Trump says "growth" will pay for the tax cuts... and here is how!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts
Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts

So to those economically challenged people here are some FACTS to back up Trump's statement.
First of all understand why companies were hesitate to hire. Here are some actual statements!

They have realized that it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake, and they’re less willing to take a risk,” says Jeanne Branthover, managing partner of DHR International, an executive search firm. “Before 2007, my clients were hiring and firing and not thinking about it.”

So with Obamacare forcing more payments especially companies under 50 employees and the owner
NOT wanting to encounter higher expenses by hiring the 50th employee... because why?
.."it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake,

So how many people will be added because with Trump's loosening the rules and regulations, by lowering taxes, by encouraging repatriation of the nearly $3 Trillion offshore here are some of the contributions
to how the tax cuts will be paid for by "GROWTH"!!!

About 5.5 million Americans are not in the labor force — and so not counted among the unemployed — but still want a job now, up from 4.3 million before the recession, the Labor Department says. Simply put, Van Horn says, the occasional job searches by those laid off in the downturn creates more competition for jobs among the long-term unemployed.
Yet a growing number of companies that had been reluctant to bring on the long-term unemployed are more willing to offer them temporary jobs initially or training, says Paul McDonald, senior executive director of staffing firm Robert Half.
Out of work for six months or more? Here's why you can't find a job

5.5 million Americans.. that want a job but because of the above, can't find them.
NOW with corporate taxes cut from 35 to 15% employers have a little more leeway in making hiring
mistakes. With repeal of Obamacare that employer who hesitated to hire the 50th employee will hire!
After all the employer makes more money when more products are made...right?

President Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts
Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts

So to those economically challenged people here are some FACTS to back up Trump's statement.
First of all understand why companies were hesitate to hire. Here are some actual statements!

They have realized that it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake, and they’re less willing to take a risk,” says Jeanne Branthover, managing partner of DHR International, an executive search firm. “Before 2007, my clients were hiring and firing and not thinking about it.”

So with Obamacare forcing more payments especially companies under 50 employees and the owner
NOT wanting to encounter higher expenses by hiring the 50th employee... because why?
.."it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake,

So how many people will be added because with Trump's loosening the rules and regulations, by lowering taxes, by encouraging repatriation of the nearly $3 Trillion offshore here are some of the contributions
to how the tax cuts will be paid for by "GROWTH"!!!

About 5.5 million Americans are not in the labor force — and so not counted among the unemployed — but still want a job now, up from 4.3 million before the recession, the Labor Department says. Simply put, Van Horn says, the occasional job searches by those laid off in the downturn creates more competition for jobs among the long-term unemployed.
Yet a growing number of companies that had been reluctant to bring on the long-term unemployed are more willing to offer them temporary jobs initially or training, says Paul McDonald, senior executive director of staffing firm Robert Half.
Out of work for six months or more? Here's why you can't find a job

5.5 million Americans.. that want a job but because of the above, can't find them.
NOW with corporate taxes cut from 35 to 15% employers have a little more leeway in making hiring
mistakes. With repeal of Obamacare that employer who hesitated to hire the 50th employee will hire!
After all the employer makes more money when more products are made...right?

View attachment 123629
I dunno.....more than 3 lines is a tax on my attention span.
That was the general argument for RR and for GHWB. Both were failures.
Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
Unemployment is low . This plan will fail. Even if these 5 mill people get good paying jobs, that's like 3% of the population . They won't make up the lost tax funds from the cuts .
Bob must be a illegal alien sweat shop owner and billionaire to think that rewarding these pieces of shit is good for our country.

Here is what we need to do
1. cut taxes on the middle class
2. Raise them on the top 2-3%
3. Enforce anti-trust
4. Work to rebuild unions
5. Invest into skill based education

All this will do far more.
That was the general argument for RR and for GHWB. Both were failures.

So, you believe that people that barter their labor in one hour increments for a fiat "dollar" backed by nothing of an intrinsic value but only as a means of exchange should have some of their labor "confiscated" to pay interest to the foreign owned Federal Reserve bank that simply gave USA.INC the permission to print this scrip that that we call "money"??? Interesting concept.....
Regulation reduction is necessary for economic growth, tax simplification is needed, but to reduce the national debt we need budget surpluses. The proposed loss of the state and local taxes deduction for federal income tax is a step in the right direction but more such is needed. Also there are undesirable sideeffects as in do you really want it possible for blue state snowflakes to Californicate the rest of the country?
Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
The vast majority of US businesses are not owned by the 1%. As to loopholes, the numbers I've seen say that with a top tax rate of 38%, in reality US business pays about 28%. Ever wonder how many small companies must pay in excess of 28% to even out say GE paying nothing? Just more identity politics, if you own a business you are automatically evil and taking advantage of some one.

While I'm not onboard with Trumps tax cuts, I haven't seen enough to make a decision, I wish the left would stop demonizing all business. The overwhelming majority of us have "outsourced/offshored" nothing. In fact the vast majority of us are trying to create jobs.
Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
The vast majority of US businesses are not owned by the 1%. As to loopholes, the numbers I've seen say that with a top tax rate of 38%, in reality US business pays about 28%. Ever wonder how many small companies must pay in excess of 28% to even out say GE paying nothing? Just more identity politics, if you own a business you are automatically evil and taking advantage of some one.

While I'm not onboard with Trumps tax cuts, I haven't seen enough to make a decision, I wish the left would stop demonizing all business. The overwhelming majority of us have "outsourced/offshored" nothing. In fact the vast majority of us are trying to create jobs.

REality is that you need $X to run the gov. If big biz is going to get the tax break, that leaves the working stiff to make up the difference.

I though trump was for the working man?
Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
The vast majority of US businesses are not owned by the 1%. As to loopholes, the numbers I've seen say that with a top tax rate of 38%, in reality US business pays about 28%. Ever wonder how many small companies must pay in excess of 28% to even out say GE paying nothing? Just more identity politics, if you own a business you are automatically evil and taking advantage of some one.

While I'm not onboard with Trumps tax cuts, I haven't seen enough to make a decision, I wish the left would stop demonizing all business. The overwhelming majority of us have "outsourced/offshored" nothing. In fact the vast majority of us are trying to create jobs.

REality is that you need $X to run the gov. If big biz is going to get the tax break, that leaves the working stiff to make up the difference.

I though trump was for the working man?
I don't disagree, demonizing "business" doesn't help. Get rid of loopholes and simplify the code then we may be able to lower rates to competitive levels.
Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
The vast majority of US businesses are not owned by the 1%. As to loopholes, the numbers I've seen say that with a top tax rate of 38%, in reality US business pays about 28%. Ever wonder how many small companies must pay in excess of 28% to even out say GE paying nothing? Just more identity politics, if you own a business you are automatically evil and taking advantage of some one.

While I'm not onboard with Trumps tax cuts, I haven't seen enough to make a decision, I wish the left would stop demonizing all business. The overwhelming majority of us have "outsourced/offshored" nothing. In fact the vast majority of us are trying to create jobs.

REality is that you need $X to run the gov. If big biz is going to get the tax break, that leaves the working stiff to make up the difference.

I though trump was for the working man?
I don't disagree, demonizing "business" doesn't help. Get rid of loopholes and simplify the code then we may be able to lower rates to competitive levels.

I'm not demonizing biz. I just don't believe that supply side tax policy works .
About 5.5 million Americans are not in the labor force — and so not counted among the unemployed — but still want a job now, up from 4.3 million before the recession, the Labor Department says.
5.5 million Americans.. that want a job but because of the above, can't find them.
By definition, not in the labor force means did not look for work in the last four weeks. (in the next month, if they've looked, they'll be classified as unemployed again. So it's not that they "can't" find a job...they're not trying.
Let's look at these 5.5 million who say they want a job but haven't looked in the last four weeks:
A-38. Persons not in the labor force by desire and availability for work, age, and sex
3.3 million of them have not done one single thing to get a job in the last 12 months Not one application, not one resume, not one interview...not even asking friends or family.
Of those 2.2 million that did look in the last 12 months but not last 4 weeks, 600,000 say they would not be able to start work if they were offered a job.

So now we're down to 1.6 million "marginally attached to the labor force. Down from 1.7 million last March. and down from 2.8 million in Jan 2011.
Not in Labor Force, Searched For Work and Available
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Actually we have almost 100 million not participating in the labor force, a number that is growing since Trump became president.
Actually we have almost 100 million not participating in the labor force, a number that is growing since Trump became president.

Where are your FACTS about the 100 million growing since Trump? Because YOU are a LIAR!

Which is a bigger number???/ 95.1 million or 94.2 million????
NOT in Labor Force Mar 2017 94.213 million!
Obama last report 01-2017 95.1 million.
Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 10.15.40 PM.png

In Obama's Final Jobs report, A Record 95.1 Million People Were Not In The Labor Force
In Obama's Final Jobs report, A Record 95.1 Million People Were Not In The Labor Force | Zero Hedge

Rewarding the same people that
1. Don't pay more then 15% as of right now because of loop holes
2. Offshore
3. Outsource
4. Fuck over the American worker every chance they get

Why the fuck would you want to do this is beyond me. It won't help to rebuild the middle class and if anything will effect less then a few percent of the country.
The vast majority of US businesses are not owned by the 1%. As to loopholes, the numbers I've seen say that with a top tax rate of 38%, in reality US business pays about 28%. Ever wonder how many small companies must pay in excess of 28% to even out say GE paying nothing? Just more identity politics, if you own a business you are automatically evil and taking advantage of some one.

While I'm not onboard with Trumps tax cuts, I haven't seen enough to make a decision, I wish the left would stop demonizing all business. The overwhelming majority of us have "outsourced/offshored" nothing. In fact the vast majority of us are trying to create jobs.

REality is that you need $X to run the gov. If big biz is going to get the tax break, that leaves the working stiff to make up the difference.

I though trump was for the working man?
I don't disagree, demonizing "business" doesn't help. Get rid of loopholes and simplify the code then we may be able to lower rates to competitive levels.

I'm not demonizing biz. I just don't believe that supply side tax policy works .

It will NEVER work when a president says these things about business, jobs, America!!!
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... (so what happens to the above?)
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
"I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!
Actually we have almost 100 million not participating in the labor force, a number that is growing since Trump became president.
But only 5.5 million say they want a job now. That's what we were discussing. The number has always been growing...every President has set the record for number of people not in the labor force.
President Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts
Trump: Economic growth is going to pay for new tax cuts

So to those economically challenged people here are some FACTS to back up Trump's statement.
First of all understand why companies were hesitate to hire. Here are some actual statements!

They have realized that it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake, and they’re less willing to take a risk,” says Jeanne Branthover, managing partner of DHR International, an executive search firm. “Before 2007, my clients were hiring and firing and not thinking about it.”

So with Obamacare forcing more payments especially companies under 50 employees and the owner
NOT wanting to encounter higher expenses by hiring the 50th employee... because why?
.."it’s very expensive to hire and very expensive to make a mistake,

So how many people will be added because with Trump's loosening the rules and regulations, by lowering taxes, by encouraging repatriation of the nearly $3 Trillion offshore here are some of the contributions
to how the tax cuts will be paid for by "GROWTH"!!!

About 5.5 million Americans are not in the labor force — and so not counted among the unemployed — but still want a job now, up from 4.3 million before the recession, the Labor Department says. Simply put, Van Horn says, the occasional job searches by those laid off in the downturn creates more competition for jobs among the long-term unemployed.
Yet a growing number of companies that had been reluctant to bring on the long-term unemployed are more willing to offer them temporary jobs initially or training, says Paul McDonald, senior executive director of staffing firm Robert Half.
Out of work for six months or more? Here's why you can't find a job

5.5 million Americans.. that want a job but because of the above, can't find them.
NOW with corporate taxes cut from 35 to 15% employers have a little more leeway in making hiring
mistakes. With repeal of Obamacare that employer who hesitated to hire the 50th employee will hire!
After all the employer makes more money when more products are made...right?

View attachment 123629
Let's just deny and disparage CEO's, steak and lobster privileges, until the employment situation improves?

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