Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

Pelosi has just responded that if Trump apologizes for his actions, begs the American People for forgiveness and promises to never do it again...she might just take it easy on him
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

Trump is 100% correct
Trumps letter will go down in history

And be mocked by future generations as a sign of a President out of control
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!
I thought the same thing--he sounds exactly like the partisans here. Unbelievably un-presidential, to be sucked into such foolish nonsense, but he's old and opinionated and not the brightest bulb on the string to begin with.
Hard to be sympathetic to Trumps outrage

Coming from someone who tried to get Obama impeached
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--
6 pages?


When Trump communicates to his tard herd, it's in 280 character bites.

When communicating with a Democrat, he writes SIX PAGES!

Even Trump can tell Dems have a much bigger attention span.
Anyone who is not a member of the Trump cult realizes that letter is the latest example of Trump's mental incapacity.
From the letter Trump had someone write for him:

"And by the way, when I speak to foreign countries, there are many people, with permission, listening to the call on both sides of the conversation."

Trump fails to mention he has never once made a phone call or held up aid to any of the other 91 countries to which we provide aid, many of them even more corrupt than Ukraine.

He didn't even hold up aid to Israel, whose Prime Minister is under indictment!

No, Trump only held up aid to Ukraine, and only focused his attention on a single company which had a connection to his main political rival.

Trump is depending on the rubes to be profoundly mentally retarded enough to believe this was not about his personal political gain.
Do you know that someone else wrote it/ Or are you just tossing turds his way?

I gotta say...your apparent..and misplaced intellectual arrogance....detracts from your position...for me, anyway. I can dislike Trump without all the demonization and lying...if you become what you are fighting..who has really won?
I have always been of the opinion that what intellectual arrogance hides is usually a very tiny........IQ.

That usually stems from being locked into the mindset that one is always right. Kind of reminds me of Trump in any number of ways. Who knew G5k was so like Trump.
I agree with Mr Trump about the Dems: what have they done for American people who had elected them during 3 years?

You think Americans are stupid don't you? Trumpublicans controlled the House, the Senate and the Executive branches for two years.

Embrace the corruption, Putin smiles.
It all shows where Trumps priorities are

You would think, in the interest of national security, that he would ask Ukraine for dirt on Putin

Instead, he demands dirt on Biden
When, oh when, is Trump going to call Zelensky and ask him to help with the investigation into Rudy Giuliani's illegal work in Ukraine?

After all, Trump is the corruption-busting president! :laughing0301:
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

He fired a broadside alright - one right into his presidency, demonstrating his final divorce from reality and his unfitness for office for everyone to see. He's now the mad uncle everyone who has one would try to hide away when guests show up on the doorstep.

It is perfectly immaterial who wrote this thing. It bears the president's signature, and it's part of U.S. history now. It shall serve as a permanent reminder to the embarrassment the U.S. suffers every day this self-serving, incompetent and corrupt clown is allowed to remain in office.
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--
This guy is so Awesome, Awesome is in Awe.

He is the Opposite of Fag and Wimp Obama.

This guy is a bully which makes his wife a hypocrite.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He is a Bully, who Bullies, Bullies. Bullies like we see on The Political Left are just cowards with a hard shell of shit affixed to them.

Upon closer inspection, they are just one big Giant Turd, trying to sell themselves off as a sweet chocolate treat, if you can get past The Smell.
You Russians really admire your bullies from Ivan to Catherine to Lenin to Stalin to Putin....don't you, Comrade.
He outlined THE COUP and The Moral Depravity, Greed, and Abject Corruption of The Democrat Party as lead by Nancy Pelosi.

Sad thing is, this bitch is so full of herself, I guarantee she did not even bother to read it, because that is just how serious and solemn and reluctant she is to drag America and The Presidency Through The Mud over NON CRIMES that cannot even be found in US Code and for which there is Zero Evidence to even base this fiction upon.

If she is a Good Catholic, I never want to meet a Bad Catholic.
And this just what Trump wanted..this reaction! He just tossed some red meat to the base...and maybe made some progress...maybe not..he might also have isolated himself further,,,,and further....from reality---to call this kerfuffle a to invite anarchy into our process---interesting.
But it was a COUP. More and more evidence comes out every day that BIAS and FEAR drove both THE FBI Leftists Loyalists Moles, and a Complicit Democrat Party to attempt to remove The President From Office for NO GOOD REASON.
I know you Russians aren't that familiar with our Constitution....but an Impeachment is the opposite of a was written into the Constitution by our Framers as a way to remove a crooked so-called president without having to have a coup. There. Now you know. Share it with the rest of your troll farm comrades.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

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