Trump rips into 'Da Nang Dick' Blumenthal, claiming he fabricated tales!

The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
When did he lie about it like Blumenthal?

At least Blumenthal served; he may have stretched the truth a bit bit he didn't 'pussy out' like Trump did.

Trump lied when he offered THREE wedding vows & he cheated on all three wives; happy?
Stretched the truth, huh? Not up to date about his exact words so do you know if his stretching included dodging any sniper fire on the tarmac?
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?
Trump served in the same location Blumenthal did ' the 'usa valley'. He just didn't lie about it, engage in 'stolen valor', or falsely claim to be a hero over it like Blumenthal did.
President Trump singled out Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., as one of the Democrats who most mistreated Brett Kavanaugh during Supreme Court confirmation hearings, branding him a hypocrite and launching into an extended tirade lampooning him making false claims about Vietnam.

"I just can't believe, it's because of the media, they've taken so much of it all, " Trump said. "But he, apologized like Jimmy Swaggart. Crying, bawling, because he conned the public when he was Attorney General of Connecticut for 15 years, talking about, 'As I went to Da Nang, bullets left and right. My friends going down.'”


In the FUNNY, BUT TRUE Dept.


Typical Trump garbage. He is the most ill-mannered person I have seen. Trump is a lying, dishonest weasel that has no right talk about anyone's military service.
I get damned tired of hearing sevice in Viet Nam made light of, lessened from what it was. After several trips to entertain troops in Viet Nam Johnny Cash wrote a song that tells a bit about what it was like. Listen and know what a sorry, self serving, pompous asshole Mr. Blumenthal and all you assholes who give him a pass and defend his actions are lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.
President Trump singled out Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., as one of the Democrats who most mistreated Brett Kavanaugh during Supreme Court confirmation hearings, branding him a hypocrite and launching into an extended tirade lampooning him making false claims about Vietnam.

"I just can't believe, it's because of the media, they've taken so much of it all, " Trump said. "But he, apologized like Jimmy Swaggart. Crying, bawling, because he conned the public when he was Attorney General of Connecticut for 15 years, talking about, 'As I went to Da Nang, bullets left and right. My friends going down.'”


In the FUNNY, BUT TRUE Dept.


Typical Trump garbage. He is the most ill-mannered person I have seen. Trump is a lying, dishonest weasel that has no right talk about anyone's military service.
It sucks when you get a taste of your own medicine, doesn't it?
Where did trump spend time during Viet Nam?

I believe Donald J. Trump spent a lot of time in whore houses during the Vietnam era; Trump stated that dodging STDs was a form of bravery.

I did hear that Trump’s grandfather was known for good food, booze and ready women; in Canada. :9:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

I also heard that Trump wants to negotiate a 'tariff' on Canadian prostitutes. :206:

How awesome is that....Donny T has been putting the wood to filthy Liberal whores for years hasn’t he?

You would have to ask Trump's two former wives & Trump's current wife to get a good answer to that, since Trump has cheated on all three of them; one with a 'porn star'
I find it so curious that lefties have become puritanical bigots all of a sudden. Where was all that contempt for adultery during the Clinton years?
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. I am completely against mixing religion & politics but the GOP started this crap back with Ronny RayGun, & that adulterer pastor Jerry Falwell.
The right, the GOP, conservatives, etc., they just keep on bucking for that goddamn 'Jesus vote' like a bunch of horny rabbits.
I get damned tired of hearing sevice in Viet Nam made light of, lessened from what it was. After several trips to entertain troops in Viet Nam Johnny Cash wrote a song that tells a bit about what it was like. Listen and know what a sorry, self serving, pompous asshole Mr. Blumenthal and all you assholes who give him a pass and defend his actions are lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut.

The thing about Blumenthal is that he didn't have to lie about going to Vietnam to get Libtard Democrat votes.

None of the stupid Moon Bats that voted for him gave a shit about him serving. They would have been the one to spit on him when he returned had he actually gone.

That lie did not by him any credentials that the Democrat voting base cared about.
President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. I am completely against mixing religion & politics but the GOP started this crap back with Ronny RayGun, & that adulterer pastor Jerry Falwell.
The right, the GOP, conservatives, etc., they just keep on bucking for that goddamn 'Jesus vote' like a bunch of horny rabbits.
Then why are you attacking Trump for supposedly committing adultery? You keep saying the evangelicals should oppose Trump on that bases: i.e., religion.

You're a fucking idiot.
Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. I am completely against mixing religion & politics but the GOP started this crap back with Ronny RayGun, & that adulterer pastor Jerry Falwell.
The right, the GOP, conservatives, etc., they just keep on bucking for that goddamn 'Jesus vote' like a bunch of horny rabbits.
Then why are you attacking Trump for supposedly committing adultery? You keep saying the evangelicals should oppose Trump on that bases: i.e., religion.

You're a fucking idiot.

Yes; I understand the whole concept of the GOP using the religious right to get out the vote for GOP candidates is a bit over your head. Don't you find it IRONIC that the GOP fronts a serial adulterer for the nomination, and the religious right supports adultery? That is a PERFECT reason for completely removing religion from politics; just one of many great reasons. I know, it's a little deep for you.
The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. I am completely against mixing religion & politics but the GOP started this crap back with Ronny RayGun, & that adulterer pastor Jerry Falwell.
The right, the GOP, conservatives, etc., they just keep on bucking for that goddamn 'Jesus vote' like a bunch of horny rabbits.
Then why are you attacking Trump for supposedly committing adultery? You keep saying the evangelicals should oppose Trump on that bases: i.e., religion.

You're a fucking idiot.

Yes; I understand the whole concept of the GOP using the religious right to get out the vote for GOP candidates is a bit over your head. Don't you find it IRONIC that the GOP fronts a serial adulterer for the nomination, and the religious right supports adultery? That is a PERFECT reason for completely removing religion from politics; just one of many great reasons. I know, it's a little deep for you.
Adultery is one of Trumps better personality traits
Typical Trump garbage. He is the most ill-mannered person I have seen. Trump is a lying, dishonest weasel that has no right talk about anyone's military service.

And those are his good points.

So, big deal.
Trump wants, "love & respect" too. Ever notice Trump's ego is bigger than Uranus?
Why does the GOP continually interject religion into politics?
It is like trying to mix oil & water: they don't mix.
I think Reagan & Jerry Falwell started this crap back in the 1980s. Oh yeah; Jerry Falwell = adulterer & pastor.
The GOP are still falling for the bullshit, I see.
You're the one trying to inject religion into politics, douchebag.

Well, then you haven't been paying attention. I am completely against mixing religion & politics but the GOP started this crap back with Ronny RayGun, & that adulterer pastor Jerry Falwell.
The right, the GOP, conservatives, etc., they just keep on bucking for that goddamn 'Jesus vote' like a bunch of horny rabbits.
Then why are you attacking Trump for supposedly committing adultery? You keep saying the evangelicals should oppose Trump on that bases: i.e., religion.

You're a fucking idiot.

Yes; I understand the whole concept of the GOP using the religious right to get out the vote for GOP candidates is a bit over your head. Don't you find it IRONIC that the GOP fronts a serial adulterer for the nomination, and the religious right supports adultery? That is a PERFECT reason for completely removing religion from politics; just one of many great reasons. I know, it's a little deep for you.
Adultery is one of Trumps better personality traits

Fatter o' mact it's the only thing he does that's in any way "adult".
The bonus: Trump gets the 'Jesus vote' and the approval of the evangelicals :206:

President Trump was the only candidate to show respect for evangelicals, who have been mocked for almost a hundred years by the left in this country since the Scopes Trial.

If one candidate is showing respect and love for you, and the other is calling you the "basket of deplorables clinging to your bibles and firearms", which do you think would have the inside track to gaining your support?

Actions speak louder than words:
As we all (should) know Trump is an amoral human that is marked by the 'dark triad' and worse.
If the Jesus crowd want a serial adulterer (and worse) to represent them then they have no morals either.

The Christian people, who you disrespectfully called the "jesus crowd", want love and respect. Not scorn, not hatred, not wild eyed extremists blowing up buildings and advocating for Homosexual Marriage.

Eric Rudolph rates this post "funny". So does the IRA, the Lord's Resistance Army and the Klan.
President Trump singled out Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., as one of the Democrats who most mistreated Brett Kavanaugh during Supreme Court confirmation hearings, branding him a hypocrite and launching into an extended tirade lampooning him making false claims about Vietnam.

"I just can't believe, it's because of the media, they've taken so much of it all, " Trump said. "But he, apologized like Jimmy Swaggart. Crying, bawling, because he conned the public when he was Attorney General of Connecticut for 15 years, talking about, 'As I went to Da Nang, bullets left and right. My friends going down.'”


In the FUNNY, BUT TRUE Dept.

------------------------------------------- thanks Purge , i didn't know much about this lying traitor 'blumenthal' . Y ou are teaching the board Purge .
What’s all the hubbub about? It’s a stolen valor issue and nothing could be farther down libs’ list of things that bug them.

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