Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Old Fag is to Oregon what GayBiker is to the military.

A wannabe, a loser, a liar, and a shill.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.
California has the most vets, dumbass. You think they're ALL conservative?
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Dumb ass, I have burned our flag many times.

Everything a Scout Should Know About U.S. Flag Retirement

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America is one of the very few organizations that have an official code for flag retirement? Respect for our nation’s symbols are an integral part of being a reverent, responsible Scout; thus we have specific rules for the appropriate retirement of the United States flag. In fact, conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.

The BSA Handbook states: “A national flag that is worn beyond repair may be burned in a fire. The ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect and the flag burned completely to ashes.”

Furthermore the comprehensive Scouting book, “Your Flag: Everything You Want to Know About the Flag of the United States of America” explains, “When the national flag is worn beyond repair, burn it throughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire. This should be done in a simple manner with dignity and respect. Be sure the flag is reduced to ashes unrecognizable as a former flag.” Title 4 of the U.S. Flag Code also explains the same method as proper protocol.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the United States flag is more than just a banner of red, white and blue. The Boy Scout Handbook explains, “As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.”

I was an Eagle Scout and in Awanas..

But you did it out of respect..

Not like this..

Yes, that is extremely disrespectful, and protected as a Constitutional right. Extremely stupid, as it alienates others who might otherwise be willing to listen to their complaints.

National Enquirer has a press pass to the Whitehouse? Really? Is that true? If so, link it.
good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.
We have all the weapons.........
And know how to use them.

Poor snowflakes. They think they are legion because they live in cities where they are surrounded by like-mindless-minded snowflakes.

The world is big, and you occupy a tiny portion of it. I think we should just stick walls around your warrens and cut off your food supply.
LOL Raised in very rural Eastern Oregon, and have used guns for over 60 years. Same for many others from that area. And, if push comes to shove, they will side with the Constitution, just as they did when the Nazis threatened to move into that area.

Say what?

Nazi's moving into Oregon? Did you even study a map how the hell did Nazi's ever threaten Oregon?

What is this truth day on USMB by the liberals?

First the OP says media matters and think progressive is garbage and old rocks thinks that the Nazi's tried to attack Oregon..

Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The Washington Post and the New York Times are nothing more than Fake News sites that regurgitate Establishment lies in service to the Global Corporate Elites.

They arent worth pissing on.

Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[3][4]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation — using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[5][6][7] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain, readers for financial, political, or other gain.[8][6] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[9][10] Indonesia and the Philippines,[11] Sweden,[12][13] Myanmar,[14] and the United States.[15][16][17] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[5][15][18] Macedonia,[19][20] Romania,[21] and the U.S.[22][23]
Fake news website - Wikipedia

Now based on this description of "Fake News", please prove that the Washington Post, New York Times or CNN are "fakes news".
Trumpsters seem to think any news site that does not goose-step to Trumpster ideology are "fake news" purveyors.
Here's a partial list of other purported "fake news" resources. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR.
I want to see Trumpsters prove that these resources are "faker news".
Come on, Trumpsters, prove your point!
While I'll agree that Trump has the propensity to label any news organization that doesn't agree with him as "fake news", what I find remarkable is that those news organizations you list, have often withheld or timed the release of information acquired (sometimes legitimately, others not so much) to affect the outcome of an election. They have released information in questionable ways that work to subvert the attention of the American people. Sometimes to deflect from the news that reflects poorly upon their chosen candidate, sometimes to kill the momentum of the candidate they dislike.

Yet there is no investigation into this electioneering and interference in the democratic process.

So, we need more than an agenda driven definition of "fake news."
Yet you support Putin's interference in our election. LOL
California has the most vets, dumbass. You think they're ALL conservative?
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Dumb ass, I have burned our flag many times.

Everything a Scout Should Know About U.S. Flag Retirement

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America is one of the very few organizations that have an official code for flag retirement? Respect for our nation’s symbols are an integral part of being a reverent, responsible Scout; thus we have specific rules for the appropriate retirement of the United States flag. In fact, conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.

The BSA Handbook states: “A national flag that is worn beyond repair may be burned in a fire. The ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect and the flag burned completely to ashes.”

Furthermore the comprehensive Scouting book, “Your Flag: Everything You Want to Know About the Flag of the United States of America” explains, “When the national flag is worn beyond repair, burn it throughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire. This should be done in a simple manner with dignity and respect. Be sure the flag is reduced to ashes unrecognizable as a former flag.” Title 4 of the U.S. Flag Code also explains the same method as proper protocol.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the United States flag is more than just a banner of red, white and blue. The Boy Scout Handbook explains, “As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.”

I was an Eagle Scout and in Awanas..

But you did it out of respect..

Not like this..

Yes, that is extremely disrespectful, and protected as a Constitutional right. Extremely stupid, as it alienates others who might otherwise be willing to listen to their complaints.

National Enquirer has a press pass to the Whitehouse? Really? Is that true? If so, link it.
Not yet. But at this rate, it will come to pass as all the real papers are banned because they dare to question the orange clown.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The article is from June of 2016 while he was campaigning.

He has not denied the Washington Post press credentials for the White House.

Please quit the drama. If Trump does deny the Washington Post press credentials to the White House, I will be outraged.

So far you are being a drama queen for the leftwing nutters.
So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.
We have all the weapons.........
And know how to use them.

Poor snowflakes. They think they are legion because they live in cities where they are surrounded by like-mindless-minded snowflakes.

The world is big, and you occupy a tiny portion of it. I think we should just stick walls around your warrens and cut off your food supply.
LOL Raised in very rural Eastern Oregon, and have used guns for over 60 years. Same for many others from that area. And, if push comes to shove, they will side with the Constitution, just as they did when the Nazis threatened to move into that area.

Say what?

Nazi's moving into Oregon? Did you even study a map how the hell did Nazi's ever threaten Oregon?

What is this truth day on USMB by the liberals?

First the OP says media matters and think progressive is garbage and old rocks thinks that the Nazi's tried to attack Oregon..

Idiot. The internal Nazi's, after being kicked out of Idaho, tried to buy into the John Day area, and the locals made sure that they did not. And that is a conservative area. But they have no tolerance for that kind of nonsense.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The Washington Post and the New York Times are nothing more than Fake News sites that regurgitate Establishment lies in service to the Global Corporate Elites.

They arent worth pissing on.

Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[3][4]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation — using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[5][6][7] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain, readers for financial, political, or other gain.[8][6] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[9][10] Indonesia and the Philippines,[11] Sweden,[12][13] Myanmar,[14] and the United States.[15][16][17] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[5][15][18] Macedonia,[19][20] Romania,[21] and the U.S.[22][23]
Fake news website - Wikipedia

Now based on this description of "Fake News", please prove that the Washington Post, New York Times or CNN are "fakes news".
Trumpsters seem to think any news site that does not goose-step to Trumpster ideology are "fake news" purveyors.
Here's a partial list of other purported "fake news" resources. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR.
I want to see Trumpsters prove that these resources are "faker news".
Come on, Trumpsters, prove your point!
While I'll agree that Trump has the propensity to label any news organization that doesn't agree with him as "fake news", what I find remarkable is that those news organizations you list, have often withheld or timed the release of information acquired (sometimes legitimately, others not so much) to affect the outcome of an election. They have released information in questionable ways that work to subvert the attention of the American people. Sometimes to deflect from the news that reflects poorly upon their chosen candidate, sometimes to kill the momentum of the candidate they dislike.

Yet there is no investigation into this electioneering and interference in the democratic process.

So, we need more than an agenda driven definition of "fake news."
Yet you support Putin's interference in our election. LOL
You'll not find any incident in which I support or have supported Putin in anything.
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Dumb ass, I have burned our flag many times.

Everything a Scout Should Know About U.S. Flag Retirement

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America is one of the very few organizations that have an official code for flag retirement? Respect for our nation’s symbols are an integral part of being a reverent, responsible Scout; thus we have specific rules for the appropriate retirement of the United States flag. In fact, conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.

The BSA Handbook states: “A national flag that is worn beyond repair may be burned in a fire. The ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect and the flag burned completely to ashes.”

Furthermore the comprehensive Scouting book, “Your Flag: Everything You Want to Know About the Flag of the United States of America” explains, “When the national flag is worn beyond repair, burn it throughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire. This should be done in a simple manner with dignity and respect. Be sure the flag is reduced to ashes unrecognizable as a former flag.” Title 4 of the U.S. Flag Code also explains the same method as proper protocol.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the United States flag is more than just a banner of red, white and blue. The Boy Scout Handbook explains, “As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.”

I was an Eagle Scout and in Awanas..

But you did it out of respect..

Not like this..

Yes, that is extremely disrespectful, and protected as a Constitutional right. Extremely stupid, as it alienates others who might otherwise be willing to listen to their complaints.

National Enquirer has a press pass to the Whitehouse? Really? Is that true? If so, link it.
Not yet. But at this rate, it will come to pass as all the real papers are banned because they dare to question the orange clown.

You're on the internet doubt you even have a newspaper subscription any more.
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Dumb ass, I have burned our flag many times.

Everything a Scout Should Know About U.S. Flag Retirement

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America is one of the very few organizations that have an official code for flag retirement? Respect for our nation’s symbols are an integral part of being a reverent, responsible Scout; thus we have specific rules for the appropriate retirement of the United States flag. In fact, conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.

The BSA Handbook states: “A national flag that is worn beyond repair may be burned in a fire. The ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect and the flag burned completely to ashes.”

Furthermore the comprehensive Scouting book, “Your Flag: Everything You Want to Know About the Flag of the United States of America” explains, “When the national flag is worn beyond repair, burn it throughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire. This should be done in a simple manner with dignity and respect. Be sure the flag is reduced to ashes unrecognizable as a former flag.” Title 4 of the U.S. Flag Code also explains the same method as proper protocol.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the United States flag is more than just a banner of red, white and blue. The Boy Scout Handbook explains, “As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.”

I was an Eagle Scout and in Awanas..

But you did it out of respect..

Not like this..

Yes, that is extremely disrespectful, and protected as a Constitutional right. Extremely stupid, as it alienates others who might otherwise be willing to listen to their complaints.

National Enquirer has a press pass to the Whitehouse? Really? Is that true? If so, link it.
Not yet. But at this rate, it will come to pass as all the real papers are banned because they dare to question the orange clown.
Let us know when they get to the "real" journalists.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The Washington Post and the New York Times are nothing more than Fake News sites that regurgitate Establishment lies in service to the Global Corporate Elites.

They arent worth pissing on.

Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[3][4]) deliberately publish hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation — using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[5][6][7] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead, rather than entertain, readers for financial, political, or other gain.[8][6] Such sites have promoted political falsehoods in Germany,[9][10] Indonesia and the Philippines,[11] Sweden,[12][13] Myanmar,[14] and the United States.[15][16][17] Many sites originate, or are promoted, from Russia,[5][15][18] Macedonia,[19][20] Romania,[21] and the U.S.[22][23]
Fake news website - Wikipedia

Now based on this description of "Fake News", please prove that the Washington Post, New York Times or CNN are "fakes news".
Trumpsters seem to think any news site that does not goose-step to Trumpster ideology are "fake news" purveyors.
Here's a partial list of other purported "fake news" resources. NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR.
I want to see Trumpsters prove that these resources are "faker news".
Come on, Trumpsters, prove your point!
While I'll agree that Trump has the propensity to label any news organization that doesn't agree with him as "fake news", what I find remarkable is that those news organizations you list, have often withheld or timed the release of information acquired (sometimes legitimately, others not so much) to affect the outcome of an election. They have released information in questionable ways that work to subvert the attention of the American people. Sometimes to deflect from the news that reflects poorly upon their chosen candidate, sometimes to kill the momentum of the candidate they dislike.

Yet there is no investigation into this electioneering and interference in the democratic process.

So, we need more than an agenda driven definition of "fake news."
Yet you support Putin's interference in our election. LOL

Opps, there ya go again, naught, naughty!

Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The article is from June of 2016 while he was campaigning.

He has not denied the Washington Post press credentials for the White House.

Please quit the drama. If Trump does deny the Washington Post press credentials to the White House, I will be outraged.

So far you are being a drama queen for the leftwing nutters.
No, he is just trying to ease out the whole of the press corps from the White House.

In the 1890s, journalists covering the president were forced to stand vigil outside the White House fence, querying visitors for scraps of information and appealing for audiences with presidential aides.

Today’s reporters are concerned that President-elect Donald J. Trump could send them back into the past.

The White House press corps was stunned on Sunday by reports of a proposal by the Trump administration to eject reporters from their home in the West Wing — a move that, if carried out, would uproot decades of established protocol whereby journalists are allowed to work in the White House close to senior officials.

Reince Priebus, Mr. Trump’s incoming chief of staff, appeared to backpedal on the idea after it was reported by Esquire magazine, saying that only the location of the press briefing room was being discussed and that the administration was merely considering a larger area to accommodate the hundreds of journalists seeking to cover Mr. Trump.

But for jittery Washington reporters, it was yet another salvo from an administration that has shown an unusual willingness to berate and belittle the news media, at the behest of a president-elect who has floated the idea of rolling back libel protections and, in a volcanic appearance last week, refused to take questions from CNN after it ran a story he did not like.

The sense of alarm was clear last week when more than 100 reporters showed up to a routine meeting of the White House Correspondents’ Association. The group, which promotes reporters’ access to presidential administrations, pledged to be vigilant about responding to any erosion of press freedoms. “We are all in this together,” said Jeff Mason of Reuters, the group’s president.
Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

How? He is just trying to keep everything in the news..

I think it will..

Trump is turning more into Hitler every day. I was very against using that comparison... because it is an insult to those that suffered through the Holocaust to say it, but this type of move is exactly what Hitler would do.

Trump has the lowest favorability numbers entering the White house of any President in the last 40 years. It isn't going to get better.

How? He is just trying to keep everything in the news..

I think it will..


No, he is trying to threaten and intimidate the rest of the press into not writing items that he may not like, and thus revoking their press credentials as well. Next thing you know... the FCC will be fining NBC randomly for violations, with the real reason being that Trump is pissed at Alec Baldwin.
Trump is just shooting himself in the foot, and he probably has a large, fully loaded clip.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The article is from June of 2016 while he was campaigning.

He has not denied the Washington Post press credentials for the White House.

Please quit the drama. If Trump does deny the Washington Post press credentials to the White House, I will be outraged.

So far you are being a drama queen for the leftwing nutters.
No, he is just trying to ease out the whole of the press corps from the White House.

In the 1890s, journalists covering the president were forced to stand vigil outside the White House fence, querying visitors for scraps of information and appealing for audiences with presidential aides.

Today’s reporters are concerned that President-elect Donald J. Trump could send them back into the past.

The White House press corps was stunned on Sunday by reports of a proposal by the Trump administration to eject reporters from their home in the West Wing — a move that, if carried out, would uproot decades of established protocol whereby journalists are allowed to work in the White House close to senior officials.

Reince Priebus, Mr. Trump’s incoming chief of staff, appeared to backpedal on the idea after it was reported by Esquire magazine, saying that only the location of the press briefing room was being discussed and that the administration was merely considering a larger area to accommodate the hundreds of journalists seeking to cover Mr. Trump.

But for jittery Washington reporters, it was yet another salvo from an administration that has shown an unusual willingness to berate and belittle the news media, at the behest of a president-elect who has floated the idea of rolling back libel protections and, in a volcanic appearance last week, refused to take questions from CNN after it ran a story he did not like.

The sense of alarm was clear last week when more than 100 reporters showed up to a routine meeting of the White House Correspondents’ Association. The group, which promotes reporters’ access to presidential administrations, pledged to be vigilant about responding to any erosion of press freedoms. “We are all in this together,” said Jeff Mason of Reuters, the group’s president.
Just another hack job story. Notice that they didn't say WHY Trump dissed CNN. They ran a fake news story. Journalist verify, hacks just post whatever shit they choose.
Trump is just shooting himself in the foot, and he probably has a large, fully loaded clip.

He shot himself in the foot with the intelligence agencies, and now he is shooting himself in the foot with the press. Every week you are going to hear about new dirt dug up on Trump. You are going to have almost every journalist in the country working to bring him down. He is his own worst dream. He's either going to fall under the pressure, or he's going to get even worse and take the next step of arresting journalist like they do in countries in the Middle East and Russia. Or, like in Russia, journalist will mysteriously end up dead.

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