Trump said we pay for 90% of what NATO gets. Do you believe him?

"to sit on their asses all day long in rent free homes" is a lie if it is a description of the US military.
We have the bases and all of the equipment and the people. In their countries. At our expense. We are easily covering 70% of NATO’s security costs.

Yes, and we need to close them out and bring our soldiers back to our own borders.

The military is NOT a border patrol! Come on man! How many times does this have to be explained?

The military is NOT an empire building apparatus either nor does it exist to fight everyone else's wars. World War II is over. The Cold War is over. Our military's job is to defend OUR nation, not everyone else's. In case you didn't notice we have a $22 trillion debt. We can't afford this largess anymore.

Nice goalpost move.

Back to my point please!
FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.

Just Trump's way of saying we pay the lion's share, far too much. Tell me what countries pay more? We are ONE COUNTRY and pay 1/5th the total amount and don't get jack for it.
Taz has it right, Admiral is wrong: it's that simple.

It is just Trump's way to lie when, in fact, the truth would suffice.
Read this misleading statement in the OP's first link from NPR and tell me if the rest of it is worth reading....

"The U.S. has not been stiffed for unpaid bills by NATO allies."

"There is no ledger that maintains accounts of what countries pay and owe," says former Obama administration National Security Council staffer Aaron O'Connell. "NATO is not like a club with annual membership fees."

If no ledger is kept which I do not doubt how can NPR write that we have not been stiffed?
Are they this stupid or do they think we are that stupid? either way it blows up the whole narrative that the OP is puking out along with the dishonest media....

Every president for two decades has called out NATO for shortchanging the U.S. but did nothing about it....Trump is putting Obama... Bush...and Clinton's words/lies into action and the left hates it.....
FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.
/----/ Even left wing CNN says different:

These NATO countries are not spending their fair share on defense
New spending data released on Monday show the U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year. That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.

Plus the investment in our own intel and military assets provide addt'l security around the world in addition to our NATO spending.
FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.
/----/ Even left wing CNN says different:

These NATO countries are not spending their fair share on defense
New spending data released on Monday show the U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year. That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.

The U.S. share is calculated on the basis of gross national income — the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country — and adjusted regularly. Currently that would be about 22 percent, compared to about 15 percent for Germany, 11 percent for France, 10 percent for the United Kingdom, 8 percent for Italy, 7 percent for Canada, and so forth.
Goes to show we are spending far too much of our GDP on military expenses that we don't need.

We could get the expenditures in half and still spend slightly more than every one else combined.
The President loves the MIC with a passion.

He wants NATO to pick up spending, so the US can spend even more.
FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.

Remind us if NATO could take on the Minnesota national gaurd?

I doubt it.

If NATO pays so much where are their aircraft carriers? Subs???

I'm embarrassed to have to explain this. It's so obvious and and so simple, but I will anyway. I know it won't "stick", but I'll give it a go anyway.


Do you see the light blue. That's Canada, the US and the rest of the NATO countries. Who threatens NATO? The darker blue off to the right. That's Russia. Sorry for being sarcastic, but where is the ocean between NATO and Russia? See what I mean?

Remember, the US has interests all over the entire world.

NATO doesn't. NATO is a collection of small countries pledged to protect each other. The bulk of US funds spent on protection is over the rest of the world and the reason is because of NATO.

Try to figure out why.
We have the bases and all of the equipment and the people. In their countries. At our expense. We are easily covering 70% of NATO’s security costs.

Yes, and we need to close them out and bring our soldiers back to our own borders.

The military is NOT a border patrol! Come on man! How many times does this have to be explained?

The military is NOT an empire building apparatus either nor does it exist to fight everyone else's wars. World War II is over. The Cold War is over. Our military's job is to defend OUR nation, not everyone else's. In case you didn't notice we have a $22 trillion debt. We can't afford this largess anymore.

So let's stop paying people to sit on their asses all day long in rent free homes, eating free food, getting free medical care

I'm fine with that too, but you think that's going to cover the bill? And that doesn't address my point that those afforementioned things are not our military's responsibility.
I'm embarrassed to have to explain this. It's so obvious and and so simple, but I will anyway. I know it won't "stick", but I'll give it a go anyway.
Do you see the light blue. That's Canada, the US and the rest of the NATO countries. Who threatens NATO? The darker blue off to the right. That's Russia. Sorry for being sarcastic, but where is the ocean between NATO and Russia? See what I mean?

Help me understand what you're saying about geographic proximity of the ocean ?
FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.
/----/ Even left wing CNN says different:

These NATO countries are not spending their fair share on defense
New spending data released on Monday show the U.S. shells out far more money on defense than any other nation on the planet.

According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year. That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S.

The U.S. share is calculated on the basis of gross national income — the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country — and adjusted regularly. Currently that would be about 22 percent, compared to about 15 percent for Germany, 11 percent for France, 10 percent for the United Kingdom, 8 percent for Italy, 7 percent for Canada, and so forth.

It's not the over all picture and you know it

BTW only two countries paid us back for WWII...Great Britain a few years ago and Turkey..the rest still owes us

FACT CHECK: Trump's Claims On NATO Spending

No, US does not pay for 70 or 90 percent of NATO

Obama applauds halt to decline in NATO spending

How NATO is funded and who pays what

We all saw Trump say the US pays 90% of what goes to NATO during this trip to Europe. In fact he said it more than once.

So what does the US actually pay?


Yep, 22%, not 90%.

And it was back in 2014 that Obama demanded NATO paid more. And after the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, they got on the ball. They scheduled the increases into their economy. and we saw the amount they pay increasing a couple of years ago. Before Trump took office.

So the upcoming increases were negotiated by Obama, not Trump.

It's all right there. Easy to look up. VERY recent history. Believe what you want, but those are the facts.
I don’t care if it is .003% it is still too much

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