Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia

And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


We knew Trump was being a stupid hypocritical liar in the past when he called Michelle out for not wearing a scarf. These are just the "I told you so" moments when we are proven right. Obama wasn't doing a bad job. That was just politics. Unfortunately it's too late. The American people were duped and they'll have to live with it 3 more years.

This isn't the first or last time trump will be a hypocrite. Not surprising. What is surprising is how you might not even actually realize he's a hypocrite. Did you know at the time that you were playing politics when you were angry at Michelle Obama or were you sincere? Because if you were sincere then this is proof you are stupid and brainwashed. Because today we see Melania not wearing a head scarf. Where is your outrage?

This is our only point. We don't care if Melania wears a headscarf. We care that you don't care that she's not wearing a headscarf when you cared so passionately that Michelle didn't. I don't think you know Fox is playing with you. If you at least admitted you realized it back then that you were being hypocritical liars then I would have some respect for you but I don't think you know how dumb you really are like I know and Trump knows. Trump knows because he played your stupid asses.

So why should we ever care in the future what you say if your fake outrage over Obama's scarf was a lie?

Reminds me of the debt and real unemployment numbers. We don't hear Republicans talking about these two things because

A. It's not an election year
B. They are in charge.

Here is another example. You guys cared about how much Michelle Obama was costing us but now that Trump's family is costing us 100 times that, you don't care. You are worthless Americans. Please go to war and drive on a IED.
well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
and that's been my main point to anyone crying SEVENTEEN!!!! very few are qualified or care about this area of our laws. but hey, 17 sounds more impressive than 3.

And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


Republicans kept saying McMaster suggests Trump won’t say ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ in speech

Hey look! Republicans actually get it:

White House national security adviser H.R. McMaster suggested that President Trump may abandon the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" in a scheduled speech in Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

"The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," McMaster said on ABC's "This Week." "But I think it's important that, whatever we call it, we recognize that [extremists] are not religious people.

So next time Republicans are in the minority, don't believe a fucking word they say because they aren't being honest. They're just playing politics.

he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.

The point is that the Saudis are fucking assholes and are playing us for suckers

Having done business with the Saudis, I can tell you that they are not as sophisticated as you give them credit for. Some of them are astute businessmen, but the majority are overfed, pompous, do-nothing rich guys. If not for the Pakis and Phillipinos, nothing would get done in that country because Saudis do not do physical labor.

They are in a desperate situation, the Iranians are trying to become the center is Islam, the Saudis no longer are the only game in town on oil, they have virtually no other natural resources and do not have enough arable land to feed their people. Making a deal with Trump to take out ISIS, and the other radicals, is in their national interest.

The US is becoming self sustaining in energy....The Saudis no longer have us by the balls

Why our leaders continue to suck up to them is beyond me
for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations
he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.

The point is that the Saudis are fucking assholes and are playing us for suckers

Having done business with the Saudis, I can tell you that they are not as sophisticated as you give them credit for. Some of them are astute businessmen, but the majority are overfed, pompous, do-nothing rich guys. If not for the Pakis and Phillipinos, nothing would get done in that country because Saudis do not do physical labor.

They are in a desperate situation, the Iranians are trying to become the center is Islam, the Saudis no longer are the only game in town on oil, they have virtually no other natural resources and do not have enough arable land to feed their people. Making a deal with Trump to take out ISIS, and the other radicals, is in their national interest.

The US is becoming self sustaining in energy....The Saudis no longer have us by the balls

Why our leaders continue to suck up to them is beyond me

Trump did say they just purchased billions of dollars worth of airplanes and military stuff from us. I don't mind taking their money.
well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.

Didn't you read your own article malaka?

Using the word "Islamic," a reference to the religion, in the same breath as "terrorism" could be seen by Muslims as an affront to their faith and actually play into the terrorists' -- reasons why President Barack Obama assiduously avoided the combination during his presidency.

"Islamist," meanwhile, refers to political movements that seek to implement Islamic law and theology, making it less objectionable to Muslims when paired with "terrorism," the idea goes.

Trump, however, often repeated the more controversial "radical Islamic terrorism" on the campaign trail in a deliberate and implicit criticism of Obama, implying that Obama was weak.

Trump's speech marked a departure from his rhetoric on the campaign and in the Oval Office. Although the prepared remarks referred to "Islamist extremism," Trump actually referred to both "Islamists" and "Islamic extremism," as well as "Islamic terror," in the speech.

On Sunday night, a senior White House official said Trump's decision to say "Islamic extremism" instead of "Islamist extremism" as written in his prepared remarks was not intentional but the product of exhaustion brought on by the rigorous travel schedule.

Words matter jackass. Especially when talking to people who don't speak English. Fucking idiots.

Didn't you read your own article malaka?

Using the word "Islamic," a reference to the religion, in the same breath as "terrorism" could be seen by Muslims as an affront to their faith and actually play into the terrorists' -- reasons why President Barack Obama assiduously avoided the combination during his presidency.

"Islamist," meanwhile, refers to political movements that seek to implement Islamic law and theology, making it less objectionable to Muslims when paired with "terrorism," the idea goes.

Trump, however, often repeated the more controversial "radical Islamic terrorism" on the campaign trail in a deliberate and implicit criticism of Obama, implying that Obama was weak.

Trump's speech marked a departure from his rhetoric on the campaign and in the Oval Office. Although the prepared remarks referred to "Islamist extremism," Trump actually referred to both "Islamists" and "Islamic extremism," as well as "Islamic terror," in the speech.

On Sunday night, a senior White House official said Trump's decision to say "Islamic extremism" instead of "Islamist extremism" as written in his prepared remarks was not intentional but the product of exhaustion brought on by the rigorous travel schedule.

Words matter jackass. Especially when talking to people who don't speak English. Fucking idiots.
Stop being a whiny pousti. You're spitting your pubic hairs.
actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
and that's been my main point to anyone crying SEVENTEEN!!!! very few are qualified or care about this area of our laws. but hey, 17 sounds more impressive than 3.

so you gonna be dumb enough to say each of the 17 are doing independent investigations?
actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.
funny. if given the choice the liberals would rather be run by a foreign entity than trump.

proven daily.
17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
and that's been my main point to anyone crying SEVENTEEN!!!! very few are qualified or care about this area of our laws. but hey, 17 sounds more impressive than 3.

so you gonna be dumb enough to say each of the 17 are doing independent investigations?

Whatever douchbag. Who cares? The point I think should be that last week you liars and idiots were saying "where's the proof?"

Flynn To Take The 5th, Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate Panel

I don't know, you tell me where the proof is?

So do you really think the FBI has no proof? If that were true the investigation would be over. But what's probably true is that this probably goes all the way to the top. But we don't have "proof" of that yet. So the investigation is ongoing.

Will you even care if Trump did collude with Russia? My guess is no you will not. You put party over country every time.
17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.
funny. if given the choice the liberals would rather be run by a foreign entity than trump.

proven daily.
You would rather be ruled by the elites than We the People.

only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
and that's been my main point to anyone crying SEVENTEEN!!!! very few are qualified or care about this area of our laws. but hey, 17 sounds more impressive than 3.

so you gonna be dumb enough to say each of the 17 are doing independent investigations?

Whatever douchbag. Who cares? The point I think should be that last week you liars and idiots were saying "where's the proof?"

Flynn To Take The 5th, Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate Panel

I don't know, you tell me where the proof is?

So do you really think the FBI has no proof? If that were true the investigation would be over. But what's probably true is that this probably goes all the way to the top. But we don't have "proof" of that yet. So the investigation is ongoing.

Will you even care if Trump did collude with Russia? My guess is no you will not. You put party over country every time.

still asking for proof. 17 agencies? hillary was touting this during the campaign. nothing new esp since that was WELL BEFORE last week now wasn't it?

i put country first. i don't attack obama cause i don't like him. i don't pretend i know more than obama cause i don't like him. if hillary won - id not like it, but i'd try to do what i can when i can to help push *all* of us forward.

i have no idea WHAT the fbi has, but the FBI and/or CIA are the ONLY ones of the 17 that likely have JACK SHIT about this.

if trump is guilty according to todays law - fry him. if hillary is ever found guilty for her "crimes - fry her too.

now stop making asinine assumptions about what i'd do and try asking for a change.

let the investigation run it's course and lets see what they find. instead you sit here on a daily/hourly basis declaring victory. that mindset alone only means if they don't find it YOUR WAY then THEY will be wrong - people ahead of country...

you seriously limit HOW you can react on a long term basis cause you twist up your panties by the minute.

only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.
funny. if given the choice the liberals would rather be run by a foreign entity than trump.

proven daily.
You would rather be ruled by the elites than We the People.
you'd rather think that than listen to reason and an alternative view.

ergo - our biggest problem today on both sides of the spectrum. just that behavior. guilty until your fucking ass agrees with me.

only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.
funny. if given the choice the liberals would rather be run by a foreign entity than trump.

proven daily.
You would rather be ruled by the elites than We the People.
We the people decided and now it's the elites with the backing of airheads like you that are trying to re-establish their rule. If Hollywood, the media, two political dynasties and two political parties have failed, what chance does a simple-minded pousti have?
OP isn't sourced and is just an opinion and flame, and thus does not belong in this forum. Another loser for the sackster.
only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

How come Republicans aren't all up in arms after McMaster said "The president will call it whatever he wants to call it," ?

How come Republican voters didn't understand this last year when Obama was smart enough not to make this a war with Islam?

It almost seems like Republicans would have liked Obama to fuck up and start a holy war. They were pushing him to call it radical islam. But now we see even Republicans are too smart to do that.

But it is sad they would play politics with something like this. They wanted Obama to fuck up, even if that meant starting a holy war. Whatever it takes to win elections. Apparently Republicans care more about winning then they do this country. They care more about power than country.

If given a choice would Republicans rather live in a good America run by liberals or WW3 run by them, they'd rather be in power.
funny. if given the choice the liberals would rather be run by a foreign entity than trump.

proven daily.
You would rather be ruled by the elites than We the People.
We the people decided and now it's the elites with the backing of airheads like you that are trying to re-establish their rule. If Hollywood, the media, two political dynasties and two political parties have failed, what chance does a simple-minded pousti have?
heh - and hollywood are *not* elites. :) good point.

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