Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.

The liberal James Buchanan was hardly a perfect president, but he kept us out of war.

We've had a lot worse in our own time. B. Hussein O was pathetic, FDR was even worse.
Actually, secession started while Buchanan was President

Both the Great Obama and FDR are ranked as top ten Presidents
Buchanan is ranked the worst
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!

Pelosi is demented, full of partisan rage, and frothing like a radical rabid liberal. His letter is tame compared to what he should have told her.
Seemed like our President is in a rage

Pelosi just laughed
I ordered her to laugh Comrade! Today is a great day for Mother Russia, would you not agree?
Can anyone imagine Former President Bill Clinton writing such a whiny letter to the House Speaker when he was up for Impeachment? I sure can't imagine it.
Can anyone imagine how successful my Dirty Russian Dossier would be to inflict pain upon The Imperialist Americans, Comrade? And to think, I only charged Obama and Clinton $13 Million for it, I could have gotten at least $145 Million and broke even with the donations I made to her and Bill.

You Serve Mother Russia Proudly! Today will be celebrated in The Kremlin as the most successful attack by Russia on The American Colonialists, and we thank you for your active participation in our operation.

Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

He fired a broadside alright - one right into his presidency, demonstrating his final divorce from reality and his unfitness for office for everyone to see. He's now the mad uncle everyone who has one would try to hide away when guests show up on the doorstep.

It is perfectly immaterial who wrote this thing. It bears the president's signature, and it's part of U.S. history now. It shall serve as a permanent reminder to the embarrassment the U.S. suffers every day this self-serving, incompetent and corrupt clown is allowed to remain in office.
Compare it to the Gettysburg Address if you really want to get depressed.
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.

The liberal James Buchanan was hardly a perfect president, but he kept us out of war.

We've had a lot worse in our own time. B. Hussein O was pathetic, FDR was even worse.
Actually, secession started while Buchanan was President

Both the Great Obama and FDR are ranked as top ten Presidents
Buchanan is ranked the worst
Well..FDR too soon to rank. I think of him as a might have been great...but the obstruction in congress by the Republicans and his own waffling...kept him in the mediocre category..for me.

'Doughface' Buchanan was horrible.
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

He fired a broadside alright - one right into his presidency, demonstrating his final divorce from reality and his unfitness for office for everyone to see. He's now the mad uncle everyone who has one would try to hide away when guests show up on the doorstep.

It is perfectly immaterial who wrote this thing. It bears the president's signature, and it's part of U.S. history now. It shall serve as a permanent reminder to the embarrassment the U.S. suffers every day this self-serving, incompetent and corrupt clown is allowed to remain in office.
Compare it to the Gettysburg Address if you really want to get depressed.
You Serve Mother Russia Proud. Today is a Glorious Day for The Kremlin, and you may now rest from your labors.
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.
A lot of historians say Buchanan was the worst president, but I think Grant gives Buchanan a run for his money. Buchanan fucked up the secession, but Grant had corruption and scandals out the wazoo.

As for Trump, no. Not the worst president. The worst modern president, yes. But not the all-time worst.
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!

Pelosi is demented, full of partisan rage, and frothing like a radical rabid liberal. His letter is tame compared to what he should have told her.
Seemed like our President is in a rage

Pelosi just laughed
Yeah, Trump broke his own rage-tweet record a few days ago: Trump appears to set personal record for tweets in a day

120 in 24 hours!
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.
A lot of historians say Buchanan was the worst president, but I think Grant gives Buchanan a run for his money. Buchanan fucked up the secession, but Grant had corruption and scandals out the wazoo.

As for Trump, no. Not the worst president. The worst modern president, yes. But not the all-time worst.
Thank you Comrade for slipping in another dig at the Onerus President Trump of That Imperialist American Nation.

You do Mother Russia Proud.

"Thank you for your hard work on behalf of The Kremlin."
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
That was very weak Comrade. Today is a Glorious Day for Mother Russia and your effort falls short of Kremlin Standards.
120 in 24 hours!

Russian code calling ALL BOTS to arm.
I like the way you turned that around, Comrade. One must be nimble & flexible when serving Mother Russia as an Agent of The Kremlin.

Good Job!

Today is a GLORIOUS DAY for MOTHER RUSSIA and we are Proud of your work in helping us get here and helping us to wound The American Imperialist Dogs with what we hope is a mortal injury.

Thank you for your service.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
As is fat thrall to Putin.................and his CRC trumpanzees fall right in line.
If you really think that, you need to go back to school and get your GED.
You have really got the TDS....bad, bodie.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?

We have Russia to thank for trump being president. That and republicans knocking Black people off the voter rolls.

A threat to democracy: Republicans' war on minority voters
It seems Hillary is the one who is suiciding old acquaintances.....wake up.
But glad you drank the Kool-Aid, your masters are proud of you.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
You tell her Comrade
Did your masters tell you to say that, minion?

By the way, your punctuation sucked. It's supposed to be, "You tell her, Comrade."
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.

The liberal James Buchanan was hardly a perfect president, but he kept us out of war.

We've had a lot worse in our own time. B. Hussein O was pathetic, FDR was even worse.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
As is fat thrall to Putin.................and his CRC trumpanzees fall right in line.
Will you bow down and worship The Divine Emperor Pelosi when she is installed as Dictator over The New American Banana Republic?

Putin is so happy today!
Congratulations Comrade
Nope...but it's quite telling that you think in terms of "divine emperor"s and "dictator"s, Comrade. That's certainly Russian-like. Your people have always gone for totalitarian type governments.
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!

Pelosi is demented, full of partisan rage, and frothing like a radical rabid liberal. His letter is tame compared to what he should have told her.
Seemed like our President is in a rage

Pelosi just laughed
But...But...But...there are CRC trumpanzees telling us that Impeachment will help fat donnie get re-elected in 2020....why would he be upset?
Can anyone imagine Former President Bill Clinton writing such a whiny letter to the House Speaker when he was up for Impeachment? I sure can't imagine it.
Can anyone imagine how successful my Dirty Russian Dossier would be to inflict pain upon The Imperialist Americans, Comrade? And to think, I only charged Obama and Clinton $13 Million for it, I could have gotten at least $145 Million and broke even with the donations I made to her and Bill.

You Serve Mother Russia Proudly! Today will be celebrated in The Kremlin as the most successful attack by Russia on The American Colonialists, and we thank you for your active participation in our operation.

Glad to see you be honest about who you are and where you are posting from and why.

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