Trump rant: Haitians ‘all have AIDS’ & Nigerians would never ‘go back to their huts’ after seeing US

The people who give a shit lost the election. Fuck off. Dump your fucking trash on someone else’s shore...
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you know, if it wasn't for dogs and cats, I swear that up to half the people in China would only be eating rice and trees
"They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there."

"they would never “go back to their huts” in Africa, recalled the two officials, who asked for anonymity to discuss a sensitive conversation in the Oval Office."

Those fall under the headings of "someone said..", "latest polls show..", "The American people believe..". and "I heard somewhere.."

It's not "journalism" when you can just make up shit and pass along rumors.

More nothingburgers with a side order of fake news.
I was there! It was their cousins brothers next door neighbors room mates postman's barber who said it!
i wonder what the NYT's wil claim of what Trump secretly said about Polish People come 3 or 4 weeks
Trump talks like a salesman often speaking in exaggerations.

I saw a program about the extreme poverty in Haiti and the effects of the earthquake. Many of the women turn to prostitution and HIV is a major problem.
You're saying many Haitian women are whores? Great.
When the choice is either be a whore or starve to death (woman and children)....yes. And that also means there are lots of male whores buying their services.
Trump talks like a salesman often speaking in exaggerations.

I saw a program about the extreme poverty in Haiti and the effects of the earthquake. Many of the women turn to prostitution and HIV is a major problem.
You're saying many Haitian women are whores? Great.
When the choice is either be a whore or starve to death (woman and children)....yes. And that also means there are lots of male whores buying their services.
Sounds like a successful society they've got going over there. On the up side, the price of mud pies has recently dropped.
Donald Trump is a white nationalist. I use to be one and this is a clear sign that he is.
If that true, good for Trump. Third worlders are the violent, congenitally stupid, jealous dregs of humanity who are always trying to leech a free ride off us. Fuck Haiti and fuck Africa.
I hope trump stops immigration in its tracks. We don't need to turn American into a third world shithole just to satisfy others.
We have enough problems of our own without importing more. Let's fix America.

Africa is a huge place, help the people there, no need to bring them here. Same with the middle east. Keep them over there.

Chain immigration and Anchor Babies should be stopped immediately.

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