Trump Should Accept Democrats Impeachment Hearings Offer!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!
/—-/ Keep dreaming, dork. Would you go to the store to buy the rope so an angry mob could hang you? Don’t you want to show everyone you’re willing to work with the angry mob?

BTW, next time you cut and paste try breaking it up into paragraphs so folks can read it easier. I couldn’t make it past the fifth sentence.
Generally agree with your analysis.
1. Professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz are on the record as saying that the Ukraine call is NOT an impeachable offense.
2. Barr already said that there was no indictable "obstruction of justice" in the Mueller report. No matter how hard the team of Hillary donators want it.
3. Trump needs someone to promote the "Executive Privilege" argument against congressional overreach. Probably Barr again.
4. I'd even like to see the USSC weigh in on the validity of any "articles of impeachment" before a senate trial, just not sure how to get it before them? Maybe a letter from Barr and the President?
President Trump will have plenty of opportunity to speak to the American people about this witch hunt during a Senate Trial.

Rep. Nadler has a personal history with Donald Trump and has hated his guts for years. Nadler lives in Trump's home town, and fought tooth and nail against Trump's proposals for tremendous development plans. Trump won, and Nadler is still pissed. If Rep. Nadler had any decency whatsoever, he'd recuse himself from this matter, leaving this particular investigation to be handled by the Ranking Member.
1. Professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz are on the record as saying that the Ukraine call is NOT an impeachable offense.

Dershawitz thought OJ was innocent. And Epstein... and Claus Von Bulow
1. Professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz are on the record as saying that the Ukraine call is NOT an impeachable offense.

Dershawitz thought OJ was innocent. And Epstein... and Claus Von Bulow

OJ was found innocent by a Los Angeles jury, Dershowitz was right.

It turned out that Mark Fuhrman did use the "N" word which was the key to the whole case.
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!

He and the Republicans should refuse to cooperate with the House Democrats in any and all ways.

Let them take it to the Senate.
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!

He and the Republicans should refuse to cooperate with the House Democrats in any and all ways.

Let them take it to the Senate.

There will be plenty of time to rip up the Democrats in the Senate, if the House Dems are foolish enough to pass articles of impeachment.
1. Professors Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz are on the record as saying that the Ukraine call is NOT an impeachable offense.

Dershawitz thought OJ was innocent. And Epstein... and Claus Von Bulow

Dershowitz was just being a good lawyer for his clients:
O.J. Simpson's lawyer Alan Dershowitz told us the most lasting impact of the trial
"As an appellate adviser for Simpson's defense, Dershowitz helped get Simpson acquitted of the killing of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ron Goldman, in 1995."
So Dershowitz was part of OJ's legal team.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
"Dershowitz defended the arrangement and said he would have “violated my oath” as a lawyer if he hadn’t gotten the best deal for his client."
So Epstein was also a client, so much for lying again...

Claus von Bulow, once accused of murdering heiress wife, dies at 92 | The Japan Times
"Von Bulow was found guilty in a televised 1982 trial and was handed a 30-year sentence before winning an appeal led by Alan Dershowitz, who was then a professor at Harvard Law School. ..."

You're 0 for 3 trying to smear Dershowitz who was just being a good lawyer for his clients.

You still can't dispute his argument that the Ukraine call is not an impeachable offense.
You can't dispute Jonathan Turley's opinion either.
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!
But they won't.

Because they can't.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

That's why it's called "indefensible".
Nothing more than a bipartisan dog and pony show produced and presented by the dim’s sponsored by DNC, CNBC,CNN, and the. Crony beneficiary’s of the swamp.
Once the blob goes under oath, he’s finished. Which is why it won’t ever happen
Nothing more than a bipartisan dog and pony show produced and presented by the dim’s sponsored by DNC, CNBC,CNN, and the. Crony beneficiary’s of the swamp.

The entire investigation has been bullshit since Day One. Both Nadler and Mueller should have recused themselves on Day One because their past histories with Trump.

The whole thing right now are Deep Staters complained that they have been made irrelevant as Trump bypasses them because of their previous leaks.
I think he should - He can stumble on his words, be deceptive and show the country what a big liar he is! He can show them that those 13,000 lies and counting were not told in vain. No one put a sword to his neck and told him to do it. He did it "willingly"...The end!
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!
Impeach him take it to the Senate so Schiff will be forced to testify on what he knows and when did he know it.
Then take his traitorous ass out and hang him.
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!
/—-/ Keep dreaming, dork. Would you go to the store to buy the rope so an angry mob could hang you? Don’t you want to show everyone you’re willing to work with the angry mob?

BTW, next time you cut and paste try breaking it up into paragraphs so folks can read it easier. I couldn’t make it past the fifth sentence.
He's good at telling the story. Maybe he should be one of those lawyers. He seems to know everything!
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!

Naaah, he should just wait for the Senate trial so he can expose the rampant corruption in politics.
You're 0 for 3 trying to smear Dershowitz who was just being a good lawyer for his clients.

A good lawyers should have a sense of justice.
A sleazy lawyer gets his clients off on technicalities and emotional tricks.
House Democrats have made an offer open until this Friday to the Trump Administration to accept to participate in the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearings. The Trump administration should accept this offer and pursue providing evidence in three areas to help establish that this whole impeachment effort is a disgrace that if it ends up with issuance of articles of impeachment will be an historic disgrace which weakens our Democracy by lowering the standard of impeachment from the constitutional requirement of the President having committed a very serious crime to is there sufficient political animosity toward the President in the country to make it politically palatable to do an impeachment thus dramatically undermining the country's election process for the Presidency!

The President's team should bring in a panel of esteemed law professors to testify to the fact that offering a White House meeting to a foreign leader cannot be the subject matter of a bribery or extortion charge. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff repeatedly strained himself getting witnesses in his committee to call such a White House meeting an official act. Chairman Schiff a very shrewd person knows that there is probably case law that stands for the proposition of law that the doing of an official act can be the subject matter of a bribe. But I believe and I believe it would be the optimal legal analysis that such an official act must be something of unquestionable material value and out of the ordinary like issuing a contract, granting a permit or license or not charging someone with a crime or finding someone guilty or not guilty of a crime. Offering a White House meeting is a bridge too far it doesn't meet the legal threshold! On another day the Trump team should bring in a panel of Judges to discuss the crime of Obstruction of Justice the Democrats here are concocting a crime which the facts don't support. America is a free country people have the right to defend themselves and their reputation through the use of speech and that includes the most aggressive attack on the character of witnesses coming out against you. Some of the Democrat's witnesses have suspect credibility this State Department employee David Holmes was just too happy to testify this guy seemed like he was in heaven having his fifteen minutes of fame in the House hearing testifying about the overheard telephone call between Ambassador Sondland and President Trump; I don't trust him to have not exaggerated or embellished what he heard during that lunch occurrence. Thirdly, the Trump team should bring in a panelist of esteemed historians to testify that America's history is extensively littered with President's embarking on policies where they put their own personal political interests over the interests of the American people and give an abundance of examples; if such becomes the standard of impeachment those responsible for establishing this precedent will be making America's form of government less stable! The Trump team should vet all these panelists well you don't want on these panels anti-Trump witnesses that will sabotage the President's case if they get a chance!

The Trump team should not pursue calling former Vice-President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Such a calling should definitely be done in the Senate if these proceedings get this far because they offer relevant evidence. Joe Biden is a great American but he made a Mount Everest level of mistake in the Ukraine matter he should have recused himself in this dealing with the Ukraine government over corruption given that his son was on the board of a Ukrainian Oligarch's company where it is patently obvious there was corrupt double dealing by the Oligarch VP Biden should have let Secretary of State John Kerry handle this whole issue, it was an ethical lapse of monumental size! Further because the stakes are soo large for the country when these witnesses are called the lawyers are going to have to follow a scorched earth policy turning over every rock that could offer evidence of corruption it will be outstandingly embarrassing for these two gentleman; the real jury in this impeachment case is the American public and publicly dismembering these witnesses at this early juncture in the process may turn the American Public against the President especially considering that even most of Joe Biden's detractors have to admit Joe is a very nice person which will be a real turn off seeing him publicly slow grilled!

Nadler requires Trump give up Constitutional rights in order to participate in a Kangaroo Court.

Trump should reply stating he will participate if and only if Democrats agree to suspend Fascist rules.

Then Trump should hold another MAGA Rally.

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