trump said Obama should have been fired for shutdown...but

Americans are catching on. Three times as many recognize he is a hypocrite than those that don't.

The ones that don't are his "base".

Americans are catching on. Three times as many recognize he is a hypocrite than those that don't.

The ones that don't are his "base".


Base is marketable I assume....but I prefer the term "cult" to describe his droolers...
He has had THREE.....maybe he should have been fired three times....

Yabbut he'd just fall back on the same crutch he uses for his bankruptcies...

"EXCUSE ME. EXCUSE ME. I took advantage of the laws of this country, like millions of other businesses (Presidents) did".

US banks won't touch the crook, haven't for quite a while.
He has had THREE.....maybe he should have been fired three times....

Donnie Tiny Hands says all kinds of stupidass false shit no one with any sense at all pays any attention to.

Sadly....that is true. His crimes seem to be falling on deaf ears....or voters have become numb to the criminal....amoral actions of the
He has had THREE.....maybe he should have been fired three times....

Donnie Tiny Hands says all kinds of stupidass false shit no one with any sense at all pays any attention to.

Sadly....that is true. His crimes seem to be falling on deaf ears....or voters have become numb to the criminal....amoral actions of the

Incrementalism is insidious stuff, look at what else we've become desenstitized and numbed down to, a partial list:

Militarization of police departments with Israeli training in population subjugation/control/Palestinianization
War maneuvers on American streets at OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL
Corporate for profit prisons with convict labor leasing which is legal enslavement in the US
Police murdering of unarmed nonthreatening citizens in the streets, on the job, in their own home
Endless wars and global occupation for profit, resource and wealth extraction funded by economic cannibalization at home
Our military support for 3/4s of the world's military dictatorships
The poisoning of the public water supply, lead and otherwise, known and intentional in some instances
The caging of children and parental separation, the latter being nothing new at all, see “”Indian” Boarding Schools” which went well into the mid 1900s
Military partnerships with radical Islamists when suitable in the middle east and neo-Nazis n Ukraine
A return to interment camps and the military unleashed at home as if detention centers could never be used to hold white folk ("real" americans)

We're one "terrorist event" away from becoming a police state.
The Moon Bats are confused.

This not Trump's shut down.

The Republican House passed a budget. All the Democrats voted against the budget.

The Democrats in the Senate did not provide enough votes to get it out of the Senate.

This shutdown is a Democrat shutdown.

They are pissed because their girl didn't win.
I only blame Trump for 2 out of 3. The one over DACA that lasted a weekend I pin on the Democrats. I feel for those affected by this one, only wish it was over the annual budget deficit instead of more spending.

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