Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

Gee, I wonder if Trump's lackey's cease and desist letter will scare Pelosi!
I’m sure Pelosi read Trumps six pages and has changed her mind and an apology is forthcoming
Trump in the letter: "Fortunately there was a transcript of the conversation taken, and you know from the transcript, (which was immediately made available), that the paragraph in question was perfect."

Committees on Intelligence and Judiciary, citing the Minority version: "The White House took reasonable steps to restrict access to the July 25 call summary. The summary was mistakenly placed on a secure server, however, The Democrats' witnesses explained there was no nefarious conduct or malicious intent associated with this action."

The further the matter goes along, then the lapses and memory distortions tend more and more to contradict what is already agree to be established.

So the Letter effectively stabs Congressional defenders in the back. The President is newly indicting himself, almost with each passing hour!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rotted Corn? Poison Blankets? "Nothing could be finer than to integrate a diner in the maw. . . .nin')
Gee, I wonder if Trump's lackey's cease and desist letter will scare Pelosi!
I’m sure Pelosi read Trumps six pages and has changed her mind and an apology is forthcoming
I think that letter was entered in to The Heavenly Record for when God Judges Nancy for her lies and injustices.

That or if she lives a 100 years and isn't sent straight to Hell for being a "Good Catholic" she can sell the letter for a Million Bucks, just like she sold her soul, and just like you sold yours.
Donald J. Trump is an Ivy League graduate, I'm sure his vocabulary is fine.
Doesn’t appear that way in his speech or writings

If I were his teacher and Trump presented that as his work......I would give him an F for cheating

Depends upon Trump's speech.

Most of Trump's speeches are "stream of consciousness" addresses that are ad-libbed. But some are pre-written.
Trump does not use big words
He speaks and writes like a child

He did not write that letter. Someone took his rants and put it into grown up words

Should be easy for you to prove.

Now, prove it, otherwise all that you have is your opinion and that and $5 will get me a Starbucks coffee.

If that letter were written by a third grader, I wouldn’t believe it

Same applies to Trump

So it is your uneducated opinion. Thanks.
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--
Surely you know that fat donnie didn't write that....he has the writing ability of a 3rd grader.
So, a third grader whipped your skanks ass in the election.
About right

Low information voters elected someone with a third grade intellect and we are stuck with the consequences

In 2016 there was no other choice for Democrats or Republicans.
Hillary is much more intelligent than Trump

Another uneducated opinion.
Trump in the letter: "Fortunately there was a transcript of the conversation taken, and you know from the transcript, (which was immediately made available), that the paragraph in question was perfect."

Committees on Intelligence and Judiciary, citing the Minority version: "The White House took reasonable steps to restrict access to the July 25 call summary. The summary was mistakenly placed on a secure server, however, The Democrats' witnesses explained there was no nefarious conduct or malicious intent associated with this action."

The further the matter goes along, then the lapses and memory distortions tend more and more to contradict what is already agree to be established.

So the Letter effectively stabs Congressional defenders in the back. The President is newly indicting himself, almost with each passing hour!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rotted Corn? Poison Blankets? "Nothing could be finer than to integrate a diner in the maw. . . .nin')
If Trump is so interested in defending his actions, why doesn’t he just testify?
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

Six pages of whining - and LIES.


Could have been written by the American people.

Very nice Christmas gift from Trump. The letter is a total winner.
I just read the first part.

"Dear Madam Speaker:

I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives."

Lmao, yea that didn't come from him.

I assume the rest of his letter is just someone eloquently rephrasing his childish complaints about how he's being treated.
How many best selling books and number one shows have you produced moron?
I just read the first part.

"Dear Madam Speaker:

I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives."

Lmao, yea that didn't come from him.

I assume the rest of his letter is just someone eloquently rephrasing his childish complaints about how he's being treated.
How many best selling books and number one shows have you produced moron?
I just read the first part.

"Dear Madam Speaker:

I write to express my strongest and most powerful protest against the partisan impeachment crusade being pursued by the Democrats in the House of Representatives."

Lmao, yea that didn't come from him.

I assume the rest of his letter is just someone eloquently rephrasing his childish complaints about how he's being treated.


Not sure what that has to do with the fact that this clearly wasn't written by Trump.
To think this letter will be preserved in history to the immense lack of intellect by this President.

Dear Nancy, Quit picking on me. You are so mean Donnie
Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi today that pretty much summed up the impeachment...

Read Trump's letter to House Speaker Pelosi decrying impeachment
I agree with Mr Trump about the Dems: what have they done for American people who had elected them during 3 years? Nothing. Except for witch hunting and hobbling their President. But US Congress is not a good place for the circus. Such a cheap performance at a big American taxpayers' money expense.
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6 pages of Trump whining. And, nothing new in the letter, it's basically one of his rally speeches in print form that was edited to sound like it makes sense.
The framers of our constitution never meant impeachment to be an exercise of partisan power in order to remove an opposition president just because one party could. They were quite specific about it.

This partisan power grab is a far greater threat to our republic than anything Trump has ever done. .

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