Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Holy Cohoba!

That's a lot of jobs
In the O/P this statement was made.......NOW, if right wingers did not have their heads up their asses....(or could read)....they should have PRAISED Obama....but alas, the ex-president is, after all, half black.

the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements
That is funny as hell. Russia hasn't shown an interest in Cuba since the missal crisis in the early 60s, China never has. What has changed that would make them want to start now? Well except you ignoring 50+ years of history.

beside the fact that a "missal" is a book on holding Christian masses......

Tell me, don't think Putin would love to have a base 100 miles from our shores???
AND, would not China simply love to undergo oil exploration off the coast of Cuba?

No, if they did they'd have already already been doing it. So now you can stop making crap up to try to justify your ignorance.

Cuba has jackshit to offer America and as long as they shelter American thugs and repress their own people, fuck '' 'em.

Moron (and meathead) the improved relations with Cuba would help US, not just Cuba.....But, Cuba will soon turn to China and Russia to develop their economies and we will have a satellite of Russian and Chinese influenced neighbor just 100 miles from Miami.

Of course, that is, if trump lasts all 4 years.....the orange moron's policies will be reversed regardless of whether a democrat or republican sits next in the oval office(someone without Trump's personal economic interests in avoiding the competition for his hotels and golf course.).
Aren't you tired of losing to Trump. Here is a series of talking heads ranging from Reagan's son to Obama saying Trump will never win:

You got bitch-slapped, and the Donald abides!

Fucking losers. You guys are left to some hope of flipping a congressional district in Georgia after having lost the states of MI, WI, PA, FL and OH.

Good luck, especially when you've got to defend about 26 of 33 senate seats in 2018. :)
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

Not quite correct.

It has to do with Cuba's communist and authoritarian problems. Folks are telling you it is about FREEDOM, but you just aren't listening.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far

The crackdown and the possibility of a raft of new regulations are “surprising and unfortunate,” said Ted Henken, a Baruch College professor and co-author of the book “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.” “This is exactly what the private sector doesn’t need, and it runs counter to the economic needs of the country, too.

“This is a big bucket of cold water for the cuentapropistas,” he said. “Entrepreneurship is about being creative, innovative, creating new product lines, not more rules.”

Castro didn’t mention the closed restaurants by name during his July address to the National Assembly, but it was clear he was talking about owners of private businesses who the government thinks have crossed a line.

“Malfeasance has been committed; there is information about cases where the same person already has two, three, four and even five restaurants — not in one province, but in several,” Castro said. He also mentioned an entrepreneur who had traveled more than 30 times to different countries.

Read more here: Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
/----/ Suddenly Libs care about jobs and lost revenue
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

Not quite correct.

It has to do with Cuba's communist and authoritarian problems. Folks are telling you it is about FREEDOM, but you just aren't listening.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far

The crackdown and the possibility of a raft of new regulations are “surprising and unfortunate,” said Ted Henken, a Baruch College professor and co-author of the book “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.” “This is exactly what the private sector doesn’t need, and it runs counter to the economic needs of the country, too.

“This is a big bucket of cold water for the cuentapropistas,” he said. “Entrepreneurship is about being creative, innovative, creating new product lines, not more rules.”

Castro didn’t mention the closed restaurants by name during his July address to the National Assembly, but it was clear he was talking about owners of private businesses who the government thinks have crossed a line.

“Malfeasance has been committed; there is information about cases where the same person already has two, three, four and even five restaurants — not in one province, but in several,” Castro said. He also mentioned an entrepreneur who had traveled more than 30 times to different countries.

Read more here: Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
How much Cuba allows businessmen to do what they like is no business of the American government.
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

Not quite correct.

It has to do with Cuba's communist and authoritarian problems. Folks are telling you it is about FREEDOM, but you just aren't listening.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far

The crackdown and the possibility of a raft of new regulations are “surprising and unfortunate,” said Ted Henken, a Baruch College professor and co-author of the book “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.” “This is exactly what the private sector doesn’t need, and it runs counter to the economic needs of the country, too.

“This is a big bucket of cold water for the cuentapropistas,” he said. “Entrepreneurship is about being creative, innovative, creating new product lines, not more rules.”

Castro didn’t mention the closed restaurants by name during his July address to the National Assembly, but it was clear he was talking about owners of private businesses who the government thinks have crossed a line.

“Malfeasance has been committed; there is information about cases where the same person already has two, three, four and even five restaurants — not in one province, but in several,” Castro said. He also mentioned an entrepreneur who had traveled more than 30 times to different countries.

Read more here: Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
You go to a Cuban prison cell if you make more than $15/hr there.
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

Not quite correct.

It has to do with Cuba's communist and authoritarian problems. Folks are telling you it is about FREEDOM, but you just aren't listening.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far

The crackdown and the possibility of a raft of new regulations are “surprising and unfortunate,” said Ted Henken, a Baruch College professor and co-author of the book “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.” “This is exactly what the private sector doesn’t need, and it runs counter to the economic needs of the country, too.

“This is a big bucket of cold water for the cuentapropistas,” he said. “Entrepreneurship is about being creative, innovative, creating new product lines, not more rules.”

Castro didn’t mention the closed restaurants by name during his July address to the National Assembly, but it was clear he was talking about owners of private businesses who the government thinks have crossed a line.

“Malfeasance has been committed; there is information about cases where the same person already has two, three, four and even five restaurants — not in one province, but in several,” Castro said. He also mentioned an entrepreneur who had traveled more than 30 times to different countries.

Read more here: Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
How much Cuba allows businessmen to do what they like is no business of the American government.
Gee, and here I thought this thread was about the American government opening up policies based on Cuba's support for human rights. Guess I'm in the wrong thread.

You're right, lock everyone up that wants to create anything of value.
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

Not quite correct.

It has to do with Cuba's communist and authoritarian problems. Folks are telling you it is about FREEDOM, but you just aren't listening.

Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far

The crackdown and the possibility of a raft of new regulations are “surprising and unfortunate,” said Ted Henken, a Baruch College professor and co-author of the book “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape.” “This is exactly what the private sector doesn’t need, and it runs counter to the economic needs of the country, too.

“This is a big bucket of cold water for the cuentapropistas,” he said. “Entrepreneurship is about being creative, innovative, creating new product lines, not more rules.”

Castro didn’t mention the closed restaurants by name during his July address to the National Assembly, but it was clear he was talking about owners of private businesses who the government thinks have crossed a line.

“Malfeasance has been committed; there is information about cases where the same person already has two, three, four and even five restaurants — not in one province, but in several,” Castro said. He also mentioned an entrepreneur who had traveled more than 30 times to different countries.

Read more here: Cuba reins in entrepreneurs who take free enterprise too far
How much Cuba allows businessmen to do what they like is no business of the American government.
Gee, and here I thought this thread was about the American government opening up policies based on Cuba's support for human rights. Guess I'm in the wrong thread.

You're right, lock everyone up that wants to create anything of value.
The United States permits businesses to trade with Red China where there is no freedom and where the government locks up anyone who criticizes the government. They do the same with armament companies selling jets and bullets to Saudi Arabia where heads are cut off people who do not conform to Muslim sharia law and the government has supported militant Islamist groups for decades. But the USA acts like a bully to little Cuba on its doorstep. The American government's attitude toward Cuba is hypocritical.

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