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Trump shares stage with talkshow host who describes Jews as "stinking excrement"

Apples and oranges. You really can’t compare desperate people (which they are) with organized military combatants. That’s just dishonest. What’s more, this is happening within our borders, it isn’t supporting another (developed) country’s self defense.
It’s only apples and oranges because that’s how you see it. The illegals aren’t desperate people - they are people eager to get the benefits of living in America, and they should be applying legally.

But the reason you defend the illegals, and want to withhold defense from the Jews in Israel, is due to the liberal mindset: you defend whoever you see as the underdog, regardless of whether they are in violation of the law, and shrug off those you see in a superior, more successful position. This runs through the entire spectrum (and could be a thread in and of itself), but it’s why liberals are soft on criminals, side with Palestinians, take action to reject Asians from programs while admitting less qualified blacks, jump to the defense of poor people on welfare while making derogatory remarks about successful business people, and so on and so on.

Apples and oranges again Lisa.

Which foreign countries should tbe US support the defense of and why?
The one that pops to mind right now is Ukraine, and for obvious reasons: they are up against a larger country that wants to destroy them.
It’s not just Palestinians. Large countries like Iran DESPISE Jews and DESPISE Israel, and would like to take them all out. They fund HAMAS, and a larger attack is deterred by their knowledge that Israel is well weaponized.
There is talk and then there is reality. Reality is that Israel is a developed, technologically advanced and militarily advanced nation. Size really isn’t relevant (look at Great Britain throughout history). Sure, other countries fund insurgencies but that is no different than anywhere else in the world, and it isn’t lime we aren’t doing that too to support our own goals.

( I still can’t get over that you would like to defund the Iron Dome and leave innocent Jewish children and families defenseless against terrorist rocket attacks.)

Now that is just dishonest of you. No one want’s to leave civilians defenseless, so…why aren’t you advocating for tbe US to provide support to the DRC? Philippines? Nigeria? Don’t you care about those innocent children and families?
No, Israel,is not defenseless - thanks to fair-minded Americans who continue to support it against its enemies.

Shouldn’t we then support EVERYONE?
Ah! I’m so glad you brought that up. We agree on this. I have brought up the awful treatment of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, as an example of the double standards where Israel is concerned. Why, I have asked, wasn’t there a BDS against Myanmar? Why is so little made of it? Why is there thread after thread about how bad Israel is, always started by someone hostile to Jews, and not a single discussion thread about what Myanmar was doing? DOUBLE STANDARDS.

BDS against Myanmar wouldn’t matter because there are already government sanctions. Glad we agree on this and yes, why so much emphasis on Israel/Palestine…but not Myanmar? I’ve started threads on Myanmar but they degenerate into victim blaming.
It’s only apples and oranges because that’s how you see it. The illegals aren’t desperate people - they are people eager to get the benefits of living in America, and they should be applying legally.

But the reason you defend the illegals, and want to withhold defense from the Jews in Israel, is due to the liberal mindset: you defend whoever you see as the underdog, regardless of whether they are in violation of the law, and shrug off those you see in a superior, more successful position. This runs through the entire spectrum (and could be a thread in and of itself), but it’s why liberals are soft on criminals, side with Palestinians, take action to reject Asians from programs while admitting less qualified blacks, jump to the defense of poor people on welfare while making derogatory remarks about successful business people, and so on and so on.

The one that pops to mind right now is Ukraine, and for obvious reasons: they are up against a larger country that wants to destroy them.
You are totally wrong on this Lisa. People who are entering this country illegally are fleeing really bad conditions: severe drought, failed states, violence. Whether you agree with them entering the country or not, at least acknowledge their humanity. And they have nothing to do with Israel, so why pit them against Israel? You just said the situation with Israel and the Palestinians is more complex then many people realize, but then you go and simplify a whole bunch of other issues that are also comp,ex and have nothing to do with Israel.

Why specifically do you think Israel’s defense capabilities need to be propped up by other countries?
You are totally wrong on this Lisa. People who are entering this country illegally are fleeing really bad conditions: severe drought, failed states, violence. Whether you agree with them entering the country or not, at least acknowledge their humanity. And they have nothing to do with Israel, so why pit them against Israel? You just said the situation with Israel and the Palestinians is more complex then many people realize, but then you go and simplify a whole bunch of other issues that are also comp,ex and have nothing to do with Israel.

Why specifically do you think Israel’s defense capabilities need to be propped up by other countries?
They don’t. Israel is being restrained by other countries. Imagine if Mexico kept shooting missiles into TX. Mexico would be a wasteland. Israel is most tolerant. The people “fleeing” here are doing it for personal reasons. We cannot allow illegals in here. It’s a slippery slope.
Ukraine is actively under an unprovoked attack by a much larger state. This also represents a potential breakdown of a long established international consensus on rules.

Can you honestly say the same of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, where in reality, Israel holds all the power? If you say yes, then why aren’t you calling upon us to support tbe defense systems of Nigeria, DRC, or tbe Phillipines?

Good points…BUT poor comparisons. You can not make the same comparisons. The Holocaust was a genocide conducted across Europe…covering the conquest of multiple countries and the extermination of Jews as well as other groups of “undesirables”…it really isn’t comparable to any current conflict. And, Israel is NOT defenseless. Not by a long shot. Israel has nukes after all.

If we want to militarily support victims of genocide…why didn’t we intervene in Myanmar, when the Rohinga were rounded up and slaughtered? Unlike Israel, they had no defenses.
the "ISRAEL HAS NUKES" "after all" bs is nothing more than ANOTHER BLOOD LIBEL
Well, with all due respect, sometimes old people do get a little “pixilated.”

As for saying Democrats today are “FASCIST,” that is frankly a disgraceful example of Republican — really “Orwellian” — propaganda. It is violent language, part of Republican / MAGA “big lie” attacks on the Democratic Party.

I’m not a Democrat but I find it crude and offensive. It also seems to me especially inappropriate for Jews to speak this way, as they presumably should know something about real fascism and fascist anti-Semitic propaganda. Maybe you just spoke out emotionally about your disappointment with “the Donkey”?

The Democratic Party has aided Israel since its creation, and in Congress yearly supports it, voting for billions in taxpayer-paid assistance. Democrats like Schumer and Pelosi if anything have bent the stick too far toward supporting the only nuclear armed state in the Middle East. Israel has evolved into an economically and militarily powerful (if small) “apartheid state.” It is a truly tragic evolution, though not really surprising under the circumstances. Nobody, least of all I, have easy workable answers to resolving the deep Israeli / Palestinian enmity that exists.

But when critics, be they Democrats or Republicans or independents, speak out against real Israeli excesses — or oppose further U.S. aid — they ought not to be accused of being anti-Semites or … “FASCIST.”
you are no Tom Paine. Your post reveals no
glimmer of common sense or even normal
The best way of determine whether it is antisemitic or not (imo) is if Israel is being uniquely singled out for something many other countries do. For example, Hamas lobs rockets into Israel’s civilian areas, Israel has a right to respond and protect it’s citizens, like any other nation. Denying that while allowing other nations that right could be antisemitic. But objecting to settlement expansions, the unequal justice system, the way Jews, but not Palestinians can reclaim property…those sort of things are not anti-Semitic and labeling them as such shuts down debate and perpetrates injustice.
they would not be anti-semitic if your "list" was at all
credible. For your islamo nazi information----"palestinians" can reclaim property in Israeli courts. In fact----thruout the UMMA ----JOOOOS CANNOT RECLAIM STOLEN
PROPERTY------a fact ok with you
You are totally wrong on this Lisa. People who are entering this country illegally are fleeing really bad conditions: severe drought, failed states, violence. Whether you agree with them entering the country or not, at least acknowledge their humanity. And they have nothing to do with Israel, so why pit them against Israel? You just said the situation with Israel and the Palestinians is more complex then many people realize, but then you go and simplify a whole bunch of other issues that are also comp,ex and have nothing to do with Israel.

Why specifically do you think Israel’s defense capabilities need to be propped up by other countries?
The question should be why you would like to see Israel abandoned?
The question should be why you would like to see Israel abandoned?
Another question is why she, and so many Democrats, want to abandon Israel - the sole Jewish country in the world - while we hear no complaints about all the aid the U.S. gives to Muslim-majority countries.

Why aren’t the Dems demanding to stop the aid to Afghanistan, which is MORE than Israel gets? Or why not stop the aid to Jordan and Iraq, which together is more than Israel gets?

Why is little Israel the target for such condemnation?

You are ok with conquest?
If an enemy country invaded a neighbor, unprovoked, in an effort to destroy that country, and loses the war they initiated, that isn’t “conquest” by the country the war was waged upon. This is what happened in 1967, when THREE enemy Muslim countries joined forces to wipe Israel out to sea.

RUSSIA is trying to conquest Ukraine, a country offering no threat to them. Learn the difference.
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I don’t think so. Israel is quite capable of defending itself.
Yes, thanks to help and partnership from the United States. Now we have antisemitic Muslim Democrats in Congress screaming to hang Israel out to dry and abolish their very effective defensive system against incoming HAMAS rocket attacks.

What decent person would be opposed to that? If I had a shield that helped protect me from bullets an enemy was shooting in my direction, would you try take the shield away?
Yes, thanks to help and partnership from the United States. Now we have antisemitic Muslim Democrats in Congress screaming to hang Israel out to dry and abolish their very effective defensive system against incoming HAMAS rocket attacks.

Just because someone questions why we are funding another nation's security doesn't make them anto-semitic. No one is calling for abolishing Iron Dome either. Why aren't we funding security for Nigeria?

What decent person would be opposed to that? If I had a shield that helped protect me from bullets an enemy was shooting in my direction, would you try take the shield away?
Would I be paying for it?
Just because someone questions why we are funding another nation's security doesn't make them anto-semitic. No one is calling for abolishing Iron Dome either. Why aren't we funding security for Nigeria?

Would I be paying for it?
is someone attacking Nigeria ---other than Nigerians
themselves? You want to protect the christians in
Nigeria. HOW?----they live there
If an enemy country invaded a neighbor, unprovoked, in an effort to destroy that country, and loses the war they initiated, that isn’t “conquest” by the country the war was waged upon. This is what happened in 1967, when THREE enemy Muslim countries joined forces to wipe Israel out to sea.

RUSSIA is trying to conquest Ukraine, a country offering no threat to them. Learn the difference.

Yet Russia claims it was provoked (not that I believe it) and there is some evidence that Israel engaged in actions that provoked the Arab countries into attacking. Either way, 50 years later, Israel continues to control that territory.

And, again...shouldn't we then be funding the security of other countries according to your logic?

Yet Russia claims it was provoked (not that I believe it) and there is some evidence that Israel engaged in actions that provoked the Arab countries into attacking. Either way, 50 years later, Israel continues to control that territory.

And, again...shouldn't we then be funding the security of other countries according to your logic?
I do not believe, Coyote, that you are ignorant of
the fact that there were no recognized BORDERS
of Israel in 1967----just truce lines. You "seem" to
pretend that arab nations recognized BORDERS of

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