Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows this....

Probably because Biden violated the agreement. Doesn't make much sense to keep a moot agreement on the books when it never came to fruition. Nope, Biden owns this one all by his lonesome, like it or not. BTW, Biden doesn't have to be set up, he's a walking disaster.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, I've said all I need to say, I don't like beating a dead horse. It makes no sense, no one wins this argument.
Biden was a heartbeat from the presidency for eight years. Trump was president for four years and had to deal with fake documents set up by democrats, the crooked FBI and the media. Granted Biden might have spent his time pinching asses and drifted into several senior citizen moments but if he was "set up" in Afghanistan it was by Barry Hussein
Biden and his pack of brain damaged advisors are so stupid that they can look at a shitty plan and not decide that it is a very bad idea. Sounds about right.
The Biden administration offered cash incentives to get people out early.
Yeah, he figures he can pay people to do anything--he tried it with the vaccine too--now we have people lining up for revax----five or six times. Couldn't have seen that one coming either, eh?

Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows this​

Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows it. Why else would they delete the web page Celebrating Trump's deal with the Taliban. ( ). He brokered the worst deal ever, gave them everything, excluded the Afghan leadership from the deal which ensured a quick and decisive defeat of them. see also ; U.S. envoy's years of negotiating go up in4 And to top it all off he made sure this debacle would occur on Biden's watch. Pure evil.
So you are telling the rest of US that Joe Biden is just a stupid patsy who can be easily manipulated into doing stupid things? And you voted for such a person? Must mean that you are even more stupid than Joe...
Xiden could have changed this plan like the dozens of other Trump policies that he reversed.

You own this dumpster fire, hack boi.
Not really...

Trump left Biden with just 2500 troops on the ground and Afghan Army surrendering ground at an alarming pace.

Biden would have to send in 50k troops min to secure Afghan again and have no exit strategy...

This was a loss, Biden just knew it and cut his losses...

I have yet to hear a plan for what Biden should have done with that little resources and that short of a timeframe apart from what he did...

Look at the agreement, Biden has no objection on Human Rights grounds, that was signed by Trump...

This is an international agreement with parties from many sides... Trump signed it and Biden was duty bound to uphold it...

you can critise Biden for no leaving in April if you want...
So you are telling the rest of US that Joe Biden is just a stupid patsy who can be easily manipulated into doing stupid things? And you voted for such a person? Must mean that you are even more stupid than Joe...
Biden options were take away by Trump...

He would have to heavily invest troops and casualties to go in any other direction...

But please tell us what Biden was supposed to do?
I keep hearing's Trump's's Bush's's anyone and everyones fault but Biden's...

Look here.

We hire a guy to do a job...demolish this building safely and effectively. Take all the time you need. If you have to pull it down one brick at a time...then that's what you have to do...

The guy who wins the contract claims years and years of experience...he's got what it takes...he's overseen this site before...maintaining it for eight years...he knows how to get it done...

And then...he goes in and blows the building all at once and kills and maims thousands of people in the process.


It doesn't matter who built the building...or who maintained it...or who had the job before he did.

He was responsible for the job... and he knew this was going to be his responsibility when he agreed to take the job. He created or reviewed the plan...put his seal of approval on it and gave the go ahead to put that plan into action.

Now we find out his structural engineer told him this was exactly what was going to happen...

And (Biden) has not backed away, even as conditions on the ground have worsened. “I do not regret my decision,” he said Tuesday, despite a new intelligence assessment that Kabul could fall to the Taliban in as little as a month.*

...and the on site managers said leaving behind some of the load bearing structure would be considerably safer than blowing everything at once...

It was a pivotal moment in his presidency, as he rebuffed Pentagon recommendations that the United States maintain a small force in the country.*

You know what happens to that guy?

They put him in jail for criminal negligence.

And that's where Biden belongs.

*Link --

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Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows it. Why else would they delete the web page Celebrating Trump's deal with the Taliban. ( ). He brokered the worst deal ever, gave them everything, excluded the Afghan leadership from the deal which ensured a quick and decisive defeat of them. see also ; U.S. envoy's years of negotiating go up in4 And to top it all off he made sure this debacle would occur on Biden's watch. Pure evil.
:auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows it. Why else would they delete the web page Celebrating Trump's deal with the Taliban. ( ). He brokered the worst deal ever, gave them everything, excluded the Afghan leadership from the deal which ensured a quick and decisive defeat of them. see also ; U.S. envoy's years of negotiating go up in4 And to top it all off he made sure this debacle would occur on Biden's watch. Pure evil.
Trump has to be the most brilliant leader, President, helll MAN to ever lead a nation. The way he was the most successful President in decades, in some cases EVER...while exposing Democrats crimes against the govt and the American people, exposing and defeating Obama's failed coup attempt, and defeating Pelosi's 2 failed Impeachments.

When the Democrats finally ousted him from the WH through massive election fraud he got revenge by forcing Biden to surrender our national security , sovereignty, border security, energy independence...forced Biden to facilitate the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history and the largest virus super-spreader event ever...forced Biden to ignore the warnings about the Taliban, pulled the military out of Afghanistan before evacuating US citizens, and finally abandon 10,000 Americabs, leaving them for the Taliban to do whatever they want to do with them.

Trump did all that...

Holy shit, he's a f*ing genius!

Not really...

Trump left Biden with just 2500 troops on the ground and Afghan Army surrendering ground at an alarming pace.

Biden would have to send in 50k troops min to secure Afghan again and have no exit strategy...

This was a loss, Biden just knew it and cut his losses...

I have yet to hear a plan for what Biden should have done with that little resources and that short of a timeframe apart from what he did...

Look at the agreement, Biden has no objection on Human Rights grounds, that was signed by Trump...

This is an international agreement with parties from many sides... Trump signed it and Biden was duty bound to uphold it...

you can critise Biden for no leaving in April if you want...
Yes, really.

He (his lackeys actually) could have totally reneged on any deal that Trump made, just like they had already done dozens of times.

Just like the cafeteria constitutionalism of you moonbats, you only follow the letter of agreements when it gives you cover for your foolhardiness and malevolence.
Trump set Biden up and the Republican leadership knows it. Why else would they delete the web page Celebrating Trump's deal with the Taliban. ( ). He brokered the worst deal ever, gave them everything, excluded the Afghan leadership from the deal which ensured a quick and decisive defeat of them. see also ; U.S. envoy's years of negotiating go up in4 And to top it all off he made sure this debacle would occur on Biden's watch. Pure evil.

"You can't defend the indefensible - anything you say sounds self-serving and hypocritical. "

Diane Abbott

The whole world knows Biden is a total failure.

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