Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Travel already cratered.

You can't sell shit to people with no money.

How does people sending Cubans money help us?

Again, how does giving Cubans welfare and healthcare help us?

It looks like your list is more what Cuba gets than us.
You know which industries HATED what Obama negotiated with Cuba and why Trump is reversing the policies???

The Casino industry
The Hotel industry
The Golf Courses' industry

(who benefits if the Cuban policy is reversed??? Mar-A Largo, anyone wink, wink, wink?)

So in other words American industries are hurt by Obama's deal with Cuba.

Got it. Thanks for pointing that out.
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?

But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

/---- Obozo made a bad deal as usual and President Trump as usual is cleaning up the mess

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No. If things start getting too tough, Trump will simply pull a Kobayashi Maru and have the laws changed around to beat the system. Whatever it takes. That is what he put Gorsuch in the SC for. Trump does not like to lose.

No wonder Trump is so upset, because he's lost on every policy fight, and the whole world is literally laughing at him.

Trump is a senile wimp. All non-wimps see that clearly. Only bigger wimps think he's some kind of tough guy.
No. If things start getting too tough, Trump will simply pull a Kobayashi Maru and have the laws changed around to beat the system. Whatever it takes. That is what he put Gorsuch in the SC for. Trump does not like to lose.

No wonder Trump is so upset, because he's lost on every policy fight, and the whole world is literally laughing at him.

Trump is a senile wimp. All non-wimps see that clearly. Only bigger wimps think he's some kind of tough guy.

/---- I called everyone in the whole world and they said Trump is a strong president and they respect him.

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You know which industries HATED what Obama negotiated with Cuba and why Trump is reversing the policies???

The Casino industry
The Hotel industry
The Golf Courses' industry

(who benefits if the Cuban policy is reversed??? Mar-A Largo, anyone wink, wink, wink?)
So you just proved your OP to be false.
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?


I'm sure you've heard this often.....but you are a true idiot !!!...But please don't take offense....

Here's an example for your limited acumen.....American Airlines was going to have a Miami to Havana flight, several times of that a loss of revenue for the airline AND a loss on the taxes that airline was going to pay to the Feds???

What about the foreigners who would use that airline? What about ......oh forget it, you're too dumb anyway.
No wonder Trump is so upset, because he's lost on every policy fight, and the whole world is literally laughing at him.

Trump is a senile wimp. All non-wimps see that clearly. Only bigger wimps think he's some kind of tough guy.

Oh, he is a miserable wimp.........Got away from serving in Vietnam because of "spurs in his ankles" and he later told Howard Stern that his "Vietnam" was fought while trying to avoid sexually transmitted diseases back in NY.
Who makes up these numbers? The left's numbers are based on potential earnings if everything went right and after the U.S. incurred most of the financial risk in a risky business. In other words they aren't real numbers. You almost gotta laugh at an image of the former president asking Cuba to release it's political prisoners and the old Castro brothers saying no and Hussein bowing and smiling. If you want to play poker with a former leader of the free world you couldn't choose a better patsy than Hussein. He'd probably cave in with a full house.
Trump must have worked out a deal with Putin to let Russians have the new markets in Cuba...and China must love this latest reversal........"MAKE RUSSIA AND CHINA GREAT AGAIN".....LOL
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Fuck cuba... we don't want to be involved with a communist/socialist shit hole…

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