Trump says he should serve more time in office because of how the FBI has treated him

Well.....AND OLD JOE……. …………has uttered another load of verbal crapola. Sadly he can’t seem to get ANYTHING straight………….what the hell will he do if he is elected and has a sink or swim decision to make. His mind is aging , and he is borderline SENILE. and old Joe just announced........ that he is the "only" candidate qualified to beat George Bush!! ouch!

YOU MUST BE JOKING!! (I've been on my boat a couple of days and just got home).

The FBI stuff is simply Karma for Trump's birther stuff. What goes around, comes around.
If Trump wins a second term we should abolish term limits for an incumbent president.

Kicking ass .... worldwide.

The only ass being kicked is Trump's. Otherwise he would't be complaining constantly about how ill-treated he is.
Trump is the surrender monkey. And we are not doing better in any of the areas you mentioned.

People as stupid as you are the reason I encourage liberals to abort their genetic garbage or at least go queer and swallow it.


Kicking ass .... worldwide.
You deluding yourself with this fantasy on a daily basis will never make it a reality.

You deluding yourself with this fantasy on a daily basis will never make it a reality.

Pot calls kettle black
Who I am or how I perceive myself is irrelevant. Trump is still a useless sack of shit.

Meanwhile, anyone not a wetback, a pole puffer, a rug muncher, a lowlife degenerate, a criminal, a man in a dress, a white quilt whacko or a feminazi celebrates his presidency daily.
I’m a heterosexual white male. You can pretend I am not if you want to I guess but you are a complete moron if you think the only people who dislike Trump are the people you listed. The rest of the world is laughing at us. We have elected an unprecedented international embarrassment. It’s not even about the republican ideology. Trump himself is just such a useless sack of shit. He is incredibly stupid and childish and is therefore well below the standard of any level of public office.
lol, you've seen more peter than Paul and Mary.
Well.....AND OLD JOE……. …………has uttered another load of verbal crapola. Sadly he can’t seem to get ANYTHING straight………….what the hell will he do if he is elected and has a sink or swim decision to make. His mind is aging , and he is borderline SENILE. and old Joe just announced........ that he is the "only" candidate qualified to beat George Bush!! ouch!
Don’t you people ever get tired of deflecting to Democrats when you can’t defend Trump?

It is because the choice on the left seem worst than the bad orange man...
Considering that Trump plays golf more than any president in history, we can subtract that time from how much extra time that he feels entitled to, and I figure that he already owes us more time than we owe him.

How many golf courses did other Presidents own? Specifically how many golf courses did they own where they also had houses?
Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

He is such a pathetic, whiny little bitch. It absolutely blows my mind how republicans are still in denial of that basic reality.

Many would call Trump fascist by this quote and while I would agree, Trump is too stupid and petty to be compared to fascist leaders of the past. As deplorable as they were, Trump’s sheer stupidity overshadows his narcissistic ideology.

Yet he is president?
Trump suggests he should have extra time as president, in rant over ‘dishonest fool’ Comey’s leaks

He is such a pathetic, whiny little bitch. It absolutely blows my mind how republicans are still in denial of that basic reality.

Many would call Trump fascist by this quote and while I would agree, Trump is too stupid and petty to be compared to fascist leaders of the past. As deplorable as they were, Trump’s sheer stupidity overshadows his narcissistic ideology.

Talk about a whiny little bitch, that is all you do. You whine and bitch about everything Trump does. That President owns your ass, he is really in that empty head of yours. You should be embarrassed..
Why can’t you just be an adult and address the actual thing Trump said?

What is there to address?

President Donald Trump is bored, he takes out his laser pointer and you rise to the bait like a little kitten!

You're so easy!
It would be good for the country if he got an extra term. But since I'm a law abiding conservative and not a law ignoring Democrat, he needs to do his 8 and then turn the controls over to Jim Jordan.
Well.....AND OLD JOE……. …………has uttered another load of verbal crapola. Sadly he can’t seem to get ANYTHING straight………….what the hell will he do if he is elected and has a sink or swim decision to make. His mind is aging , and he is borderline SENILE. and old Joe just announced........ that he is the "only" candidate qualified to beat George Bush!! ouch!
Don’t you people ever get tired of deflecting to Democrats when you can’t defend Trump?
Who needs to defend him he is doing so much better than the Surrender Monkey did....economy, foreign policy, illegal immigrant invaders.....what don't you socialist/communists dislike.... More taxes?
Trump is the surrender monkey. And we are not doing better in any of the areas you mentioned.
Aw, the black thug of USMB is butt hurt that I call the Surrender Monkey the Surrender Monkey....and then LIES about our economy, employment, and stopping all the invaders from coming in and cost US billions each year....hey Gollywog why aren't you ranting about all YOUR BLACK CHILDREN being aborted and keeping your people only at 13% of the population for over 3 DECADES,?.....Just think of all the POTENTIAL BLACK DemonRATS being killed each year....over 120 000 in 2017, probably more since then...You are truly one sick and deranged negro!

CDC: 36% of Abortions Abort Black Babies - CNS News
Nov 28, 2018 · 23, 2018 – there were 124,893 white abortions and 121,829 black abortions that year, a difference of 3,064 babies killed. (See Table 12.
Trump says he should serve more time in office because of how the FBI has treated him

Trump should go fuck himself.

lie 24/7/365 then sue the government to hide the truth, and this fat fuck wants MORE TIME - piss off princess.
Considering that Trump plays golf more than any president in history, we can subtract that time from how much extra time that he feels entitled to, and I figure that he already owes us more time than we owe him.

How many golf courses did other Presidents own? Specifically how many golf courses did they own where they also had houses?

Ok, so you think that if he owns a house where he owns a golf course, he deserves time off to play as much as he wants and flying him and a jumbo jet full of aids and secret service people for vacation weekends doesn't cost the taxpayers anything.....:21:

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