Trump sells out the Kurds to Erdogan

Trump tweeted that he will harm turkey economically (severely) if they attack the kurds (paraphrasing).

Yet another bloodthirsty War Monger weighs in that the United States isn't shedding enough blood around the globe. :rolleyes:

NeoCon Much?

NO, asshole........what we were doing was protecting the Kurds from Turkey's aggression.....BUT, your orange fuck-head made a deal with a fellow DESPOT,Erdogan because....well, because Trump is a FUCK-HEAD.

Yet another bloodthirsty War Monger weighs in that the United States isn't shedding enough blood around the globe. :rolleyes:

NeoCon Much?

NO, asshole........what we were doing was protecting the Kurds from Turkey's aggression.....BUT, your orange fuck-head made a deal with a fellow DESPOT,Erdogan because....well, because Trump is a FUCK-HEAD.
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Where has the anti war movement gone? Why are so many on the left warmongers?

Is it just their desire to criticize Trump no matter what he does? Has the left become this partisan, that they now support war and constant intervention if Trump doesn’t? Are they this dishonest?
They went the way of the democrat civil libertarian and the dodo.....Extinct.
for those who do not know-----Kurds and arabs have been at odds for more than
1000 years. As to jews------the Kurds were much nicer ----in general, than were
the arabs. The turd who speaks above denies any right of the KURDS who have
lived in the areas in which they now live----in Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran even before the incursions of arabs and the imposition of the filth of islam. Where did you
find that islamo Nazi dog?
This is a disappointing decision. Hopefully it won't lead to a disaster.
I feel sorry for the Kurds, hopefully they'll stand strong agains that nutjob Erdogan.
Now Israel will think deeply about its next steps in the area.
PS for those who do not know-----there was one MUSLIM WARRIOR---
during the crusades who had the RESPECT even of the crusaders for
his moderation and integrity -----what they called CHIVALRY back
in the day-------that was SALADIN----he was a berber
which is----sorta synonymous with KURD
Okay whatever you say; the important thing is that your thirst for blood ultimately gets satisfied. :rolleyes:

BTW would you like a napkin to wipe the foam from your mouth?

You should get a napkin to wipe that orange stuff from YOUR

Lets pull our troops out of South Korea ALSO......since Trump and KJU are kissing buddies......
Don't argue with can never "win" an argument with the irrational.
Vote them out of power. Viciously and overwhelmingly.
Someone should tell the orange moron that we could save $700 BILLION per year if he just wants the armed forces to have a parade for him on Penn. Ave....since we can't even have our soldiers protect an ally....the Kurds.
Trump says Turkey can overrun Northern Syria enclave held by America's Kurdish allies

Well, of course. Trump has sold out Syria and Iraq, too. The Kurds mean nothing to him. Nothing.
Lying Progressive BS

Trump told Turkey: a) we dont support your intervention b) we will destroy your economy and c) we still control the air space.

Youd have to be a stupid fuck to believe that means Trump abandoned the Kurds to the turks

sheeesh----I hope so, crusader
Since when did liberals become such war mongers?
It is amazing to see their turn around.
Another bad decision by trump

The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Obama was a fucking idiot that screwed up everything he touched and Middle East foreign policy was no exception. That asshole is the one that enabled ISIS, fucked up the victory in Iraq, bombed Libya for no fucking reason, created the mess in Syria and gave billions of dollars to the Iranian regime that has fostered terrorism all over the Middle East. We will be cleaning up Obama's mess for years.

Trump is getting us out of an entanglement that we had no business being in. However, you stupid Moon Bats are so afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome that you can't give Trump credit for non interventionism.

Of course you are are the same turkeys that said Trump was a war monger when he was elected so it is hard for you to admit you were wrong, isn't it?

By the way, speaking of Iraq, since you brought it up. Just remember that Crooked Hillary, John Kerry and most of the Democrats that you stupid Moon Bats support backed the invasion of Iraq so you can take your partisan bullshit and cram it.

If Obama would have just picked up and left the middle east a mess I'm sure you would have seen the error in that decision.

But because Trump's doing it you paint it in the best possible light.

Ok, so when ISIS takes back over, blame Trump. But you won't.

And it was Bush who started this mess. He should have never broken Iraq. But you supported that fucker didn't you?
I agree with you to a degree, but to say that anything was going right and/or peaceful before bush jr. is fucking delusional so you need to shut the fuck up on the subject.

Muslims are not happy less they are fighting and killing somebody including each other you fucking retard.

I think the USA has been at war more and longer than any other country on earth. Recent years. We're constantly at war. Hot wars, cold wars.
These people have stood by us in our fight against Saddam and later ISIS. I simply do not understand this betrayal.
Trump’s decision to make way for Turkey in Syria seen by critics as a Kurds betrayal
Another bad decision by trump

The bad decision was that worthless asshole Obama screwing it up in the first place.
Oh please. Stop it. We could do this all day. Bush lied us into Iraq. That's the number one problem we have. If he would have just stayed in Afganistan this domino effect wouldn't be happening.

Trump and you can't keep blaming Obama. Especially when Trump said he knows more than the Generals and that he would fix the middle east quickly. Did he lie?

We told you so. These are now Trump's wars, not Obama's wars. You guys wanted to play that shit on Obama's watch well now it's your turn.

Remember Trump said "leadership, whatever happens, you're responsible"? Well he's responsible.

And listen asshole. This is a classic mistake Reagan made. Ever watch Charlie Wilson's war? He warned Reagan not to abandon the taliban in Afganistan. Reagan created Bin Ladin. Now Trump is going to abandon the Kurds who have been helping us? And you think this is a good decision? He's just going to make more terrorists out of former allies.

Trump's decisions today can't be blamed on Obama, you fucking idiot. Stop it.

America is abandoning Kurdish allies who stood on the front line in the years-long fight against ISIS.

Ankara considers many of the Kurds to be terrorists who are allied with Kurdish separatists inside Turkey. However, U.S. forces on the ground in Syria recruited and trained the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, which bore the brunt of the fighting on the ground against Islamic State fighters, assisted by U.S. airstrikes.

Wait a minute. You mean Trump armed and partnered with terrorists? Didn't Republicans fault Obama for doing this?

In December, Trump abruptly announced that U.S. troops would be withdrawn from Syria — a move that elicited praise from Turkey but sparked criticism among Washington's allies and within the president's own Cabinet, where the move prompted the resignation of then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Erdogan has threatened for months to launch an assault against Kurds in Northern Syria. But U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have warned that allowing Ankara a free hand against the Kurds would send a troubling message about U.S. commitment to its allies.

Kurdish forces, not the U.S., have kept ISIS fighters, sympathizers and family members in makeshift camps in Northern Syria.

The White House statement said, "Turkey will now be responsible for all ISIS fighters in the area captured over the past two years in the wake of the defeat of the territorial 'Caliphate' by the United States."

So in other words the ISIS fighters will get set free. Got it.

The only way I'll be happy is if Turkey kills them all.
There is no such thing as getting along in the Muslim world you fucking moron so shut the fuck up on the subject

So our game plan is to get out of the middle east and stop meddling? Or will we at some point have to get involved and take a side? Which Muslims will we try to get along with?

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