Trump refused to use the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" in Saudi Arabia

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

ONE important reason.......Obama was a strong critic of Saudi Arabia human rights' violations...especially toward Saudi women..........The Saudi king feels a strong kinship with Trump since they BOTH treat women like slaves......
Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

ONE important reason.......Obama was a strong critic of Saudi Arabia human rights' violations...especially toward Saudi women..........The Saudi king feels a strong kinship with Trump since they BOTH treat women like slaves......
Nope! Obama was considered weak by them.
So exactly what is the point of your picture? How does that cobble up in your mind to DRAFT DODGING? Another stupid liberal lie?


student deferments are draft dodging no matter whether it's trump or a (D). YOU brought it up & ali did it because of conscience. that's the difference dimbulb.

Actually that is NOT what your picture shows. Since you don't know what it shows I guess you just made up the lie. But Student deferrement was used for millions of STUDENTS to finish their college education, and for students who failed in high school to get to finish high school. So a student deferrement was a common thing liberal idiot.
The date of the picture you show is dated 4/28/11 the records BURNED in July of 1973 so your paper is probably a reconstruction of questionable accuracy. BOO HOOO BOOGER EATING dumb liberal shit HOO.


'...Thanks to a 2011 Freedom of Information Act request by the website, Trump’s Selective Service record is available to anyone...'

Was Trump a 'draft dodger'?

no need to keep a damn thing. google a few key words & voila! instant trump crap just pops up so damn fast.
so there is "no" left crap of equal stupidity? or do you ignore/excuse it but attack the other side for it?

both sides are not equal no matter how you slice or dice what the 'GOP' has done. btw... i'm sure i look quite lefty to you. i'll bet i have voted for more (R) than you have (D)s.
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

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It's hypocrisy at its finest. Easy to talk tough at a Rally but when it comes to speaking on a global stage with Muslim leaders he goes against his rhetoric and jumps to the obama talking points. The fact that he didn't use the words show that they are interpreted as an insult to the Muslim community, and that it's not smart for our leaders to be divisive. Glad he is learning

Did you watch the speech?


And still talking out of your ass...
I watched it. Sounded like a poor rewrite of an obama speech

you obviously did not listen to it. No one who listened could possibly compare it to anything that Obama ever said on his apology tour.

'apology tour' = another debunked bullshit story dupes still spew.
It's hypocrisy at its finest. Easy to talk tough at a Rally but when it comes to speaking on a global stage with Muslim leaders he goes against his rhetoric and jumps to the obama talking points. The fact that he didn't use the words show that they are interpreted as an insult to the Muslim community, and that it's not smart for our leaders to be divisive. Glad he is learning

Did you watch the speech?


And still talking out of your ass...
I watched it. Sounded like a poor rewrite of an obama speech

You mean Barry's speech that calls fight on radical Islamist terrorism? When did it happen?
Trump didn't call for that. Remember, he forgot to say those all so important words. Hmm wonder why?

soooooooooo..... that must mean that he DOESN'T have the best words after all?
Did you watch the speech?


And still talking out of your ass...
I watched it. Sounded like a poor rewrite of an obama speech

You mean Barry's speech that calls fight on radical Islamist terrorism? When did it happen?
Trump didn't call for that. Remember, he forgot to say those all so important words. Hmm wonder why?
On a personal level, do you think a Muslim extremist is considered radical?
It's all word games... there are terrorist/ jihadists... then there are islamists of varying extremes just as there are in all religions

like when obama was blasted by the right wing fundie crowd becaus he didn't say 'god bless america' during a thanksgiving speech. :ack-1: the horror!
so there is "no" left crap of equal stupidity? or do you ignore/excuse it but attack the other side for it?

both sides are not equal no matter how you slice or dice what the 'GOP' has done. btw... i'm sure i look quite lefty to you. i'll bet i have voted for more (R) than you have (D)s.
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

he's still president.

something you and many others "can't accept".
so there is "no" left crap of equal stupidity? or do you ignore/excuse it but attack the other side for it?

both sides are not equal no matter how you slice or dice what the 'GOP' has done. btw... i'm sure i look quite lefty to you. i'll bet i have voted for more (R) than you have (D)s.
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

We didn't vote for Trump to care about poll numbers. We voted for him in order to make America great again and he's succeeding. We've taken this country back so we can become what the founders inspired it to be, a Nationalist nation.
so there is "no" left crap of equal stupidity? or do you ignore/excuse it but attack the other side for it?

both sides are not equal no matter how you slice or dice what the 'GOP' has done. btw... i'm sure i look quite lefty to you. i'll bet i have voted for more (R) than you have (D)s.
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

LOL- how many times did you assholes whine about President Obama not using the term "radical Islamic Terrorists" like using the term would stop all terrorism.

Now that President Snowflake is in office- you don't give a damn about the term.

both sides are not equal no matter how you slice or dice what the 'GOP' has done. btw... i'm sure i look quite lefty to you. i'll bet i have voted for more (R) than you have (D)s.
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

Obama refused to give him the good weapons for fear they would end up in terrorist hands. Trump gave him all the new high tech toys.

This will turn out badly.
this the same obama who nuclear-ized iran and sent 'em a few billion $$$ in the night?
why would i take that or any bet? you look like an emo rager to me who will gladly see the worst in someone you hate and not give a damn about similiar actions from the rest.

sure i am sure. trump has been slime for decades only in it for himself. from his housing discrimination with fred to his not paying his bills to trying to steal an old woman's thru eminent domain- to his multiple infidelities & flaunting it to his pussy grabbing. it's ALL there sweety.

We get it, you don't like Trump. Tough shit, he is president and a majority of americans support him. Hillary lost, Obama was a failure, deal with reality for once.

the majority of americans do not support him. only the die hard 30%. his ratings are tanking by the day. something that walking mango can't accept which is why he brings it up & passes out maps of the electoral college to his captive audience.

30% does not put someone in the whitehouse. you are delusional. His detractors are localized on the left coast and the northeast. The rest of the country supports what he is doing to fix the mess created by obozo and 20 years of liberalism in both parties.

And by the' rest of the country' you mean that he has the lowest level of support of any President at this point in his presidency.

President Snowflake in action.
yet, still president.
I guess when the rubber hits the road, instant flat tires on the Trumpmobile

looks like Agent Orange is finally appreciating Obama's outstanding diplomatic skills, bout time!
Shut up Johnny Applesack-Of-Shit! Watch his speech. The Muslims are very aware of how Trump feels about radical Islam.

Oh, if Obama had outstanding diplomatic skills, why did the Saudi King not go out to greet him at the steps of Air Force One like he did with Trump?

The Saudi people will watch this speech carefully and in coffee houses across the country they will smile and say that President Trump's failure to use this term means that their king has manipulated President Trump into backing off this rhetoric. They will say that the king bought President Trump off cheap with some arms. President Trump had previously said that the Saudis had so much money he would make them pay, but instead his son in law banged a US CEO at Lockheed for a lower price. The Saudis know all of this and will think that their King is playing our guy. That's what they'll think.

This is why although I like the trip so far I am sorely disappointed that he doesn't say it to their face, because it makes us seem weak and knuckling under to economic payoffs.

No. It doesn't make us seem weak. It makes him seem like the hypocrite that he is.

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