Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

Lost jobs and tourism? Nah, we're just keeping the "pigs at bay". ;)
Lefty liberals never met a commie leader they didn't like, or a commie country they didn't want to emulate. .... :cool:
Lefty liberals never met a commie leader they didn't like, or a commie country they didn't want to emulate. .... :cool:

"The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world."
Dennis Prager
We are become known as a dangerous country to be in. One never knows day to day what to expect from our lunatic government.
/---- First step to recovery is for DemocRATS to learn to lose gracefully.
"It failed completely for 50 years .... so let's do more! That'll show the world! Nothing can stop us from failing!"
--- Trumptards.
/--- No,let's cut a deal that benefits both countries and not the one way street Obozo signed.
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

you're a rich retard pay up
Lefty liberals never met a commie leader they didn't like, or a commie country they didn't want to emulate. .... :cool:

"The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world."
Dennis Prager
Would it be impolite to point out that two Democrats prosecuted the war against Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot(JFK and LBJ) and a Republican made peace with them? Would it be impolite to point out that a Democratic president tried to invade Cuba (JFK)? Would it be impolite to point out that Lenin and Ho were really the only two communists of the bunch you site, the rest were really totalitarians? And who was it that made nice with Mao? Oh, yeah, Richard Nixon.
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Great source:

Cuba has jackshit to offer America and as long as they shelter American thugs and repress their own people, fuck '' 'em.
The OP's numbers sound as accurate as D-Va gov Terry McAuliffe declaring the other day how several MILLION Americans die EVERY DAY due to gun violence...

This was his attempt to politicze / 'seize the opportunity' created by the radicalized terrorist would-be snowflake assassin shooting Republicans to blame the shooting on the GOP, specifically for their defense of our Constitutional Right to bear arms.

(What a POS - several GOP dow, one fighting for his life, and this Hillary protege hours later attacks the GOP, blaming the attack on them ON THEM instead of on the DNC's extreme message of hate that has radicalized liberals into terrorists / assassins).
Lefty liberals never met a commie leader they didn't like, or a commie country they didn't want to emulate. .... :cool:

"The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world."
Dennis Prager
Would it be impolite to point out that two Democrats prosecuted the war against Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot(JFK and LBJ) and a Republican made peace with them? Would it be impolite to point out that a Democratic president tried to invade Cuba (JFK)? Would it be impolite to point out that Lenin and Ho were really the only two communists of the bunch you site, the rest were really totalitarians? And who was it that made nice with Mao? Oh, yeah, Richard Nixon.

Impolite? According to snowflakes, not at all.

According to snowflakes, 'impolite' would be pointing out how Viet Nam was an Authorized, Constitutional war while both the Libyan and Syrian Wars where neither Constitutional or authorized by Congress but instead we're Hillary's and Obama's personal Wars into which they dragged the United States in order to help terrorist take over their own countries.
That world class asshole commie lover Obama did the wrong moral thing to support the Communist in Cuba and now the stupid Moon Bats, who increased poverty and had dismal economic growth because of voting in Obama, are bitching about jobs because Trump is doing the right thing to reverse Obama's terrible deal.

Moon Bats be dumbasses.
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Lefty liberals never met a commie leader they didn't like, or a commie country they didn't want to emulate. .... :cool:

"The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world."
Dennis Prager
Would it be impolite to point out that two Democrats prosecuted the war against Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot(JFK and LBJ) and a Republican made peace with them? Would it be impolite to point out that a Democratic president tried to invade Cuba (JFK)? Would it be impolite to point out that Lenin and Ho were really the only two communists of the bunch you site, the rest were really totalitarians? And who was it that made nice with Mao? Oh, yeah, Richard Nixon.

Impolite? According to snowflakes, not at all.

According to snowflakes, 'impolite' would be pointing out how Viet Nam was an Authorized, Constitutional war while both the Libyan and Syrian Wars where neither Constitutional or authorized by Congress but instead we're Hillary's and Obama's personal Wars into which they dragged the United States in order to help terrorist take over their own countries.
Not sure what that has to do with my post. I don't disagree with any of it but I was just responding to some pretzel logic in a previous post. Your post is nice, but frankly a non sequitur.
Cuba has jackshit to offer America and as long as they shelter American thugs and repress their own people, fuck '' 'em.

Moron (and meathead) the improved relations with Cuba would help US, not just Cuba.....But, Cuba will soon turn to China and Russia to develop their economies and we will have a satellite of Russian and Chinese influenced neighbor just 100 miles from Miami.

Of course, that is, if trump lasts all 4 years.....the orange moron's policies will be reversed regardless of whether a democrat or republican sits next in the oval office(someone without Trump's personal economic interests in avoiding the competition for his hotels and golf course.).
We are become known as a dangerous country to be in. One never knows day to day what to expect from our lunatic government.

That is, of course, completely false, but that aside, this Cuba move is stupid on Trump's part
Cuba has jackshit to offer America and as long as they shelter American thugs and repress their own people, fuck '' 'em.

Moron (and meathead) the improved relations with Cuba would help US, not just Cuba.....But, Cuba will soon turn to China and Russia to develop their economies and we will have a satellite of Russian and Chinese influenced neighbor just 100 miles from Miami.

Of course, that is, if trump lasts all 4 years.....the orange moron's policies will be reversed regardless of whether a democrat or republican sits next in the oval office(someone without Trump's personal economic interests in avoiding the competition for his hotels and golf course.).

That is funny as hell. Russia hasn't shown an interest in Cuba since the missal crisis in the early 60s, China never has. What has changed that would make them want to start now? Well except you ignoring 50+ years of history.

That is funny as hell. Russia hasn't shown an interest in Cuba since the missal crisis in the early 60s, China never has. What has changed that would make them want to start now? Well except you ignoring 50+ years of history.

beside the fact that a "missal" is a book on holding Christian masses......

Tell me, don't think Putin would love to have a base 100 miles from our shores???
AND, would not China simply love to undergo oil exploration off the coast of Cuba?

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