trump Says He Can Force Companies To Leave China

Why is the manufacturing of trump's goods still in China?

If he wants manufacturing to be here in America why has he not moved all is manufacturing to America?

A leader leads. They are the first to do something then others follow. Why has trump not been a leader and brought manufacturing of his goods to America? Why did he start all his manufacturing outside America to begin with? If he's such an America first person why has he always had the manufacturing of his goods outside America?

The man demands people do things he's not willing to do. Wow.

Trump Asserts He Can Force U.S. Companies to Leave China
As opposed to Obama and Bush forcing companies out of the US and into China.

Who’s side are you on?

The enemy of America is the friend of Dana7360 and all the democrats. The goal of the left is the destruction of America.
Tell me where his products are made here in America.

I'm not a liar.

Click the link to read about all the products that trump sells that are made in China or other nations.

If you're too cheap to pay to read the Washington Post, here's the same article on another site that's free:

Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas –
They are not Trump's products. Washington Post is a pure anti-Trump propaganda rag. They got raked over the coals for saying that Trump sells ties with the name Trump on them, which are made in China. Turns out, Trump does not sell the ties, they are not his company, they are a Chinese company. Trump merely brand licenses . IOW, the Chinese company pays Trump for the use of his name on THEIR ties.

There many examples of products that Trump does brand licensing with, and dishonest leftist media distorts this, to make it appear that Trump is outsourcing HIS products to China. They are not his products, and never were.
Classic Washington Post.

I couldn't get past the lie in your first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe a word after that.

As for some of trump's merchandise, here's David Letterman confronting trump with his ties made in China.

Here's a link to a search of photos of trump's merchandise made in China:

photos of trump merchandise made in china - Bing images

Here's a screen shot of trump clothes made in China.

Stop lying.

Screen Shot 2019-08-24 at 8.33.26 PM.png
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I couldn't get past the lie in your first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe a word after that.

As for some of trump's merchandise, here's David Letterman confronting trump with his ties made in China.

Here's a link to a search of photos of trump's merchandise made in China:

photos of trump merchandise made in china - Bing images

Here's a screen shot of trump clothes made in China.

Stop lying.
View attachment 275839

I'm not surprised that you are brainwashed by the liberal media, including knucklehead Letterman. I suppose you never heard of brand licensing. (aka "Branding")

You're getting an education. >>>

Before he ran for office, Trump made millions off his brand. Now his merchandise empire is virtually gone.

How much does the Trump brand pay?

Donald Trump (the Brand) Going to China
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I couldn't get past the lie in your first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. I don't believe a word after that.

As for some of trump's merchandise, here's David Letterman confronting trump with his ties made in China.

Here's a link to a search of photos of trump's merchandise made in China:

photos of trump merchandise made in china - Bing images

Here's a screen shot of trump clothes made in China.

Stop lying.
View attachment 275839

Those things are all just NAMES plastered on Chinese company items, to increase sales, for which Trump got paid (brand licensing) fees$$.

You are ignorant.
Are American workers going to work for Chinese wages?

I don't think so.
It has more to do with labor arbitrage schemes the Chinese are encouraging by their currency manipulation.

And since the cost of living is so much lower in China, an American would have to be stupid to work for slave wages.
The lie is that "Trump asserts he can force US Companies to leave China." That is a false statement.

Actually he can.

Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977 Gives Trump Power To Force U.S. Companies to Leave China

Trump Has Clear Authority For His Order That All American Businesses Leave China!

Trump could treat China more like Iran and order sanctions, which would involve declaring a national emergency under a 1977 law called the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or IEEPA.

Once an emergency is declared, the law gives Trump broad authority to block the activities of individual companies or even entire economic sectors, former federal officials and legal experts said.

For example, by stating that Chinese theft of U.S. companies’ intellectual property constitutes a national emergency, Trump could order U.S. companies to avoid certain transactions, such as buying Chinese technology products, said Tim Meyer, director of the International Legal Studies Program at Vanderbilt Law School in Nashville.

Trump used a similar strategy earlier this year when he said illegal immigration was an emergency and threatened to put tariffs on all Mexican imports.

Past presidents have invoked IEEPA to freeze the assets of foreign governments, such as when former President Jimmy Carter in 1979 blocked assets owned by the Iranian government from passing through the U.S. financial system.

“The IEEPA framework is broad enough to do something blunt,” said Meyer.​

If Carter could do it, why cant Trump?

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