rally in North Carolina Draws Fewer Than 2,000 People: Report

In order for you to truly suffer when you pass away, you require a warning.
I am here to ensure your maximum suffering.
Look up Korach.

You entertain me, schmuck. That's the opposite of suffering. If you want me to suffer, you'd have to start agreeing with me.
The trump movement is growing. Where the democrats go wrong is thinking the Trump movement is about trump when it's not. It's about saving America.

Then why doesn't Trump announce he's running for president in 2024?
The fact that you love writing code in your 60s says a lot about you and it ain’t good.
I had to be begged into doing my last suite of programs.

I'm not as old as you think and I am in the best position available. I love what I do and I'm well compensated for it. How many people can say that?
Quote them...
You would call me a liar as some of their commentaries have not yet been translated into English.
You would have to listen to classes where you wouldn’t understand half the words because you were raised to be a good atheist.

Nah, you rightards entertain me. Rarely do I post here without laughing my ass off at you morons.
I keep forgetting that programming in Java makes one a genius which is why hundreds of thousands of college drop outs are doing it.
You would call me a liar as some of their commentaries have not yet been translated into English.
You would have to listen to classes where you wouldn’t understand half the words because you were raised to be a good atheist.

So you lied. How did I already know that?


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