Trump renews call for negative U.S. interest rates

OK....USD is valued via supply and demand in terms of how it compares to other currencies. It correlates with the demand for our treasury notes. It is not an overly difficult concept to understand. Yet, you don't grasp it. Odd.

Well, what is it? Tell us. I'm not asking you for a concept. I'm asking you what it is.

What's the unit of acount for the dollar right now? What's a dollar worth?
Ah well. I'll let you Google or whatever you're doing. I'm hungry.

You won't find an answer, though. It's counterfeit. The only thing you're gonna find are more instances of counterfeit news promoting a counterfeit reality like the one you posted above. It's not backed by anything more than an ever-increasing IOU. Duh.

It's near impossible to define the dollar now. It's completely arbitrary.
Gee, a sleazy real estate developer with hundreds of millions in loans and troubled properties pushing negative interest rates. I wonder who that benefits most? Duh...

It was sarcams

Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Go Figure: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts
Revenues hit all time highs every year we aren’t in recession. The growth rate however shrank and now we have trillion dollar deficits.
Trump Tax-Cut Results: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs | Investor's Business Daily

Go Figure: Federal Revenues Hit All-Time Highs Under Trump Tax Cuts

From the article...The Treasury Department reported this week that individual income tax collections for FY 2018 totaled $1.7 trillion.

Now. Heh heh. Firstly, income tax is theft. And the 16th should be repealed.

Secondly, what you're calling Federal Revenues is actually just the Treasury bragging about how much the IRS is stealing and turning the fruits of our labor over to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that bond that the Federal Reserve bought with a check which is drawn on an account that has nothing in it. What, do you think it goes for muh roads? Pffft. Get real. lol.

Third, lets talk about those Treasury bonds that we're paying principal plus interest on. The stuff youre calling "Federal Revenues."

Do you know where they come from? How they come to exist?

I'll tell you.

They come to exist because of things like Trump's 2021 fiscal budget, a record breaker at 4.8 trillion dollars. The largest fiscal budget in American history, in fact.

Trump’s Budget: More Warfare, Slightly Less Welfare

It's no wonder ''Federal Revenues" at an all-time high. Who do you think has to pay for the things like the largest fiscal budget in American history?

What you're calling more Federal Revenues is just a way of saying the taxpayer is on the hook for record breaking principal plus interest on more government spending.

It's no wonder Americans only have about four cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power. lol.

Tell us what the unit of account is on a dollar, there, Azog. This oughtta be a hoot. Show us your wisdom.

Federal Revenues is actually just the Treasury bragging about how much the IRS is stealing and turning the fruits of our labor over to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that bond that the Federal Reserve bought

The Fed collected less than $103 billion in interest in 2019.
The Treasury collected about $3.5 trillion in taxes.

Why are you whining about less than 3% of revenues?
OK....USD is valued via supply and demand in terms of how it compares to other currencies. It correlates with the demand for our treasury notes. It is not an overly difficult concept to understand. Yet, you don't grasp it. Odd.

Well, what is it? Tell us. I'm not asking you for a concept. I'm asking you what it is.

What's the unit of acount for the dollar right now? What's a dollar worth?

It is worth 66 Russian Rubles.
Nope but the negative rate inference was. Sorry Achilles.

I don't think they'll let em go in the neg anyway. That'd trash the entire global economy. That bond bubble's already so blown up all it'd take is a pin prick for it to burst.
Would libertarians even realize that a transitional sound money economy was being planned to take over as the worldwide central banking system implodes? I say no.
Agreed. So then you concur with me that he was being sarcastic.

No, I donlt agree with you about that. Trump definitely wants neg rates. Th artificial interest rates are the only way he 's been able to pawn off a copletely distorted market as representing some kind of booming economy.

There are people within the Fed who are actually against the idea. Which is something new. Clearly they're aware that they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency.
Would libertarians even realize that a transitional sound money economy was being planned to take over as the worldwide central banking system implodes? I say no.

The BIS already told you what's being planned if you scroll up some.
Agreed. So then you concur with me that he was being sarcastic.

No, I donlt agree with you about that. Trump definitely wants neg rates. Th artificial interest rates are the only way he 's been able to pawn off a copletely distorted market as representing some kind of booming economy.

There are people within the Fed who are actually against the idea. Which is something new. Clearly they're aware that they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency.

There are people within the Fed who are actually against the idea.

Pretty much all of them.

Which is something new.

Who was if favor of negative rates before?

Clearly they're aware that they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency.

What do you mean?
Would libertarians even realize that a transitional sound money economy was being planned to take over as the worldwide central banking system implodes? I say no.

The BIS already told you what's being planned if you scroll up some.
Go research trump’s Fed picks. Have you ever heard of Judy Shelton? She’s in confirmation process as we speak and she’s a widely known anti-fed gold bug.

Trump is going to transition the economy into a sound money economy and he’s going to facilitate it by tanking the central bank system and using their worthless paper money to buy real assets for the country and provide tax cuts to the people along the way. I don’t care if you don’t believe it, it’s the truth and if you cared to research the matter it would become clear to you if you have any critical thinking ability whatsoever.
Agreed. So then you concur with me that he was being sarcastic.

No, I donlt agree with you about that. Trump definitely wants neg rates. Th artificial interest rates are the only way he 's been able to pawn off a copletely distorted market as representing some kind of booming economy.

There are people within the Fed who are actually against the idea. Which is something new. Clearly they're aware that they've lost the ability to control the cost of currency.
Agree to disagree
The second link, what you really wanna latch onto is this part prior to reading it any further...

These priorities include the progression of Fintech and global reforms to national payment systems. The BIS narrative of questioning the role of ‘money in the digital age‘, which began in the wake of Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidency, is central to these ambitions.

What that means literally is the BIS wants to remove all physical mediums of exchange. That means coin, paper currency, bonds, equities securities, etc. Aka cashless society. And there's a lot more to it than that. They basically want complete and total digital control over your finances. The 10,000 dollar transactions that already get reported to the IRS and to the federal government will gradually decrease. How quaint. And we're even seeing them do that with actual cash transactions in places like Australia now. Those limits will also continue to decrease under this plan so that every little transaction we make gets reported until they weed out physical mediums of exchange completely.

Global Debt Tops $188,000,000,000,000 – Officially The Biggest Debt Bubble The World Has Ever Seen

Moving forward...

New Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Introduces Digital Dollar And Digital Dollar Wallets

As the markets continue to drop and the U.S. looks to Congress for agreement on a massive stimulus package to save the economy from impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, the newest offer by House Democrats includes a very forward-looking kind of stimulus: the creation of a ‘digital dollar’ and the establishment of ‘digital dollar wallets.’ In what will send shock waves through the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, particularly for those following central bank digital currencies around the world, this signals the U.S. is serious in establishing infrastructure for a central bank digital currency.

Both Speaker Pelosi’s ‘Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act’ and the ‘Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act (H.R. 6321),’ introduced by Chairwoman Maxine Waters of Financial Services Committee, introduced these concepts today as a way of delivering the economic stimulus payments to U.S. citizens.

The bill establishes a digital dollar, which it defines as ‘a balance expressed as a dollar value consisting of digital ledger entries that are recorded as liabilities in the accounts of any Federal Reserve Bank or ... an electronic unit of value, redeemable by an eligible financial institution (as determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System).’ Additionally, a digital dollar wallet is identified as ‘a digital wallet or account, maintained by a Federal reserve bank on behalf of any person, that represents holdings in an electronic device or service that is used to store digital dollars that may be tied to a digital or physical identity.’

A mandate also requires all ‘member banks’ establish a ‘pass-through digital dollar wallet’ to all customers eligible for the stimulus. Member banks include those banks that are ‘members’ of the Federal Reserve and regulated by the Fed. Additionally, ‘Non-Member’ state banks - those that not members of the Federal Reserve and regulated by the FDIC - could opt-in to offer pass-through digital dollar wallets as well.

The Federal Reserve banks themselves would also make available a digital dollar wallet to any U.S. person eligible for the payments as well. Additionally, the U.S. Postal Service would aim to help unbanked individuals and/or those without proper ID to establish their identity be provided a digital dollar account, and would set up ATMs for customers to access their funds.


Let’s Pay the Stimulus in Digital Dollars

...The solution: We need a digital dollar, a currency that all Americans can use to transact in the 21st century economy. And this crisis offers an ideal opportunity to create it...


Fedcoin? The U.S. central bank is looking into it

Just by the fact they were already talking about it is an indicator that the infrastructure is in place. Al that was needed was a crisis in order to implement it.

Relevant reading...

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Firstly, various central banks are gradually rolling out digital currencies, as planned. Seems to be proceding smoothly, while everybody's looking the other way. Though, they did try to sneak digital currency policy into one of those corona bills. I'm sure they'll sneak it into other legislation soon. The earliest trials of digital currency occured in Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Singapore.

Secondly, digitization of liquid assets and cash, freeing them from any semblance of a connection to tangible, real assets continues to be the popular rage, as was previously mentioned. Basically they'll be modifying the value of currency at will. They're also absorbing the unbanked/underbanked into that gig.

There's a lot more to what's going on here if we just take a few steps back and look at the bigger portrait of current events. But whuheva. I'm just color commentating, I've no stake in it. Not really.

BIS Innovation Hub: The Gradual March To Central Bank Digital Currency Continues To Advance
To put it country simple, and borrowing in agreement from a fellow observer's thought on the matter, the implementation of digital currencies free the central bankers and speculators from having to use slower, clumsier means of manipulating stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They'll be able to walk away from their generational crime and fraud at the convenience of a push of a button.

It was always about bailing out the central bankers. And, man, did they conjur up and sell a good bullshit story on a global scale in order to get people to look the other way and to blame the destruction of the nation's economy on some new concoction of an invisible enemy instead of the real cause of it...the central bankers themselves.
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