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Trump should FIRE Barr NOW!

Are Barr's days as AG numbered?

  • Yes, Trump will fire him for speaking out

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • No, Trump has found his Roy Cohn

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Yes, Barr will resign because Trump told him he'll interfere at will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, the interview was to calm the Justice Department and stop the resignations

    Votes: 8 53.3%

  • Total voters
I see you had your usual breakfast of crack flakes in vodka again...

McCabe is not some bigshot millionaire, power broker. He's a civil servant making a modest salary, being bullied by the President of the United States, for doing his job. Stop claiming he's part of some big powerful conspiracy to destroy the President.

The only person dedicated to destroying Donald Trump is Donald Trump. He's the guy who's breaking laws, and accusing everyone lying about him and being out to get him. He's the guy who enthusiastically and publically encouraged the Russians to interfere in the election. Russia, if you're listening.

He's publically admitted to extorting the Ukrainians for dirt on the Biden's and he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He has fired, humilated, denigrated, bullied and tried to have everyone assigned to investigate him fired, and now he wants them thrown in jail, even though no one can find any evidence against them and multiple Grand Juries refuse to indict them.

The American public are tired of the hate, the anger, the bitterness and the lack of human decency from their leader. He hid the Mueller Report from everyone for over a month while Barr put out a false summary and lied about what it said.

But his attacks and attempts to have anyone who criticizes him investigated and jailed is a bridge too far. Americans from both parties are disgusted with him. Even Republicans. Even FOX News.

Chief Justice Roberts has already warned him about his comments about "biased judges". The judge in the McCabe Grand Jury, ripped the Justice Department a new one for their year long attempts to indict McCabe despite the complete lack of evidence, and the Chief Judge of the DC District castigated Trump over his comments in regard to the Stone Trial.

And NO, the President does NOT have the legal right to mess with the Courts. They are a co-equal and independent branch of government. Just like he has no right to mess with Congress. Trump is not a king here.

So now Trump has pissed off Congress, and the Judiciary, and attacked the press, and tried to force the Justice Department to prosecute the investigators, and he's now harrassing and threatening to proscute the prosecutors.

The entire world is watching the President of the United States go mad with power and go on a public rampage. Even FOX News is criticize his behavour.
Stop the peurile behaviors of dowagers Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Feinstein, Nadler, Schiff, Barack, Hillary, their minions et al, and we'll send a note to President Trump that he will no longer be harassed by Democrat leaqders, and we'll ask him to stop tweeting if they actually stop the nonstop and sundry calumnies and libel. And should they resume the pejoratives or behaviorial improprieties, we won't say a word when he tweets his surrebuttals to the little slobjobs and pieces of work.

Winner! How else is he supposed to defend himself against the lies, slander, and harassment from the Democrats, the left, and the media?

They're all beside themselves and shitting bricks because Trump won't sit down, shut up, be the quiet little Republican they've been used to for so long.

How did the Clintons defend themselves against the lies, slander, and 30 years of investigations, law suits, harassment from the Republicans, the right, and the right wing media.

30 years of investigations, $100 million dollars spent, and not a single indictment, no evidence, no witnesses, no crimes found - absolutely nothing but a lie about a blow job. And still you chant "lock her up".

How did the Obama's defend themselves against the lies, slanders, and Republicans and the right wing Media and not a single indictment, no evidence, no witnesses, no crimes found - absolutely nothing, and still you claim Obama was born in Kenya, his wife is a transgender, and he's a gay Muslim.

The only defence is the truth. Not lies, not stonewalling, not attacking your detractors. Mike Pompeo demanded more than 10,000 documents from Hillary Clinton, and complained bitterly he didn't get them fast enough. How many documents did Mike Pompeo turn over to Democrats?

Mike Pompeo grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours in the House. How long did Mike Pompeo spend testifying to the House?

You defend yourself with the truth. Not ever changing set of lies that starts with "I didn't do it", progresses to "I didn't do it, but even if I did, it wouldn't be wrong", and ends up with, "Yeah, I did. I have the right to do it under Article 2, so it's not illegal."

And just to be clear: The investigation that he President calls a "hoax", produced over 100 grand jury indictments against 22 people and corporations, guilty pleas and/or jury convictions for all defendants arrested, and more than $40 million dollars in taxes and fines recovered for the federal government. When did any Republican investigations of the Clintons or the Obama's produce these kinds of results? - 0 indictments 0 convictions.

And you don't use the power of your office to abuse, and prosecute your enemies, because they impeached Nixon for doing just that.
Practically every media person and entertainer is a Prog shill. How do you investigate when there are only a few that can? And what is more important, something that can be life threatening. And these stories reported by one TV cable station out of hundreds and a major radio station with moderate to conservative pundits in major cities. They are completely innocent. None ever do wrong. All bad people are the powerful Repubs. We know Clinton and Obama were little goody two shoes while Trump is bad. Real bad. When you get totally what you want or told , you ain't going to like it if you are a peasant.

That's simply not true.

Obama and Clinton understand ethics and laws. They're both lawyers. Most of the Democrats you vilify - Schiff, Schumer, Obama are lawyers. They have a very clear understanding of what is legal, and what is not. They have a clear understanding what will happen if they break the law.

Hell, if I were investigated every year for the past 30 years and people were running around chanting "lock her up", would be committing crimes and taking bribes? No fucking way. I would even spit on the sidewalk for fear of getting arrested. No sane, intelligent person would.

But Trump and his gang of losers really aren't very bright.

General Flynn knows the Russian embassy is bugged. Hell, he gets intelligences reports of the stuff in the wire taps. And yet he calls the Russian Embassy on a line he knows is tapped, and promises the Russian Ambassador that Trump will lift sanctions after the Inauguration, which is against the law. And then when he sits down with the FBI when they ask him about the phone call, he lies, even though he knows it's illegal to lie to the FBI. How stupid do you have to be, to do this?

Donald Trump was cleared by Robert Mueller of seek foreign interference with his 2016 election, which he was told by everyone in government is a violation of US law, and the VERY NEXT DAY, he gets on the phone with the Ukrainain President and tries to extort dirt on the Bidens.

Last week, the US Senate acquitted him in the impeachment trial, even though the senators said that his phone call crossed all kinds of lines, and what he did was illegal and wrong, and the very next day, he started trying to use the Power of his office and the Justice Department to go after his accusers.

Trump is doing this to himself. This time he has gone too far. Republicans will not continue to defend him. They can no longer allow this criminal to destory the rule of law, and not destroy the Republic. The Roman Republic took 1000 years to fall. The Republican Party has destroyed the USA IN 40 years.
McCabe is not some bigshot millionaire, power broker. He's a civil servant making a modest salary, being bullied by the President of the United States, for doing his job. Stop claiming he's part of some big powerful conspiracy to destroy the President.

The only person dedicated to destroying Donald Trump is Donald Trump. He's the guy who's breaking laws, and accusing everyone lying about him and being out to get him. He's the guy who enthusiastically and publically encouraged the Russians to interfere in the election. Russia, if you're listening.

He's publically admitted to extorting the Ukrainians for dirt on the Biden's and he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He has fired, humilated, denigrated, bullied and tried to have everyone assigned to investigate him fired, and now he wants them thrown in jail, even though no one can find any evidence against them and multiple Grand Juries refuse to indict them.

The American public are tired of the hate, the anger, the bitterness and the lack of human decency from their leader. He hid the Mueller Report from everyone for over a month while Barr put out a false summary and lied about what it said.

But his attacks and attempts to have anyone who criticizes him investigated and jailed is a bridge too far. Americans from both parties are disgusted with him. Even Republicans. Even FOX News.

Chief Justice Roberts has already warned him about his comments about "biased judges". The judge in the McCabe Grand Jury, ripped the Justice Department a new one for their year long attempts to indict McCabe despite the complete lack of evidence, and the Chief Judge of the DC District castigated Trump over his comments in regard to the Stone Trial.

And NO, the President does NOT have the legal right to mess with the Courts. They are a co-equal and independent branch of government. Just like he has no right to mess with Congress. Trump is not a king here.

So now Trump has pissed off Congress, and the Judiciary, and attacked the press, and tried to force the Justice Department to prosecute the investigators, and he's now harrassing and threatening to proscute the prosecutors.

The entire world is watching the President of the United States go mad with power and go on a public rampage. Even FOX News is criticize his behavour.
Stop the peurile behaviors of dowagers Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Feinstein, Nadler, Schiff, Barack, Hillary, their minions et al, and we'll send a note to President Trump that he will no longer be harassed by Democrat leaqders, and we'll ask him to stop tweeting if they actually stop the nonstop and sundry calumnies and libel. And should they resume the pejoratives or behaviorial improprieties, we won't say a word when he tweets his surrebuttals to the little slobjobs and pieces of work.

Winner! How else is he supposed to defend himself against the lies, slander, and harassment from the Democrats, the left, and the media?

They're all beside themselves and shitting bricks because Trump won't sit down, shut up, be the quiet little Republican they've been used to for so long.

How did the Clintons defend themselves against the lies, slander, and 30 years of investigations, law suits, harassment from the Republicans, the right, and the right wing media.

30 years of investigations, $100 million dollars spent, and not a single indictment, no evidence, no witnesses, no crimes found - absolutely nothing but a lie about a blow job. And still you chant "lock her up".

How did the Obama's defend themselves against the lies, slanders, and Republicans and the right wing Media and not a single indictment, no evidence, no witnesses, no crimes found - absolutely nothing, and still you claim Obama was born in Kenya, his wife is a transgender, and he's a gay Muslim.

The only defence is the truth. Not lies, not stonewalling, not attacking your detractors. Mike Pompeo demanded more than 10,000 documents from Hillary Clinton, and complained bitterly he didn't get them fast enough. How many documents did Mike Pompeo turn over to Democrats?

Mike Pompeo grilled Hillary Clinton for 11 hours in the House. How long did Mike Pompeo spend testifying to the House?

You defend yourself with the truth. Not ever changing set of lies that starts with "I didn't do it", progresses to "I didn't do it, but even if I did, it wouldn't be wrong", and ends up with, "Yeah, I did. I have the right to do it under Article 2, so it's not illegal."

And just to be clear: The investigation that he President calls a "hoax", produced over 100 grand jury indictments against 22 people and corporations, guilty pleas and/or jury convictions for all defendants arrested, and more than $40 million dollars in taxes and fines recovered for the federal government. When did any Republican investigations of the Clintons or the Obama's produce these kinds of results? - 0 indictments 0 convictions.

And you don't use the power of your office to abuse, and prosecute your enemies, because they impeached Nixon for doing just that.
Practically every media person and entertainer is a Prog shill. How do you investigate when there are only a few that can? And what is more important, something that can be life threatening. And these stories reported by one TV cable station out of hundreds and a major radio station with moderate to conservative pundits in major cities. They are completely innocent. None ever do wrong. All bad people are the powerful Repubs. We know Clinton and Obama were little goody two shoes while Trump is bad. Real bad. When you get totally what you want or told , you ain't going to like it if you are a peasant.

That's simply not true.

Obama and Clinton understand ethics and laws. They're both lawyers. Most of the Democrats you vilify - Schiff, Schumer, Obama are lawyers. They have a very clear understanding of what is legal, and what is not. They have a clear understanding what will happen if they break the law.

Hell, if I were investigated every year for the past 30 years and people were running around chanting "lock her up", would be committing crimes and taking bribes? No fucking way. I would even spit on the sidewalk for fear of getting arrested. No sane, intelligent person would.

But Trump and his gang of losers really aren't very bright.

General Flynn knows the Russian embassy is bugged. Hell, he gets intelligences reports of the stuff in the wire taps. And yet he calls the Russian Embassy on a line he knows is tapped, and promises the Russian Ambassador that Trump will lift sanctions after the Inauguration, which is against the law. And then when he sits down with the FBI when they ask him about the phone call, he lies, even though he knows it's illegal to lie to the FBI. How stupid do you have to be, to do this?

Donald Trump was cleared by Robert Mueller of seek foreign interference with his 2016 election, which he was told by everyone in government is a violation of US law, and the VERY NEXT DAY, he gets on the phone with the Ukrainain President and tries to extort dirt on the Bidens.

Last week, the US Senate acquitted him in the impeachment trial, even though the senators said that his phone call crossed all kinds of lines, and what he did was illegal and wrong, and the very next day, he started trying to use the Power of his office and the Justice Department to go after his accusers.

Trump is doing this to himself. This time he has gone too far. Republicans will not continue to defend him. They can no longer allow this criminal to destory the rule of law, and not destroy the Republic. The Roman Republic took 1000 years to fall. The Republican Party has destroyed the USA IN 40 years.

Clinton admitted to lying under oath and was impeached for it. He was acquitted by a democratic led senate.

I was kinda Skittish at Barr’s words today, kinda a push back at trump, maybe that could hurt his standing with the AG

BUT listening to Lou Dobbs..

Who does barr think he is pushing trump back? DOJ is trumps! If barr wants trump to back off maybe he should do his job! He works for the pleasure of the president! And if trump wants Obama arrested it needs to be done!

I want barr fired! I want a young AG smart and will do what trump wants him
To do which is CLEAN THE SWAMP of democrats and republicans!

I WANT OBAMA DRAGGED in I want him locked up and Interrogated I want him water boarded! I don’t care! Democrats can never disrespect this country again a message needs to be sent!
I agree. What has Barr accomplished? Nothing, that I'm aware of. He seems to be all talk and NO results.
He is waiting for the right time to come out with the Durham report. Just give it time.
They can’t give it time. Their patience has run out. This is why I try to get people to follow Q. If you follow Q you can see all of the things that have happened so far, which is quite a lot. This is a silent war and the revolution is not going to be televised so people can either follow Q and see for themselves just how much swamp draining has already happened or they can wallow in unnecessary frustration in perpetuity. It took us over 100 years to get to this point of such deeply embedded corruption and they think it can all be cleaned out and justice served in only 3 short years. It’s nuts.

I’ll say it again for the millionth time.. FOLLOW Q
I was kinda Skittish at Barr’s words today, kinda a push back at trump, maybe that could hurt his standing with the AG

BUT listening to Lou Dobbs..

Who does barr think he is pushing trump back? DOJ is trumps! If barr wants trump to back off maybe he should do his job! He works for the pleasure of the president! And if trump wants Obama arrested it needs to be done!

I want barr fired! I want a young AG smart and will do what trump wants him
To do which is CLEAN THE SWAMP of democrats and republicans!

I WANT OBAMA DRAGGED in I want him locked up and Interrogated I want him water boarded! I don’t care! Democrats can never disrespect this country again a message needs to be sent!
Is Trump not a "Republican"?
You want to drain him too?
Barr has to defend his department to salvage some respect from his colleagues!
Barr's right. When Trump tweets about pending investigations and cases it is particularly problematic, especially when the cases will be tried before anti-Trump DC juries where Trump has maybe 8% support. The defense will put Trump's tweets on trial and the jury will acquit, that's all there is to it.

Yes. Trump has every right to, but also yes, it's making it impossible for Barr to do his job responsibly. One trait you need to be in a position of trust like Barr is, when you have a boss with such a powerful personality like Trump, is that Trump has to trust that when he goes too far, that the AG will stand up and tell him so.

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