Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
You tell her Comrade
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
Both contribute to an abuse of power

Those following the rules do not offer bribes
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?

We have Russia to thank for trump being president. That and republicans knocking Black people off the voter rolls.

A threat to democracy: Republicans' war on minority voters
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
Both contribute to an abuse of power

Those following the rules do not offer bribes

The fact that neither Bribery nor Blackmail is mentioned in the articles of impeachment means that the house managers cannot use those words or infer that the defendant is guilty of either. If they do , it would be a case of inflaming the jury and result in the charges being dismissed with prejudice due to prosecutorial misconduct.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?

We have Russia to thank for trump being president. That and republicans knocking Black people off the voter rolls.

A threat to democracy: Republicans' war on minority voters

Actually , blacks vote at a higher rate than Honkies, not lower.

And believe me, Uncle Pooty would love to have Hillary Clinton as President. A drunken old lady who will do anything for a deal? Ideal opponent at the bargaining table.
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
Both contribute to an abuse of power

Those following the rules do not offer bribes

The fact that neither Bribery nor Blackmail is mentioned in the articles of impeachment means that the house managers cannot use those words or infer that the defendant is guilty of either. If they do , it would be a case of inflaming the jury and result in the charges being dismissed with prejudice due to prosecutorial misconduct.

Uh..You do know that this is not a criminal trial, right? That there is no such animal as 'dismissed with prejudice' in an impeachment proceeding? Prosecutorial probably the norm...LOL! Who would dismiss the charges? they can and will use whatever words they like..not that it will long as enough R's hold the line..and their noses.
Trump fires a broadside

Trump Rips Impeachment In Letter to Pelosi

President Trump wrote a fiery 6-page letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assailed the Democratic Party over “the very ugly word of impeachment,” calling it an “illegal, partisan attempted coup.”

Said Trump: “More due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

The letter appears to have been written by the president himself.

Actual letter sent--

After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
Both contribute to an abuse of power

Those following the rules do not offer bribes

The fact that neither Bribery nor Blackmail is mentioned in the articles of impeachment means that the house managers cannot use those words or infer that the defendant is guilty of either. If they do , it would be a case of inflaming the jury and result in the charges being dismissed with prejudice due to prosecutorial misconduct.
They don’t have to be
They help to prove the abuse of power charges

I am watching the proceedings right now and and both are part of the evidence presented
After the Impeachment vote, the so-called "moderates" who vote "Aye" will be fair bait for the President's political ire.

They will pay a fearsome price. President Trump has the largest war chest in US electoral history.

President Trump's proverb for living is "If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard,"

Extremists like Pennsylvania's Conor Lamb will be personally and brutally attacked as incompetent enablers of AOC,which BTW, is accurate.
Bribery and Blackmail, eh? Proud of such a criminal, are you?

Neither Bribery nor Blackmail are mentioned in the articles of impeachment. Its alleged "abuse of power" and "obstruction of congress".

You need to keep up , Bode.
Both contribute to an abuse of power

Those following the rules do not offer bribes

The fact that neither Bribery nor Blackmail is mentioned in the articles of impeachment means that the house managers cannot use those words or infer that the defendant is guilty of either. If they do , it would be a case of inflaming the jury and result in the charges being dismissed with prejudice due to prosecutorial misconduct.
They don’t have to be
They help to prove the abuse of power charges

I am watching the proceedings right now and and both are part of the evidence presented
I am listening the EIB coverage of it.
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!

Pelosi is demented, full of partisan rage, and frothing like a radical rabid liberal. His letter is tame compared to what he should have told her.
The "Perfect" phone call made no direct reference to Ukraine Corruption, which the Vice President Biden had been aiding in abolishing. Hunter Biden was mostly a partner in an investment firm, appointee to a Directorship at a (questionable) gas company with possible international aspirations. His presence was clearly an aid to lucrative business since he had a reputable and American lineage.

It has been noted that foreign aid is created with "Expectations" of an outcome. The Military Aid discussed in the "Perfect" phone call was not intended at all for use against Ukraine Business interests, other wealthy Oligarchs, Burisma, or corrupt and rotted foodstuffs. The military aid was for use in defense against the Russian incursions--(possibly some secret RNC policy, nowhere shown: Was for the Russian incursions(?)).

So when the "Perfect" phone call went off-topic, with intense specificity: It was open to the charge and interpretation of absolute abuse of protocol and authority. There is a Treaty with procedure for pursuing criminal allegations. No Criminal Statute violation by Vice President Biden is mentioned in the "Perfect" Phone Call!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Moses made no Egyptian criminal statute allegations of Subjugation and abuses by Pharaoh, even! Access to port-a-potties Israelis understand, even now!)
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Can anyone imagine Former President Bill Clinton writing such a whiny letter to the House Speaker when he was up for Impeachment? I sure can't imagine it.

Fair enough.

However, Trump is not Clinton, and Clinton is not Trump.

Clinton was impeached for a real reason, he really did lie to try and avoid paying his sex harassment victims.

Trump didn't do anything, he's the victim of a Witch Hunt and the impeachment is phony.

You can argue that Clinton didn't deserve to be thrown out of office because of Scottish Law. But even if you do, the charges were legit.

Here they are just bullshit.
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
As is fat thrall to Putin.................and his CRC trumpanzees fall right in line.
Disgraced Russian asset Donald J. Trump is a victim. He is a victim of a KGB thug who took advantage of Trump's vanity, venality, and especially his credulity.

Comrade Donald has been aided in his downfall by the lickspittles, bad actors, liars, and hypocrites with which he deliberately chose to surround himself.

Due to his own arrogance, Donald J Trump is going down in history with a big black mark on his legacy. All that will be remembered of him will be his ignominy.
Buchanan will be happy to no longer be known as the worst President.

The liberal James Buchanan was hardly a perfect president, but he kept us out of war.

We've had a lot worse in our own time. B. Hussein O was pathetic, FDR was even worse.
He proves himself to be an incompetent liar, and more than ever that the Trumpublicans who swallow that weak sauce are deserving of the worlds laughter, exponentially so!
Please, go back to jerking off your boyfriend's tiny penis. Do I have to bitch slap your Effeminate Hairy Man Butt Loving Ass again back to last Century where you still owned black men, and were PROUD OF IT?

That was The Glory Days for you, Master Blindboo. Now you are stuck with trying to import Brown Latino Slaves to work on your plantation, only Yous Aint's Alloweds to Whip Em.

And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more.
"And we aren't going to stand by and let you abuse and lie to any Americans any more." Pretty ironic coming from a Russian troll....and what are you going to do besides stand by all the way in Moscow, eh Comrade?
Still stuck on russia, huh, Bodie?
As is fat thrall to Putin.................and his CRC trumpanzees fall right in line.
Will you bow down and worship The Divine Emperor Pelosi when she is installed as Dictator over The New American Banana Republic?

Putin is so happy today!
Congratulations Comrade
i just read the reads as though his partisans here wrote it! He buys into every conspiracy theory and doubles down on them..he claims he is a victim and that the Congress's exercising its power is unconstitutional!

If the gloves were ever on..they're off now!

Pelosi is demented, full of partisan rage, and frothing like a radical rabid liberal. His letter is tame compared to what he should have told her.
Seemed like our President is in a rage

Pelosi just laughed

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