Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia

You are the one who should be upset.

And yet I am so delighted! The more Trump gets under your skin and into your head in a BIG WAY the better off the nation is keeping you at your keyboard where you can do the least harm!
He doesn't get under my skin. It's only a matter of time, maybe months now, before he is impeached and resigns. The corrupt always undo themselves given time. Because of that dumbass you elected we will soon have Medicare for all. Congrats on that one.
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Whatever douchbag. Who cares? The point I think should be that last week you liars and idiots were saying "where's the proof?"

Flynn To Take The 5th, Refuses To Turn Over Documents To Senate Panel

I don't know, you tell me where the proof is?

So do you really think the FBI has no proof? If that were true the investigation would be over. But what's probably true is that this probably goes all the way to the top. But we don't have "proof" of that yet. So the investigation is ongoing.

Will you even care if Trump did collude with Russia? My guess is no you will not. You put party over country every time.

still asking for proof. 17 agencies? hillary was touting this during the campaign. nothing new esp since that was WELL BEFORE last week now wasn't it?

i put country first. i don't attack obama cause i don't like him. i don't pretend i know more than obama cause i don't like him. if hillary won - id not like it, but i'd try to do what i can when i can to help push *all* of us forward.

i have no idea WHAT the fbi has, but the FBI and/or CIA are the ONLY ones of the 17 that likely have JACK SHIT about this.

if trump is guilty according to todays law - fry him. if hillary is ever found guilty for her "crimes - fry her too.

now stop making asinine assumptions about what i'd do and try asking for a change.

let the investigation run it's course and lets see what they find. instead you sit here on a daily/hourly basis declaring victory. that mindset alone only means if they don't find it YOUR WAY then THEY will be wrong - people ahead of country...

you seriously limit HOW you can react on a long term basis cause you twist up your panties by the minute.
Nonsense. Most of us are sitting quietly and patiently waiting for the outcome. If Trump didn't fire Comey we'd still be sitting quiet. If Flynn didn't get caught we'd still be sitting quiet. But add everything up and things look fishy.

And I agree, none of this means anything. I'm still rooting for Trump. If he brings jobs back and wages up, I'll forgive all this. But him and the Republicans haven't done shit, just as I expected. A part of me thinks the GOP likes these controversies. They distract us from the fact Republicans are either doing nothing or they are up to no good.

Trump signs orders that take aim at Dodd-Frank

Isn't that the protections we put in place after the last recession? Where we insisted banks keep reserve money on hand in case of an emergency? Looks like Republicans want to keep banks too big to fail. So when it happens again we will have to bail them out.

Trump signs orders that take aim at Dodd-Frank

This is the same old Republican bullshit. I'm not going to sit back and let Trump ruin America like Bush did. When he does something good I'll praise him for it. Like today when he said Saudi Arabia just purchased billions in airline and defense stuff from the USA. That's good. They were probably going to do that before Trump took office so him saying it out loud doesn't make me want to vote for him.

Bottom line, does he bring jobs home and wages up? That's all I care about. This other stuff makes him look bad but no one cares if they are saving money.
except the odd part of todays politics is we spend the next admin mostly undoing what the previous admin does cause THEY screwed up the country.

neither side, nor the rest of us, are ever going to get anywhere good with the mindset we typically carry now.

and that's why.

Then stop it! Obama wasn't doing that bad of a job. Republicans obstructed his good ideas. Now, after 8 long years of obstruction, Republicans want to put in place their bad ideas again. Tax breaks to the rich, deregulations, do away with pre existing conditions.

I'm sorry but we don't go along with Republican ideas, not because we are playing politics but because we know those ideas are bad.

And what's funny is the Democrats haven't had the power to block anything. Republicans have a majority in both houses and can't seem to get anything passed. Why? Because their constituents don't like the policies they're trying to pass. The rich people who fund their campaigns desperately want those bills passed but it's not so easy getting those bills past voters.


and they have a point. a childish one but a point.

so when the next power flip happens, we dig this pile of shit deeper. and deeper. and guess what - deeper. when does it end? when do we scream ALL OUT OF THE POOL and reboot our collective stupidity?

and not all of obama's ideas were good. many were forced acceptance of what HE and others of like mine FELT were good. but if the reaction you see is any indication of why hillary couldn't continue these policies, then you should realize enough people didn't like what these "good ideas" were nor how he chose to carry them out.

all this "well i know why you suck" mentality will allow you to sell yourself any trunked up idea of why we're this screwed up but any "premise" that puts the blame soley on one side IS THE EXACT FUCKING REASON we're this fucked up.

we're all to blame. and we *all* need to "just stop it".
The only way to get something done is to convince both parties.

Middle class first, fair trade deals, stop illegal immigration, etc. Unless Republicans go along seems nothing gets done.

I don't think the American people deserve a liberal democracy. Only 50% of us vote every 4 years. Even less vote every 2.
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,
Why do you need a list of 17? Look it up yourself or state what it is you are trying to say.
When you tell someone like Johnny nappysack 9 times in a row that he's an idiot do you really need to tell him a 10th time?

They know how he feels. He has said it 100 times at least. They got the message idiot. That is why they met him at the base of the stairs.
he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.

The point is that the Saudis are fucking assholes and are playing us for suckers

Having done business with the Saudis, I can tell you that they are not as sophisticated as you give them credit for. Some of them are astute businessmen, but the majority are overfed, pompous, do-nothing rich guys. If not for the Pakis and Phillipinos, nothing would get done in that country because Saudis do not do physical labor.

They are in a desperate situation, the Iranians are trying to become the center is Islam, the Saudis no longer are the only game in town on oil, they have virtually no other natural resources and do not have enough arable land to feed their people. Making a deal with Trump to take out ISIS, and the other radicals, is in their national interest.

The US is becoming self sustaining in energy....The Saudis no longer have us by the balls

Why our leaders continue to suck up to them is beyond me

because they are a stabilizing force in the mid east. But they need us more than we need them. I did not see or hear Trump say anything that would be considered "sucking up".
well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA

They are all top secret organizations

yeah, so what? I had a top secret and SAP clearance, but I was never involved in investigating political activity.

I know that saying 17 makes you feel cool and justified, but its a fallacy to pretend that any agency except the FBI, CIA, and NSA would be involved in the Trump/Russia, Clinton/Russia, or Clinton e-mail investigations.
We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.

those pollsters are the same ones that said Hillary would win in a landslide and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They are lying to you, they have an agenda that does not include truthful polling.

Trump is doing what American presidents are supposed to do. I get it that you may not like him personally----------------tough shit.

And no polls indicate that the majority of Americans support President Snowflake.

But hey- go ahead and just believe what your Dear Leader tweets to you- no different than the rest of the voices in your head that you defer to.

and no polls said he was going to beat the hildebeast--------------but he did.

but hey - go ahead and believe whatever your left wing masters tell you to believe, you are a sheep. Baaa Baaa,Baaa.
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.

those pollsters are the same ones that said Hillary would win in a landslide and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They are lying to you, they have an agenda that does not include truthful polling.

Trump is doing what American presidents are supposed to do. I get it that you may not like him personally----------------tough shit.

And no polls indicate that the majority of Americans support President Snowflake.

But hey- go ahead and just believe what your Dear Leader tweets to you- no different than the rest of the voices in your head that you defer to.

and no polls said he was going to beat the hildebeast--------------but he did.

but hey - go ahead and believe whatever your left wing masters tell you to believe, you are a sheep. Baaa Baaa,Baaa.

And no polls indicate that the majority of Americans support President Snowflake.

But hey- go ahead and just believe what your Dear Leader tweets to you- no different than the rest of the voices in your head that you defer to
While it is easy to mock our President for failing to use the term Radical Islamic Terrorists like he did so often on the campaign trail, I actually commend Trump for allowing sanity to supersede his campaign hate rhetoric

Trump's speech was actually pretty good and closely follows the speeches made by Bush and Obama


remember when i said that very fragile 'inside voice' filter of agent orange was gonna fuck up soon enough?

bada bing - bada boom. :beer:
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he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,
i've seen the list.

the dept of energy?
coast guard?

there's only a few on that list that care or would even be able to investigate it, but since they're all rolled into 1 UBER agency, people say SEVENTEEN to make it more credible.

1 person more or less spoke for all 17 so not all 17 said "yes, yes we looked and found evidence!"

latest questioning from january's intel...

Ex-CIA chief Brennan says Trump-Russia inquiry 'well-founded'
  • 23 May 2017

Former CIA Director John Brennan has said an investigation into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin is "well-founded".

He told the House Intelligence Committee he was aware of intelligence showing contact between Russian officials and "US persons involved in the Trump campaign".

Mr Brennan said the Russians "brazenly interfered" in last November's US elections and were "very aggressive".

But he said he did not know if the Trump campaign colluded with Moscow.

Mr Brennan, who stepped down as CIA director in January, testified on Tuesday: "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and US persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals.

"It raised questions in my mind whether or not Russia was able to gain the co-operation of those individuals."

His evidence undercuts President Donald Trump's claim that the investigation is a "taxpayer funded charade".

Ex-CIA chief Brennan says Trump-Russia inquiry 'well-founded' - BBC News

Trump refuses to say "Radical Islamic Terrorists" and the next day ISIS attacks a concert

A show of Trumps weakness as a leader
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.

those pollsters are the same ones that said Hillary would win in a landslide and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They are lying to you, they have an agenda that does not include truthful polling.

Trump is doing what American presidents are supposed to do. I get it that you may not like him personally----------------tough shit.

And no polls indicate that the majority of Americans support President Snowflake.

But hey- go ahead and just believe what your Dear Leader tweets to you- no different than the rest of the voices in your head that you defer to.

and no polls said he was going to beat the hildebeast--------------but he did.

but hey - go ahead and believe whatever your left wing masters tell you to believe, you are a sheep. Baaa Baaa,Baaa.
Hey dummy... The polls predicted Hillary winning the popular vote, she did by 3 million. The only state they got wrong was Michigan which they had as leaning left. The rest they got the colors right or marked as toss ups.
Jesus, here we go right off with another Liberal crackpot pointing out all the flaws in the president! I wonder how long they worked on that one. You know it is pretty desperate when they use a picture of big Trump bending over so that the small sheik can put a necklace around his neck and they call it "bowing like Obama."

You are 100% correct. Progressives utter desperation is almost palpable. They're insane with anger that President Donald Trump is being hailed around the world and receiving standing ovations for the message that America is, indeed, back leading the world instead of cowering and gushing with apologies.

The behavior of the Progressives here, and on virtually every thread is most amusing, laughable really.
Jesus, here we go right off with another Liberal crackpot pointing out all the flaws in the president! I wonder how long they worked on that one. You know it is pretty desperate when they use a picture of big Trump bending over so that the small sheik can put a necklace around his neck and they call it "bowing like Obama."

You are 100% correct. Progressives utter desperation is almost palpable. They're insane with anger that President Donald Trump is being hailed around the world and receiving standing ovations for the message that America is, indeed, back leading the world instead of cowering and gushing with apologies.

The behavior of the Progressives here, and on virtually every thread is most amusing, laughable really.
Its not just progressives... There are plenty of good hearted conservatives that can't stand Trump either.

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