Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia

While it is easy to mock our President for failing to use the term Radical Islamic Terrorists like he did so often on the campaign trail, I actually commend Trump for allowing sanity to supersede his campaign hate rhetoric

Trump's speech was actually pretty good and closely follows the speeches made by Bush and Obama

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We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?
so the coast guard
the army
the dept of energy....

all these agencies are actively looking for trump-data and yet all we have so far are anon sources.

now i'm trying to discuss this and you're just trying to get shots in. crap like that is annoying so just let me know if the only thing you're here for is to insult and make fun of people and i'll be glad to slide you to ignore.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

Obama refused to give him the good weapons for fear they would end up in terrorist hands. Trump gave him all the new high tech toys.

This will turn out badly.
this the same obama who nuclear-ized iran and sent 'em a few billion $$$ in the night?

LOL!!!!!!!!!! my lord you will fall for anything! the cash we gave them was part of the deal & it was theirs to begin with. & that stupid STOOOOOOOPID video you think you & your orange overlord saw was file footage.

what a dupe.
LOL my lord you will fall for anything!!!!

yea, it wasn't ransom either. and if "legal" why dead of night hush hush crap? again, if trump did it you'd never let it go. obama did it so it's just fine.

the days of 1 side can do what the other can't need to end and end quickly. if it's stupid and shouldn't be done - it's for BOTH DAMN SIDES.

i got no problem with living by 1 set of rules. why do liberals?

The Obama administration gave Iran "$400 million in ransom payment cash."
Donald Trump on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 in remarks in Michigan

Was Obama's $400 million payment to Iran 'ransom'?


Says he saw videotape "of the people taking the money off the plane" to pay ransom to Iran for hostages.
Donald Trump on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 in a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Donald Trump says he didn't see video of cash being transferred for ransom after all
By Louis Jacobson on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 2:59 p.m.

Donald Trump didn't see hostage cash video after all

While it is easy to mock our President for failing to use the term Radical Islamic Terrorists like he did so often on the campaign trail, I actually commend Trump for allowing sanity to supersede his campaign hate rhetoric

Trump's speech was actually pretty good and closely follows the speeches made by Bush and Obama

YEA!!!!! he can read. he just cannot stay on script for long. remember his SOTU address? how long b4 that barely there 'inside voice' filter breaks down again? hopefully not while he's on the road.
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?
so the coast guard
the army
the dept of energy....

all these agencies are actively looking for trump-data and yet all we have so far are anon sources.

now i'm trying to discuss this and you're just trying to get shots in. crap like that is annoying so just let me know if the only thing you're here for is to insult and make fun of people and i'll be glad to slide you to ignore.

oh bullshit. please iggy me. you will be the first that i know of. when i do show verifiable non biased links, they are either ignored or the standard spewed reply is that it is fake news. whaaaaaaaa....
While it is easy to mock our President for failing to use the term Radical Islamic Terrorists like he did so often on the campaign trail, I actually commend Trump for allowing sanity to supersede his campaign hate rhetoric

Trump's speech was actually pretty good and closely follows the speeches made by Bush and Obama

YEA!!!!! he can read. he just cannot stay on script for long. remember his SOTU address? how long b4 that barely there 'inside voice' filter breaks down again? hopefully not while he's on the road.

Again, you need to take any Trump speech with a grain of salt

I think he said the appropriate things to the Saudis, but we all know he will go back to his Muslim hate rhetoric once he gets back
How do you enhance your program if you destroy all your centerfuges and get rid of all your enriched uranium that you spent years building up?

And Iran along with North Korea have sterling reputations for keeping their word.

Gullible people, such as yourself along with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama would, of course, leap at the chance to suck up to both countries caring not a wit if we are placed in more danger.
Sure Trump can say "Radical Islamic Terrorists" in front of his racist hordes........but chickens out in front of actual Muslims

You missed the speech, didn't you?

A shame really, you could have learned what a true leader looks like with fifty heads of Muslim states. You might wish to get accustomed to seeing America LEADING from the FRONT instead of your beloved leader's position, that from behind.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!

This is why I can't stand Republicans. They don't even care when they get caught lying or being hypocrites. Why should they? If it doesn't bother voters that they lie, why stop being such bold faced liars and hypocrites?

Do you remember Donald Trump slamming Michelle Obama for not wearing a head scarf? Well his little whore of a wife didn't wear a head scarf either.

Between stealing Michelle's speeches to this, Melania Trump sooo badly wishes she had 1/10th the grace and style that Michelle has. Melania is basically a high priced call girl who married her john. That's it. And I don't even dislike Melania. I'm just saying it like it is. Is she Donald wife or caregiver? How does she fuck that fat fuck liar and hippocrite? She probably doesn't.
How do you enhance your program if you destroy all your centerfuges and get rid of all your enriched uranium that you spent years building up?

And Iran along with North Korea have sterling reputations for keeping their word.

Gullible people, such as yourself along with petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama would, of course, leap at the chance to suck up to both countries caring not a wit if we are placed in more danger.

Lets see...

Iran agreed to destroy their centrifuges and get rid of their stock of enriched uranium. That process was confirmed by international inspections before sanctions were lifted
Iran also agreed to continued inspections to ensure they are complying with the terms of the treaty. Those inspections have confirmed they are still in compliance. Even Trump's State Department agreed with the assessment.

We are all safer thanks to President Obama
Sure Trump can say "Radical Islamic Terrorists" in front of his racist hordes........but chickens out in front of actual Muslims

You missed the speech, didn't you?

A shame really, you could have learned what a true leader looks like with fifty heads of Muslim states. You might wish to get accustomed to seeing America LEADING from the FRONT instead of your beloved leader's position, that from behind.

The speech was Obama Lite

What did Trump say in his speech that Obama or Bush had not already said?
... teabaggers spent 8 yrs bashing Obama for not using the term, how soon we forget

Right-wing apes finding it's hard to walk like man.

And they don't even mind being hypocrites. Why is that I wonder? Have any of them ever admitted they are just political hacks who will trash their opponent for things they themselves do?

Have affairs, lie, crony capitalism, sending jobs overseas, not read a bill before signing it, use a private server for classified information. Republicans do all these things but then call out Democrats when they do it. Why do they get away with it? Because their stupid constituents don't mind.

Remember they made a big deal about Obama not being born in the USA but then a lot of them wanted to nominate Ted Cruz who was born and lived in Canada for many many years before moving to the US? They said "well his mom is an American and that's all that matters". Well so is Obama's mom. Do Republicans even realize they are hypocrites? Sometimes I don't think they are smart enough to know they are liars. They are being lied to so they repeat the lies. Brainwashed people don't know they are brainwashed.
OK Trumpites........

Trump called Islam "one of world’s great faiths"

Ready to impeach him yet?
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

Obama refused to give him the good weapons for fear they would end up in terrorist hands. Trump gave him all the new high tech toys.

This will turn out badly.
this the same obama who nuclear-ized iran and sent 'em a few billion $$$ in the night?

LOL!!!!!!!!!! my lord you will fall for anything! the cash we gave them was part of the deal & it was theirs to begin with. & that stupid STOOOOOOOPID video you think you & your orange overlord saw was file footage.

what a dupe.
LOL my lord you will fall for anything!!!!

yea, it wasn't ransom either. and if "legal" why dead of night hush hush crap? again, if trump did it you'd never let it go. obama did it so it's just fine.

the days of 1 side can do what the other can't need to end and end quickly. if it's stupid and shouldn't be done - it's for BOTH DAMN SIDES.

i got no problem with living by 1 set of rules. why do liberals?

The Obama administration gave Iran "$400 million in ransom payment cash."
Donald Trump on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 in remarks in Michigan

Was Obama's $400 million payment to Iran 'ransom'?

View attachment 128098

Says he saw videotape "of the people taking the money off the plane" to pay ransom to Iran for hostages.
Donald Trump on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 in a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Donald Trump says he didn't see video of cash being transferred for ransom after all
By Louis Jacobson on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 2:59 p.m.

Donald Trump didn't see hostage cash video after all


I take it that you realize that the far left site, Politifact has proven that they have no credibility. They are owned and operated by the same editor, writers, and facilities as the far left Tampa Bay Times.
Obama refused to give him the good weapons for fear they would end up in terrorist hands. Trump gave him all the new high tech toys.

This will turn out badly.
this the same obama who nuclear-ized iran and sent 'em a few billion $$$ in the night?

LOL!!!!!!!!!! my lord you will fall for anything! the cash we gave them was part of the deal & it was theirs to begin with. & that stupid STOOOOOOOPID video you think you & your orange overlord saw was file footage.

what a dupe.
LOL my lord you will fall for anything!!!!

yea, it wasn't ransom either. and if "legal" why dead of night hush hush crap? again, if trump did it you'd never let it go. obama did it so it's just fine.

the days of 1 side can do what the other can't need to end and end quickly. if it's stupid and shouldn't be done - it's for BOTH DAMN SIDES.

i got no problem with living by 1 set of rules. why do liberals?

The Obama administration gave Iran "$400 million in ransom payment cash."
Donald Trump on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 in remarks in Michigan

Was Obama's $400 million payment to Iran 'ransom'?

View attachment 128098

Says he saw videotape "of the people taking the money off the plane" to pay ransom to Iran for hostages.
Donald Trump on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 in a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Donald Trump says he didn't see video of cash being transferred for ransom after all
By Louis Jacobson on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 2:59 p.m.

Donald Trump didn't see hostage cash video after all


I take it that you realize that the far left site, Politifact has proven that they have no credibility. They are owned and operated by the same editor, writers, and facilities as the far left Tampa Bay Times.
i've seen politifact get busted hard for lying about people and they didn't even care. kinda a "yea, so - they suck".

which is a very liberal mindset. if they don't like you, lying is ok. but if you don't like then, you're racist, *'ist, and whatever else they whine about today.
Obama refused to give him the good weapons for fear they would end up in terrorist hands. Trump gave him all the new high tech toys.

This will turn out badly.
this the same obama who nuclear-ized iran and sent 'em a few billion $$$ in the night?

LOL!!!!!!!!!! my lord you will fall for anything! the cash we gave them was part of the deal & it was theirs to begin with. & that stupid STOOOOOOOPID video you think you & your orange overlord saw was file footage.

what a dupe.
LOL my lord you will fall for anything!!!!

yea, it wasn't ransom either. and if "legal" why dead of night hush hush crap? again, if trump did it you'd never let it go. obama did it so it's just fine.

the days of 1 side can do what the other can't need to end and end quickly. if it's stupid and shouldn't be done - it's for BOTH DAMN SIDES.

i got no problem with living by 1 set of rules. why do liberals?

The Obama administration gave Iran "$400 million in ransom payment cash."
Donald Trump on Sunday, August 21st, 2016 in remarks in Michigan

Was Obama's $400 million payment to Iran 'ransom'?

View attachment 128098

Says he saw videotape "of the people taking the money off the plane" to pay ransom to Iran for hostages.
Donald Trump on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 in a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Donald Trump says he didn't see video of cash being transferred for ransom after all
By Louis Jacobson on Friday, August 5th, 2016 at 2:59 p.m.

Donald Trump didn't see hostage cash video after all


I take it that you realize that the far left site, Politifact has proven that they have no credibility. They are owned and operated by the same editor, writers, and facilities as the far left Tampa Bay Times.
No, you guys have no credibility. Why would you when your leader is such an obvious liar? It's really astounding.

Here is another example of what hypocrites you are. Remember you cared that Bill Clinton might have smoked some pot back in college? Then you turn around and nominate a coke snorting drunk. So I shouldn't be surprised that Trump himself had a problem with Michelle not wearing a scarf but then his own whore doesn't wear a scarf. Just funny you guys don't care how obvious you are. And funny how voters don't care what liars you are.

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