Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia


his RW drone collective wasnt in the audience to hit a knee and shuk him off.

putrid old bastard
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....

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why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.

those pollsters are the same ones that said Hillary would win in a landslide and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. They are lying to you, they have an agenda that does not include truthful polling.

Trump is doing what American presidents are supposed to do. I get it that you may not like him personally----------------tough shit.
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.

And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?
Because he knew he couldn't con Obama. All you need is a gold medal. And after all our 5 time Vietnam war deferment bone spur guy did try to buy a Medal of Honor.
Wonder why he didn't mention 911?
So now we continue to supply weapons to both sides, Shias and Sunnis. Maybe our great manufactoring base coming back?
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.

Nice foul mouth and CAPS.
Boy the trumpies are hilarious, blood coming out of her wherever? Normal rube speak?
Or are you sucking off your socialist benefits?
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.

Nice foul mouth and CAPS.
Boy the trumpies are hilarious, blood coming out of her wherever? Normal rube speak?
Or are you sucking off your socialist benefits?

only used them in response to your suck buddy Siete.

the only benefits that I am using are the ones I paid for, unlike you.

Trump used tact and strength in his Saudi speeches, that is why he is respected by world leaders, unlike his predecessors.
We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!

Ignorant as usual. Just another liberal jackass trying to find something to attack out of an historic and monumental foreign visit. To read this jackass, you'd think they held a gun to Trump's head and dared him to use certain words. You know Obama never used any words there because when he went to visit, the Saudis sent a Yellow Cab to pick him up at the airport and put him up in a motel on the outskirts of town.
And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.

The point is that the Saudis are fucking assholes and are playing us for suckers
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,
i've seen the list.

the dept of energy?
coast guard?

there's only a few on that list that care or would even be able to investigate it, but since they're all rolled into 1 UBER agency, people say SEVENTEEN to make it more credible.

1 person more or less spoke for all 17 so not all 17 said "yes, yes we looked and found evidence!"
the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,

And the funny thing is, these aren't even important things. Who cares that he bashed Obama for doing something he today is doing himself? I do. I know the topic isn't important. Who cares if they wear a head scarf or not? That's not the point. The point is Republicans get caught playing politics and they don't even seem to be embarrassed. Pathetic.


he railed RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST almost every campaign speech, and how CROOKED HILLARY REFUSED TO USE IT, and we would never defeat ISIS if she didnt ...

the topic isnt important I'll agree, but Trumps candy ass is certainly worth a mention,

almost forgot .....


he did not use those 3 words in that sequence. But he used them clearly and told the Saudis that its up to them to rid the terrorists from their country, their mosques, and their religion. There was no ambiguity about it. The Saudis understood exactly what was being said.

This is much ado about nothing.


Obama said the same thing in 2009
Bush said the same thing in 2001

What's your point? That the other two guys failed to follow up? that the other 2 guys were liars?

My take on it is that the arabs understood that Bush and Obozo were not strong leaders who could back up their words and therefor ignored them.

The next few months should be very telling. But I understand, you expected Trump to do everything in the first 4 months. or is it that you only have talking points that are negative towards Trump?

your credibility on this board is very near zero.

The point is that the Saudis are fucking assholes and are playing us for suckers

Having done business with the Saudis, I can tell you that they are not as sophisticated as you give them credit for. Some of them are astute businessmen, but the majority are overfed, pompous, do-nothing rich guys. If not for the Pakis and Phillipinos, nothing would get done in that country because Saudis do not do physical labor.

They are in a desperate situation, the Iranians are trying to become the center is Islam, the Saudis no longer are the only game in town on oil, they have virtually no other natural resources and do not have enough arable land to feed their people. Making a deal with Trump to take out ISIS, and the other radicals, is in their national interest.
he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,
i've seen the list.

the dept of energy?
coast guard?

there's only a few on that list that care or would even be able to investigate it, but since they're all rolled into 1 UBER agency, people say SEVENTEEN to make it more credible.

1 person more or less spoke for all 17 so not all 17 said "yes, yes we looked and found evidence!"

I want to see what the forest service has dug up on the collusion allegation.
he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".

for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
for now.

something you & the other 30% "can't accept".

well we can accept the liberal side shits kittens and cries like little bitches when they don't get their way. thank you for validating that.

actually it's the 17 intelligence agencies we gots finding out all kinds of juicy tidbits surrounding the yam man.

but you go on breathing that methane filled gas you find that has filled your little bubble. what's gonna happen to your delusions when it <POPS> ?

17 intelligence agencies? all looking for the mystical Trump/Russia collusion, right?

could you list those 17 agencies and verify that every one of them is working on this?

Give us a list of the 17,


only 3 of those actually do this kind of investigating. FBI, CIA, and NSA
and that's been my main point to anyone crying SEVENTEEN!!!! very few are qualified or care about this area of our laws. but hey, 17 sounds more impressive than 3.

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