Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials

Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson
Serves as a most excellent lesson. Don't give the orange clown a minutes rest. Oppose him on anything and everything. And when he finally cracks, impeach the asshole and get someone sane as President.
America has seen the lefts version of sanity.

And tomorrow we will see more and Trump will gain a few million more supporters.
What next, Irish? Burning of books that espouse a view at odds with the orange clown? Like the Bible.

You leftists are the ones currently trying to ban books. Perhaps you should get up to speed before I demolish you

Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Virginia school pulls books after parent's complaint

We won't even go into the classics such as Huck Finn, Call Of The Wild, Catcher In The Rye, etc

So you'll have to excuse me while I laugh at your sudden concern about rights and such
Look, there have been those on both sides that have tried this tactic. And I oppose it, no matter where it comes from. The classics are just that, and the portrayal of the life in that area was accurate in that book.
The only media outlet Trump will have left is Breitbart
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
He's not silencing the "media," you lefty dipshit. He's told one paper to take a hike for the way they've abandoned journalism in their coverage. He's slapping the bastards around a bit and I'd bet dollars to donuts they'll be allowed back after some period of time.
I'm amazed that these so-called "constitution-lovers" here from the right wing find nothing wrong with a president willfully silencing the press.

What First Amendment, right?
How are they silenced? You do realize not everyone gets a WH press pass
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

Obama did the same thing. Were you upset then?

Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared
So begins the Authoritarian's attack on the First Amendment. It contnues the Putin Playbook.
California has the most vets, dumbass. You think they're ALL conservative?
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Look, lazy asshole, this old man volunteered, not drafted, at the beginning of the Cuban Crisis. On base and in uniform when we stopped those Soviet ships off of Cuba. I know many vets that are liberal, and many that are conservative that will resist any attempt to limit freedom of the press. Now as for the "Conservatives" that are busy lining up to kiss Putin's ass, and that of the orange clown that is his puppet, they welcome limitations on the press. We can see that clearly on this thread. Obviously they care nothing for the Constitution of the United States of America.
He isn't silencing them.
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

Obama did the same thing. Were you upset then?

Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared

The stated reason was space on the plane. And there was evidence to support that.

Trump's stated reason was "they lie", apparently by bothering to print the asinine shit Trump actually says and does.
Why should we pay for internet, heat, cooling, bathroom, chairs.....get them all out. Let them stand outside like working man.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

The Washington Post and the New York Times are nothing more than Fake News sites that regurgitate Establishment lies in service to the Global Corporate Elites.

They arent worth pissing on.

This is nothing but a whiny "I know you are but what am I" in response to intelligent people rightly blaming your favored facebook sources as fake news.

You say WaPo is "fake", but eat up these vermin calling Obama the anti-christ and claiming he and hillary smell of sulfur.

You're senile. Press life alert. Clearly a stroke is coming.

Wait so you admitted media matters and think progressive is fake but now giving credence to the tampon squad huff post?
The chickens coming home to roost

No, seriously. When a dictator begins silencing the media, that's how the shit hits the fan.

You're on board because it's your "team", and also because you're a stupid bitch.

But what if this were a Democratic president, kicking Fox out of the press corps? And hell, I'm giving you a generous comparison, as Fox News is nowhere NEAR as well respected as WaPo.

They aren't media. They are the propagandists of democrat terrorists.
California has the most vets, dumbass. You think they're ALL conservative?
And the vast majority of those vets are not libtards like you, as demonstrated by their willingness to serve our country instead of burning our flag like you stupid apes.
Dumb ass, I have burned our flag many times.

Everything a Scout Should Know About U.S. Flag Retirement

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America is one of the very few organizations that have an official code for flag retirement? Respect for our nation’s symbols are an integral part of being a reverent, responsible Scout; thus we have specific rules for the appropriate retirement of the United States flag. In fact, conducting a flag retirement ceremony is a very meaningful opportunity for Scouts and Scouters to reflect on the meaning of the flag as a great symbol of freedom.

The BSA Handbook states: “A national flag that is worn beyond repair may be burned in a fire. The ceremony should be conducted with dignity and respect and the flag burned completely to ashes.”

Furthermore the comprehensive Scouting book, “Your Flag: Everything You Want to Know About the Flag of the United States of America” explains, “When the national flag is worn beyond repair, burn it throughly and completely on a modest, but blazing, fire. This should be done in a simple manner with dignity and respect. Be sure the flag is reduced to ashes unrecognizable as a former flag.” Title 4 of the U.S. Flag Code also explains the same method as proper protocol.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that the United States flag is more than just a banner of red, white and blue. The Boy Scout Handbook explains, “As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country. It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.”
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

good let that serve as a lesson

So let the civil war begin.

You will lose. You don't have the numbers.
We have all the weapons.........
And know how to use them.

Poor snowflakes. They think they are legion because they live in cities where they are surrounded by like-mindless-minded snowflakes.

The world is big, and you occupy a tiny portion of it. I think we should just stick walls around your warrens and cut off your food supply.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

Obama did the same thing. Were you upset then?

Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared
A campaign airplane is not a news conference.
Interesting how just a few months ago, the left was all about, "No right(s) is absolute!" to whining about a single news outlet being barred from the White House correspondence pool as, "An all-out attack on rights!"

Even though no right has been revoked.
Trump revokes Post press credentials, calling the paper ‘dishonest’ and ‘phony’

This is the very definition of fascism. The Washington Post? This isn't Media Matters or ThinkProgress, people. This is a major newspaper that has been a luminary among the media for 100 years.

What does it take for the TrumpHumpers to recognize that what's happening here is extremely dangerous?

Obama did the same thing. Were you upset then?

Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared

The stated reason was space on the plane. And there was evidence to support that.

Trump's stated reason was "they lie", apparently by bothering to print the asinine shit Trump actually says and does.

And we all know it was a bullshit reason. He just happened to pick 3 papers he didn't agree with while Glamour, Jet and Ebony made the cut. LOL You keep pedaling this BS, Trump will still be your President.

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