Trump removed from Colorado ballot

You charged him with insurrection, there was a trial, he was acquitted. Time for you get over it.
There was no trial in a court of law...trump has stalled it happening. 57, a majority including republicans, of the senators found him guilty in the impeachment...others admitted he was guilty, but voted not to convict, because he had left office, already.
There was no trial in a court of law...trump has stalled it happening. 57, a majority including republicans, of the senators found him guilty in the impeachment...others admitted he was guilty, but voted not to convict, because he had left office, already.
You are telling us about a joke of an impeachment? it just shows how deep the corruption goes and highlights the fact Trump scares them shitless.
The DNC want him on the ballot....

It is the only way to rile their voters, to come to the polls and against Trump, by voting for Biden....

Otherwise, Biden will not pull democratic people to the voting booth.....
Bullshit. These bullshit lawsuits and the four indictments belies that canard. Trump retaking the WH scares the living crap out of your party leaders.
It's a primary ballot. RNC will just change the rules if it were to stand anyway.

Of course, the RNC is just as thoroughly corrupted, too. lol...
Bullshit. These bullshit lawsuits and the four indictments belies that canard. Trump retaking the WH scares the living crap out of your party leaders.
There are only two indictments by the federal govt and Jack Smith as special councel.

The rest are done by the individual State justice system.
There was no trial in a court of law...trump has stalled it happening. 57, a majority including republicans, of the senators found him guilty in the impeachment...others admitted he was guilty, but voted not to convict, because he had left office, already.
He was charged, there was a trial and he was a acquitted.

Biden DOJ has prosecuted over a thousand J6 defendants and hasn't charged a single one with insurrection.

Jack Smith has a gazillion counts against Trump, yet did not charge him insurrection.

Are you seeing a pattern here?
You probably mean the 14th Amendment Section 3 ( a leftover from our Civil War era).

I am just listening to Jonathan Turley ...
Leftover? :auiqs.jpg: Like all the amendments are leftovers?


And Turley? Oh my! He's the last word on...Judge Gabriel Thomas Porteous:whip:

Some years ago, academics and legal and political commentators began joining in a lament that eventually became a kind of trope: “What the heck has happened to Jonathan Turley?” The sad refrain recalled that George Washington University law professor Turley was once a serious and respected legal scholar—a civil libertarian who often constructively criticized liberal cant –and then observed that he had turned his energy into appearing all over the media, but especially welcomed the chance to be on Fox News. Turley, who acknowledges that he is a paid Fox News contributor, began to regularly pop up on the Fox shows that purport to be journalistic, but also the clownishly right-wing Fox & Friends in the morning and then the demagogic right-wing propaganda evening programming. He presented himself as a kind of Alan Dershowitz with table manners—his stance was that of one of the last remaining “principled liberals” speaking truth to leftist power.

In 2010, Turley joined the impeachment club again—this time, in defense of a United States District Court Judge in a Senate impeachment trial. Judge Gabriel Thomas Porteous had been impeached in the House on corruption and perjury charges, including for acts committed before entering office. As defense counsel, Turley went head-to-head against none other than Congressman Adam Schiff, who then served as house manager, or lead prosecutor, in the impeachment trial. Ultimately, Judge Porteous was convicted by the Senate and removed from the federal bench after a unanimous Senate vote. Turley had thrown out some arguments against impeachment on Porteous’s behalf, but they simply didn’t stick.

Then, in August 2014, as Republican contemplated impeaching Barack Obama, Turley put his impeachment expert hat on once again. “While there’s a high bar for what constitutes grounds for impeachment,” he wrote in the Washington Post “an offense does not have to be indictable.” He went on, “Serious misconduct or a violation of public trust is enough,” and noted that “[James] Madison saw impeachment as ‘defending the community against the incapacity, negligence or perfidy of the chief magistrate.”’ Per Turley, the founders also emphasized that impeachment was “about what happened in the political arena: involving ‘political crimes and misdemeanors’ and resulting in ‘political punishments.’”

I believe that Trump is guilty, and so does the CO Scotus.
Well I believe Joe Biden is guilty of selling us out to the Chinese and other potentially enemy nations for cash, so he should not be allowed on the Florida ballot.

Trump doesn't have to be proven guilty.
Trump was involved in crimes against the US government.

What is the 14th Amendment disqualification clause?

View attachment 875874
The Hill › homenews › campaign › 419062...
Sep 7, 2023 — At the center of the argument is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — a Reconstruction-era clause aimed to prevent those who held roles in the ...

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

View attachment 875875
That Amendment is a leftover from our Civil War Era.

Trump has not been convicted of leading or inciting an insurrection.

Now I realize we now have a new law system with four different levels.

Level 1 … Above the rule of law. Applies to high level Democrats and their offspring. They can do anything, including murder, and walk away scot-free.

Level 2 … For rich Americans. They can hire the best attorneys and often that helps them escape justice for their deeds.

Level 3 … The average or poor American. Often such unfortunates can not afford high priced attorneys and may even have to rely on court appointed legal aid.

Level 4 … Trump and his associates and supporters. Quilty until proven innocent. .

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