Trump releases seven-point health care reform plan

If we are going to have mandatory insurance, it should be mandatory for all. The foundation for health insurance is based on collecting premiums from both the healthy and the not so healthy. If the young people don't participate, then that leaves only the not so healthy and premiums will rise sharply. Obamacare is an attempt to maintain private health insurance in lieu of a single payer. It's better than than nothing but not what it should be.

What most either ignorant or dishonest right wingers conveniently forget is that the individual mandate was wholly a conservative idea and a good/fair one at that. Back in the early1990s the Heritage Foundation introduced the mandate as the ONLY way to mitigate the high cost of health insurance..
My fellow democrats when right wingers bitch and moan about the individual mandate to have health insurance simply ask them WHO originally came up with the mandate concept........That usually has them either scratching their empty heads, or has them scatter to other threads.
My fellow democrats when right wingers bitch and moan about the individual mandate to have health insurance simply ask them WHO originally came up with the mandate concept........That usually has them either scratching their empty heads, or has them scatter to other threads.

One guy working at one think tank invented the mandate. That doesn't mean everyone on the right agreed with it, numskull.
Most of these recommendation have been around for years. Take for example removing barriers that keep insurance companies from operating across state lines. Currently 70% of health insurance companies do operate across state lines although none operates in every state. The number has increased since Obamacare which forced state regulators to take a backseat to federal regulations. There are a number of barriers that keep insurance companies within state lines, none of which are federal laws and regulation. State laws and regulations are still a major barrier. The only way the federal government can solve that problem is to usurp the power of the states to regulate insurance.

Increasing competition between insurance companies will have little effect on healthcare cost because the profit margin of health insurance companies are typically 4% to 5% and insurance companies have never been successful at forcing lower cost on providers. The real cost is delivering healthcare, not insurance.
And those of us who didn't like Obamacare, and who wanted to involve the marketplace wanted to do away with much of the insurance market. Basically, use the tax expenditures of employer sponsored and Obamacare to GIVE people the money the employers will just keep under TrumpyourCare in the form of tax credits. Doctors and hospitals would be encouraged to advertise prices and success rates for procedures, and people could use their own judgment.
Most of these recommendation have been around for years. Take for example removing barriers that keep insurance companies from operating across state lines. Currently 70% of health insurance companies do operate across state lines although none operates in every state. The number has increased since Obamacare which forced state regulators to take a backseat to federal regulations. There are a number of barriers that keep insurance companies within state lines, none of which are federal laws and regulation. State laws and regulations are still a major barrier. The only way the federal government can solve that problem is to usurp the power of the states to regulate insurance.

Increasing competition between insurance companies will have little effect on healthcare cost because the profit margin of health insurance companies are typically 4% to 5% and insurance companies have never been successful at forcing lower cost on providers. The real cost is delivering healthcare, not insurance.
And those of us who didn't like Obamacare, and who wanted to involve the marketplace wanted to do away with much of the insurance market. Basically, use the tax expenditures of employer sponsored and Obamacare to GIVE people the money the employers will just keep under TrumpyourCare in the form of tax credits. Doctors and hospitals would be encouraged to advertise prices and success rates for procedures, and people could use their own judgment.
Doctors and hospitals advertising prices would at best be misleading because there is no way knowing what the total cost will be of treatment and patients would not be able to compare costs. There are many tools available now for patient estimate costs.

Comparison shopping is complex for patients, as well as confusing and nearly impossible, because outcomes are variable, success isn't guaranteed (compare your expectations for medical care to the purchase of a car or refrigerator) and different therapeutic approaches have different outcomes for different patient populations.

Yeah, and we can't shop for car repairs for the same reasons . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
The cost of repairing a car can be determining accurately enough that the shop can give you a fixed price before the work starts which makes cost comparison relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's not possible with most serious diseases. In fact, the healthcare provider often can't even guarantee a fix at any price.

Car repairs can be determined accurately because there is competition in the car repair industry. Costs can't be determined accurately in the healthcare industry because there is no competition. There's no motive for a provider to determine it's costs accurately. It simply bills the insurance company after the fact.
Cost of treating a disease can't be determined in advance because humans do not all react the same to a given treatment. If you blow a car engine, the mechanic can give you an exact price of replacing the engine and can guarantee it. There is no way of determine what the total cost of replacing a heart will be and there can be no guarantee of success. Comparing healthcare to auto repair is an apples and oranges comparison.
And those of us who didn't like Obamacare, and who wanted to involve the marketplace wanted to do away with much of the insurance market. Basically, use the tax expenditures of employer sponsored and Obamacare to GIVE people the money the employers will just keep under TrumpyourCare in the form of tax credits. Doctors and hospitals would be encouraged to advertise prices and success rates for procedures, and people could use their own judgment.
And those of us who didn't like Obamacare, and who wanted to involve the marketplace wanted to do away with much of the insurance market. Basically, use the tax expenditures of employer sponsored and Obamacare to GIVE people the money the employers will just keep under TrumpyourCare in the form of tax credits. Doctors and hospitals would be encouraged to advertise prices and success rates for procedures, and people could use their own judgment.
Doctors and hospitals advertising prices would at best be misleading because there is no way knowing what the total cost will be of treatment and patients would not be able to compare costs. There are many tools available now for patient estimate costs.

Comparison shopping is complex for patients, as well as confusing and nearly impossible, because outcomes are variable, success isn't guaranteed (compare your expectations for medical care to the purchase of a car or refrigerator) and different therapeutic approaches have different outcomes for different patient populations.

Yeah, and we can't shop for car repairs for the same reasons . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
The cost of repairing a car can be determining accurately enough that the shop can give you a fixed price before the work starts which makes cost comparison relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's not possible with most serious diseases. In fact, the healthcare provider often can't even guarantee a fix at any price.

Car repairs can be determined accurately because there is competition in the car repair industry. Costs can't be determined accurately in the healthcare industry because there is no competition. There's no motive for a provider to determine it's costs accurately. It simply bills the insurance company after the fact.
Cost of treating a disease can't be determined in advance because humans do not all react the same to a given treatment. If you blow a car engine, the mechanic can give you an exact price of replacing the engine and can guarantee it. There is no way of determine what the total cost of replacing a heart will be and there can be no guarantee of success. Comparing healthcare to auto repair is an apples and oranges comparison.

They can't guarantee success, but they can determine the cost of each procedure. Furthermore, some price competition would bring the price down.
One guy working at one think tank invented the mandate. That doesn't mean everyone on the right agreed with it, numskull.

The Heritage Foundation boils down to ONE guy.....Gee, what a waste of funds. LOL
No, but one guy wrote the proposal on a healthcare program that included the mandate. Most right-wingers don't want government getting involved in healthcare at all.
When right wingers were bitching about HillaryCare....the document below was embraced by them....Just ask Romney and Gingrich.


A few pages down into the “Heritage Plan,” Butler proposes the individual mandate:

When right wingers were bitching about HillaryCare....the document below was embraced by them....Just ask Romney and Gingrich.


A few pages down into the “Heritage Plan,” Butler proposes the individual mandate:


Romney is a profound RINO. It's always surprising what Gingrinch supports, but it's often not what the rank and file supports.

You still haven't proved my point wrong. One guy in the Heritage think tank proposed healthcare mandates.
What I really like is the emphasis on expanded Health Savings Accounts, and the shift in tax deductibility to individuals. Another excellent proposal is price transparency.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.

3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.

5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.

7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

Full Health Care reform plan can be read here >>> Healthcare Reform
The whole across state lines is one of the more retarded things the GOP comes up with. Try getting help in California when your insurance company fucks you over from New York. These tards are truly ignorant. Is it a medical condition? Tardness?
What I really like is the emphasis on expanded Health Savings Accounts, and the shift in tax deductibility to individuals. Another excellent proposal is price transparency.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.

3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.

5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.

7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

Full Health Care reform plan can be read here >>> Healthcare Reform
The whole across state lines is one of the more retarded things the GOP comes up with. Try getting help in California when your insurance company fucks you over from New York. These tards are truly ignorant. Is it a medical condition? Tardness?
Hey man one day we'll have a way to communicate over the airwaves with a device. In the meantime pigeons work great for getting messages across long distances, so don't knock the idea
Romney is a profound RINO. It's always surprising what Gingrinch supports, but it's often not what the rank and file supports.

You still haven't proved my point wrong. One guy in the Heritage think tank proposed healthcare mandates.

Hey, as I've often stated on here, no one can fix right wingers' utter and abject STUPIDITY on these forums....So, think what you want, remain the idiot that you are and I simply don't give a flying fuck.......
Like all Republican health proposals I have seen, this one does nothing to provide comprehensive healthcare

How will Trump replace the exchanges once he repeals Obamacare?
Its not governments job to provide anything but the safety and security of its citizens.

In the real world the government FDA is fucking us along with the Big Pharma who are all in bed with each other.
Doctors are bound by law to only prescribe what is FDA is illegal to buy a cheaper drugs overseas.
The needed drugs are jacked up so high people have to go without them.
This documentary is about drugs and medical care ... it is highly recommended to watch and see why the medical system is as fucked up as it is right now..$$$$ ..

They don't rate our healthcare. They rate our health. The health of any given population is affected by more than just the quality of care they receive. Poor lifestyle choices play the dominate factor, like having babies before you are 18, and by being excessively overweight, and by smoking or drinking.

You obviously haven't been in a oncology waiting room... cancer doesn't care who in the fuck you are. Maybe take a walk into the children's ward of bald headed dying kids getting chemo. You don't know what the fuck your talking about.

What I really like is the emphasis on expanded Health Savings Accounts, and the shift in tax deductibility to individuals. Another excellent proposal is price transparency.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.

3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.

5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.

7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

Full Health Care reform plan can be read here >>> Healthcare Reform

The right has been trying to pass an alternative health care for the people with a pre-existing condition.
Its a pool that will be defunded in no time, and we will be right back where we started.

Hard working people find cancer one day and go through the $100.000 treatment, they continue to work until they are too sick .
Being now that they lost their insurance the medical costs have tripled. They go through their savings, sell their home ...Treatment is stopped because they are out of money. They die.

This was a regular case scenario before someone at least tried to stop the madness. Obamacare may not be perfect but it is a start.

Trumps plan has the same pool plan as all of the rest , it has nothing for the pre-excisting so people will continue to get screwed by the insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical companies.. And as usual the rich will get what they need.

What needs to be done is change the mandatory medical law in the hospital emergency rooms where the illegals go to like a doctors office. It is jammed packed and who foots the bill...We do ...this is why our insurance is so high.

Doctors and hospitals advertising prices would at best be misleading because there is no way knowing what the total cost will be of treatment and patients would not be able to compare costs. There are many tools available now for patient estimate costs.

Comparison shopping is complex for patients, as well as confusing and nearly impossible, because outcomes are variable, success isn't guaranteed (compare your expectations for medical care to the purchase of a car or refrigerator) and different therapeutic approaches have different outcomes for different patient populations.

Yeah, and we can't shop for car repairs for the same reasons . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
The cost of repairing a car can be determining accurately enough that the shop can give you a fixed price before the work starts which makes cost comparison relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's not possible with most serious diseases. In fact, the healthcare provider often can't even guarantee a fix at any price.

Car repairs can be determined accurately because there is competition in the car repair industry. Costs can't be determined accurately in the healthcare industry because there is no competition. There's no motive for a provider to determine it's costs accurately. It simply bills the insurance company after the fact.
Cost of treating a disease can't be determined in advance because humans do not all react the same to a given treatment. If you blow a car engine, the mechanic can give you an exact price of replacing the engine and can guarantee it. There is no way of determine what the total cost of replacing a heart will be and there can be no guarantee of success. Comparing healthcare to auto repair is an apples and oranges comparison.

They can't guarantee success, but they can determine the cost of each procedure. Furthermore, some price competition would bring the price down.
Yes, they can determine the cost of procedures but only procedures that they know will be require. Furthermore, once you are committed to the surgery and a hospital, you have practically no control what procedure will be used. For really expensive and complex medical treatments such as a heart transplant, you may have a half dozen doctors all proscribing different procedures and medications within their specialty.

My son in law died last year after three operations and two weeks in intensive care. He had at least 200 billable procedures and the total cost was about $370,000. You may be able to cost shop a yearly physical or the kids vaccinations but for really big healthcare cost, it's not possible because it's too complex and there are too many unknowns.

If the cost of every medical procedure code for ever medical provider were published, it would make little difference. Most people would still simply follow their doctors advice.
Yeah, and we can't shop for car repairs for the same reasons . . . . . . er, no, that's not right.
The cost of repairing a car can be determining accurately enough that the shop can give you a fixed price before the work starts which makes cost comparison relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's not possible with most serious diseases. In fact, the healthcare provider often can't even guarantee a fix at any price.

Car repairs can be determined accurately because there is competition in the car repair industry. Costs can't be determined accurately in the healthcare industry because there is no competition. There's no motive for a provider to determine it's costs accurately. It simply bills the insurance company after the fact.
Cost of treating a disease can't be determined in advance because humans do not all react the same to a given treatment. If you blow a car engine, the mechanic can give you an exact price of replacing the engine and can guarantee it. There is no way of determine what the total cost of replacing a heart will be and there can be no guarantee of success. Comparing healthcare to auto repair is an apples and oranges comparison.

They can't guarantee success, but they can determine the cost of each procedure. Furthermore, some price competition would bring the price down.
Yes, they can determine the cost of procedures but only procedures that they know will be require. Furthermore, once you are committed to the surgery and a hospital, you have practically no control what procedure will be used. For really expensive and complex medical treatments such as a heart transplant, you may have a half dozen doctors all proscribing different procedures and medications within their specialty.

My son in law died last year after three operations and two weeks in intensive care. He had at least 200 billable procedures and the total cost was about $370,000. You may be able to cost shop a yearly physical or the kids vaccinations but for really big healthcare cost, it's not possible because it's too complex and there are too many unknowns.

If the cost of every medical procedure code for ever medical provider were published, it would make little difference. Most people would still simply follow their doctors advice.

Sorry to hear about your son-in-law

I heard the word breast cancer 4 years ago, not only are you in shock but Its like they put you on a conveyor belt its Cha Ching $$$$$

You are right, things move way too fast to shop around when it is an emergency situation.

Like all Republican health proposals I have seen, this one does nothing to provide comprehensive healthcare

How will Trump replace the exchanges once he repeals Obamacare?
Its not governments job to provide anything but the safety and security of its citizens.

In the real world the government FDA is fucking us along with the Big Pharma who are all in bed with each other.
Doctors are bound by law to only prescribe what is FDA is illegal to buy a cheaper drugs overseas.
The needed drugs are jacked up so high people have to go without them.
This documentary is about drugs and medical care ... it is highly recommended to watch and see why the medical system is as fucked up as it is right now..$$$$ ..

They don't rate our healthcare. They rate our health. The health of any given population is affected by more than just the quality of care they receive. Poor lifestyle choices play the dominate factor, like having babies before you are 18, and by being excessively overweight, and by smoking or drinking.

You obviously haven't been in a oncology waiting room... cancer doesn't care who in the fuck you are. Maybe take a walk into the children's ward of bald headed dying kids getting chemo. You don't know what the fuck your talking about.

What I really like is the emphasis on expanded Health Savings Accounts, and the shift in tax deductibility to individuals. Another excellent proposal is price transparency.

Congress must act. Our elected representatives in the House and Senate must:

1. Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

2. Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines. As long as the plan purchased complies with state requirements, any vendor ought to be able to offer insurance in any state. By allowing full competition in this market, insurance costs will go down and consumer satisfaction will go up.

3. Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system. Businesses are allowed to take these deductions so why wouldn’t Congress allow individuals the same exemptions? As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.

4. Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate. These accounts would become part of the estate of the individual and could be passed on to heirs without fear of any death penalty. These plans should be particularly attractive to young people who are healthy and can afford high-deductible insurance plans. These funds can be used by any member of a family without penalty. The flexibility and security provided by HSAs will be of great benefit to all who participate.

5. Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.

6. Block-grant Medicaid to the states. Nearly every state already offers benefits beyond what is required in the current Medicaid structure. The state governments know their people best and can manage the administration of Medicaid far better without federal overhead. States will have the incentives to seek out and eliminate fraud, waste and abuse to preserve our precious resources.

7. Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products. Congress will need the courage to step away from the special interests and do what is right for America. Though the pharmaceutical industry is in the private sector, drug companies provide a public service. Allowing consumers access to imported, safe and dependable drugs from overseas will bring more options to consumers.

Full Health Care reform plan can be read here >>> Healthcare Reform

The right has been trying to pass an alternative health care for the people with a pre-existing condition.
Its a pool that will be defunded in no time, and we will be right back where we started.

Hard working people find cancer one day and go through the $100.000 treatment, they continue to work until they are too sick .
Being now that they lost their insurance the medical costs have tripled. They go through their savings, sell their home ...Treatment is stopped because they are out of money. They die.

This was a regular case scenario before someone at least tried to stop the madness. Obamacare may not be perfect but it is a start.

Trumps plan has the same pool plan as all of the rest , it has nothing for the pre-excisting so people will continue to get screwed by the insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical companies.. And as usual the rich will get what they need.

What needs to be done is change the mandatory medical law in the hospital emergency rooms where the illegals go to like a doctors office. It is jammed packed and who foots the bill...We do ...this is why our insurance is so high.


Today, we spend about 18% of GDP on healthcare. That percentage is going to rise regardless how we choose to pay for it. People are demanding more and better healthcare. As a nation, we're going to have to decide just how important is our health.
The cost of repairing a car can be determining accurately enough that the shop can give you a fixed price before the work starts which makes cost comparison relatively easy. Unfortunately, that's not possible with most serious diseases. In fact, the healthcare provider often can't even guarantee a fix at any price.

Car repairs can be determined accurately because there is competition in the car repair industry. Costs can't be determined accurately in the healthcare industry because there is no competition. There's no motive for a provider to determine it's costs accurately. It simply bills the insurance company after the fact.
Cost of treating a disease can't be determined in advance because humans do not all react the same to a given treatment. If you blow a car engine, the mechanic can give you an exact price of replacing the engine and can guarantee it. There is no way of determine what the total cost of replacing a heart will be and there can be no guarantee of success. Comparing healthcare to auto repair is an apples and oranges comparison.

They can't guarantee success, but they can determine the cost of each procedure. Furthermore, some price competition would bring the price down.
Yes, they can determine the cost of procedures but only procedures that they know will be require. Furthermore, once you are committed to the surgery and a hospital, you have practically no control what procedure will be used. For really expensive and complex medical treatments such as a heart transplant, you may have a half dozen doctors all proscribing different procedures and medications within their specialty.

My son in law died last year after three operations and two weeks in intensive care. He had at least 200 billable procedures and the total cost was about $370,000. You may be able to cost shop a yearly physical or the kids vaccinations but for really big healthcare cost, it's not possible because it's too complex and there are too many unknowns.

If the cost of every medical procedure code for ever medical provider were published, it would make little difference. Most people would still simply follow their doctors advice.

Sorry to hear about your son-in-law

I heard the word breast cancer 4 years ago, not only are you in shock but Its like they put you on a conveyor belt its Cha Ching $$$$$

You are right, things move way too fast to shop around when it is an emergency situation.

Yep, nobody says let's do some price comparisons in the middle of a heart attack. People who've not been exposed to serious healthcare problems have no idea.

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