Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows this....

Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows it. Why else would they delete the web page Celebrating Trump's deal with the Taliban. ( ). He brokered the worst deal ever, gave them everything, excluded the Afghan leadership from the deal which ensured a quick and decisive defeat of them. see also ; U.S. envoy's years of negotiating go up in4 And to top it all off he made sure this debacle would occur on Biden's watch. Pure evil.
Did Trump force Biden to ignore his military advisors?

Did Trump force Biden to ignore his CIA?

Did Trump force Biden to dismantle his program created to help US citizens in trouble like this abroad right before his f*-up resulting in thousands of Americans stranded in Afghanistan?

Did Trump force Biden to make the decision to pull the military out 1st, leaving Americans unprotected?

Did Trump tell Biden to stay on vacation while Afghanistan fell & Americans' were going left behind?

Did Trump convince Biden to have no plan at all in-hand in case things went to shit?

Did Trump convince Biden to abandon 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan, leavingvthem in the hands of our terrorist enemies?

Is Trump President right now? (Is Biden? Who is pulling the strings?)

'We can't get you out.'

'You are on your own.'

'We have no plan to rescue anyone outside the city'

'TRUMP' made Biden do all these things?

Either YOU are a TDS-suffering idiot, or Trump is a f*ing genius with tge super power of being able to control people's minds and bodies.

A the existing evidence points to #1.


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