Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

When that happened, the uncle came on the air and gave a SCATHING protest of things the government had told him, then did a 180 on and did the exact opposite. It was BIG. This guy was really pissed. He was FURIOUS. Whatever the guy's story was, I sat up and said WOW! I gotta get this on tape! They didn't have DVR's back then so I had to wait for the news to cycle around for it to be re-aired. When the story came up again, that uncle's broadcast was never shown again. It was gone. Whatever the uncle said, he ripped Bill Clinton a new one UP AND DOWN and was VERY specific in details on a bunch of shit that had come down over that kid! It did not make me proud to be an American, and I realized just how little it would take for us to become a banana republic. It was kinda scary. There was something big we were never told about that case.
So you just proved your OP to be false.

NO, moron.....Trump does not want the competition with Cuban resorts, casinos and golf courses...Seriously, how old are you?.
In your OP you stated four things that were supposed to help our economy. Two of which absolutely don't and the other two are failing already. But now you think we should not only do those but cripple our own industry in order to...what exactly?
Trump must have worked out a deal with Putin to let Russians have the new markets in Cuba...and China must love this latest reversal........"MAKE RUSSIA AND CHINA GREAT AGAIN".....LOL
They've been paying Cuba's welfare and healthcare costs for a long time now. Let them keep doing that. Why would we want to take that over?
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?


I'm sure you've heard this often.....but you are a true idiot !!!...But please don't take offense....

Here's an example for your limited acumen.....American Airlines was going to have a Miami to Havana flight, several times of that a loss of revenue for the airline AND a loss on the taxes that airline was going to pay to the Feds???

What about the foreigners who would use that airline? What about ......oh forget it, you're too dumb anyway.
They cancelled the flights because they're empty. Apparently you and that fat fuck Moore weren't running to the greatest healthcare system ever fast enough to even keep an airline flying.
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Indeed, no one believes Donald Trump cares about human rights of Cubans any more than the rights of people in Saudi Arabia, Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, or Kurds in Turkey. This renewal of the Cold War against Cuba is all about repealing and replacing the policies of Barack Obama.
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?


I'm sure you've heard this often.....but you are a true idiot !!!...But please don't take offense....

Here's an example for your limited acumen.....American Airlines was going to have a Miami to Havana flight, several times of that a loss of revenue for the airline AND a loss on the taxes that airline was going to pay to the Feds???

What about the foreigners who would use that airline? What about ......oh forget it, you're too dumb anyway.
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?


I'm sure you've heard this often.....but you are a true idiot !!!...But please don't take offense....

Here's an example for your limited acumen.....American Airlines was going to have a Miami to Havana flight, several times of that a loss of revenue for the airline AND a loss on the taxes that airline was going to pay to the Feds???

What about the foreigners who would use that airline? What about ......oh forget it, you're too dumb anyway.
Shitforbrains thinks there's a travel ban to Cuba. Dufus.
I was just listening to a reporter who's been in Havana the past few days. He said everyone he spoke to were thankful of what President Obama did for them opening up the USA to their country.
What they had to say about Trump.... he said he couldn't use that kind of language on the air..

DT bankrupted thousands of small businesses in Havana and around their country.
For what?
Because he's so small, so vindictive, still so pissed that Obama is more beloved in the US than he is..
President man/ child strikes again.
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs

BS, airlines were cutting or eliminating service to Cuba already because people aren't going there. Many flights were empty. There was a thread on it on this very board not long ago.

U.S. airlines are cutting seats and flights to Cuba, amid a glut in capacity

But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
So you want to give $6.6 Billion to the Cuban military?

The same military that brutally keeps Cubans in line?
Runs death squads?

do you support communist tyranny b/c you think it's the next big thing all the cool kids are doing?
But, the Trumpster has kept a promise to make China and Russia great again and shows how truly jealous of Obama the orange clown really is......LOL

Loss Summary:
Summaries of the major areas affected by potential rollback are listed below, totaling $6.6 billion and 12,295 jobs.

  • Travel: U.S. travel to Cuba was liberalized over the past few years by expanding legal travel in 12 categories, self-authorization, and allowing both airlines and cruise lines to offer passenger service to the island. Rolling back expanded travel could cost airlines and cruise lines $3.5 billion and affect 10,154 jobs in those industries.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing companies in the energy, chemical, and technology industries are finalizing commercial contracts that will create $929 million worth of exports from the U.S. to Cuba over the next four years. Revoking authorization for manufacturing exports would deal a blow of nearly $1 billion to American businesses and could cost up to 1,359 jobs.
  • Remittances: Estimates on U.S. remittances to Cuba show that Cubans working in the United States send up to $4 billion back to the island every year. Over four years, cutting the remittance flow could cost American money transfer companies $1.2 billion and affect 782 jobs. Additionally, the increase flow of remittances has significantly helped Cuba's growing private sector.
  • Immigration: In January 2017, the Obama Administration and Cuba reached a deal to end the controversial “wet foot, dry foot” policy, which granted permanent residency to Cuban immigrants who arrived in the U.S. by land. Because the policy granted refugees access to federal social and healthcare entitlements, reinstating it would cost U.S. taxpayers $953 million over four years.
*Estimates do not include agricultural exports, which would bring the total to $8.1 billion USD and 14,500 jobs.

Trump Reversing Cuba Policy Would Cost $6.6 Billion, Over 12k Jobs
Airlines are alrdy pulling out because the traffic is not materializing because Cuba is dirty and dangerous. Fake news 101....make it up and post as fact.....ifs and buts with no basis in reality
Airlines are alrdy pulling out because the traffic is not materializing because Cuba is dirty and dangerous. Fake news 101....make it up and post as fact.....ifs and buts with no basis in reality

Well, there you have it folks.......The Trumpster MUST be "correct" in reversing the Cuban detente because as the above moron clearly states, "Cuba is dirty and dangerous" and not democratic enough.....

Conversely, places where Trump is chummy with, like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the Philippines, are the pillars of the type of democracy that Trump is advocating state-side.
11.4 million living in Cuba (including children)
Maximum wage in Cuba is $15/hr.

Assuming every infant to the oldest is working, that means if everyone spent every dime of their gross salary on US goods, it comes to $171M a year.

So how does your communist website come up with $6.6 BILLION?


I'm sure you've heard this often.....but you are a true idiot !!!...But please don't take offense....

Here's an example for your limited acumen.....American Airlines was going to have a Miami to Havana flight, several times of that a loss of revenue for the airline AND a loss on the taxes that airline was going to pay to the Feds???

What about the foreigners who would use that airline? What about ......oh forget it, you're too dumb anyway.

If you lefties were not so ignorant to reality you would be conservatives.

Low Demand Pushes US Airlines to Cancel Flights to Cuba

Two US airlines cancel flights to Cuba: excess of capacity

Weak demand prompts two U.S. airlines to cancel Cuba service
Have a good friend who was a political prisoner of Castro for years. His crime - he signed a petition. Carter ended up getting him out.
He was sickened by Obamas actions, as were all liberated Cubans.

Of course, moron.....with such an idiot in the White House, what should we have expected?
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.
Shitforbrains thinks Trump kept people from traveling to Cuba before Trump was even nominated.

Well, Mr. fuckhead, once the orange clown managed to get elected (because of idiots like you) the Cubans weren't exactly happy and welcoming......and American businesses backed off until this idiot is out of the WH........A temporary setback until we fumigate the oval office once again..

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