Trump Says Migrants Who Have Committed Murder Have Introduced 'A Lot Bad Genes In Our Country'.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday suggested that migrants who are in the U.S. and have committed murder did so because “it’s in their genes.” There are, he added, “a lot of bad genes in our country right now.

It’s the latest example of Trump alleging that immigrants are changing the hereditary makeup of the U.S. Last year, he evoked language once used by Adolf Hitler to argue that immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

Trump made the comments Monday in a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt. He was criticizing his Democratic opponent for the 2024 presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris, when he pivoted to immigration, citing statistics that the Department of Homeland Security says include cases from his administration
Does that mean that White's Who Commit Murder who commit murder also have "Bad Genes"?

Right now, as part of his campaign Diaper Don is pushing Fascist bullshit like this. This is who he is.
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Broke ass and non English speaking and mostly not working .For generations
They add nothing to the American work ethic nor situation
They are lawbreakers and far far less contributory than 99% of the citizens already here.
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More facts ruffling lib loons feathers of feelings
Here are some facts.

Undocumented Immigrant Offending Rate Lower Than U.S.-Born Citizen Rate

An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.

Don't let these facts ruffle your and trumps conservative loon feathers of feelings
Broke ass and non English speaking and mostly not working .
They add nothing to the American work ethic nor situation
They are lawbreakers and far far less contributory than 99% of the citizens already here.
More lies based on bigoted feelings and not facts.
Eugenics is ugly. A theory pushed by Hitler and the Nazi's in WWII. It's been around a long fucking time. Reich Wing Nut Jobs love shit like this.
Here are some facts.
View attachment 1023293

Undocumented Immigrant Offending Rate Lower Than U.S.-Born Citizen Rate

An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.

Don't let these facts ruffle your and trumps conservative loon feathers of feelings
100% of them are criminals simply by coming here illegally.
Broke ass and non English speaking and mostly not working .For generations
They add nothing to the American work ethic nor situation
They are lawbreakers and far far less contributory than 99% of the citizens already here.
Why is it that the bums on the corners are majority white folks?
Here are some facts.
View attachment 1023293

Undocumented Immigrant Offending Rate Lower Than U.S.-Born Citizen Rate

An NIJ-funded study examining data from the Texas Department of Public Safety estimated the rate at which undocumented immigrants are arrested for committing crimes. The study found that undocumented immigrants are arrested at less than half the rate of native-born U.S. citizens for violent and drug crimes and a quarter the rate of native-born citizens for property crimes.

Don't let these facts ruffle your and trumps conservative loon feathers of feelings
The “lower rate” is misleading as it’s not a lower percentage but rather lower gross total numbers because they are about 1/35th of the total population
In addition, they are 100% lawbreaking upon entry,
You attempted manipulation and dishonesty Is Exposed once again
Eugenics is ugly. A theory pushed by Hitler and the Nazi's in WWII. It's been around a long fucking time. Reich Wing Nut Jobs love shit like this.

Actually, Hitler's eugenics was founded upon American eugenicists.
One such agitator was a disgruntled corporal in the German army. In 1924, he was serving time in prison for mob action. While there, he spent his time poring over eugenic textbooks, which extensively quoted Davenport, Popenoe and other American ethnological stalwarts. And he closely followed the writings of Leon Whitney, president of the American Eugenics Society, and Madison Grant, who extolled the Nordic race and bemoaned its "corruption" by Jews, Negroes, Slavs and others who did not possess blond hair and blue eyes. The young German corporal even wrote one of them fan mail.
In The Passing of the Great Race, Grant wrote: "Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants and the sterilisation of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
One day in the early 1930s, Whitney visited Grant to show off a letter he had just received from Germany, written by the corporal, now out of prison and rising in the German political scene. Grant could only smile. He pulled out his own letter. It was from the same German, thanking Grant for writing The Passing of the Great Race. The fan letter called Grant's book "his Bible". The man who sent those letters was Adolf Hitler.
Hitler displayed his knowledge of American eugenics in much of his writing and conversation. In Mein Kampf, for example, he declared: "The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring is a demand of clearest reason and, if systematically executed, represents the most humane act of mankind. It will spare millions of unfortunates undeserved sufferings, and consequently will lead to a rising improvement of health as a whole."
Mein Kampf also displayed a familiarity with the recently passed US National Origins Act, which called for eugenic quotas. "There is today one state in which at least weak beginnings toward a better conception [of immigration] are noticeable. Of course, it is not our model German Republic, but [the US], in which an effort is made to consult reason at least partially. By refusing immigrants on principle to elements in poor health, by simply excluding certain races from naturalisation, it professes in slow beginnings a view that is peculiar to the People's State."

President Trump is unfortunately spot on correct.

The libs have been lying. The other nations of the world haven't been sending us their finest.

The reason is that Biden-Harris encourages line jumping.

These illegals need to go back to their own countries and wait their turn.
NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday suggested that migrants who are in the U.S. and have committed murder did so because “it’s in their genes.” There are, he added, “a lot of bad genes in our country right now.

It’s the latest example of Trump alleging that immigrants are changing the hereditary makeup of the U.S. Last year, he evoked language once used by Adolf Hitler to argue that immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

Trump made the comments Monday in a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt. He was criticizing his Democratic opponent for the 2024 presidential race, Vice President Kamala Harris, when he pivoted to immigration, citing statistics that the Department of Homeland Security says include cases from his administration
Look at Trump's chinless sons. He shouldn't be talking about genes. Have you ever heard of "hybrid vigor"?
President Trump is unfortunately spot on correct.

The libs have been lying. The other nations of the world haven't been sending us their finest.

The reason is that Biden-Harris encourages line jumping.

These illegals need to go back to their own countries and wait their turn.

No, but he is as racist as you are. Some myth about skin color one superior pure bullshit.

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