CDZ Trump should get the Nobel Prize for Border Separations.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Living 70 miles from the border, I know very well what happens to all those kids and families who don't have a news crew filming their story. Some make it some don't. Some of the kids end up in the sex trade. Others are raped and killed and buried in shallow graves. Some end up in gangs. Some die a horrible death in a 110 degree desert. Oops where is the news crew? This stream of immigrants expecting to get into the country illegally has got to stop.

Donald Trump is again doing the right thing with the border separation policy. You can't keep hanging out the welcome mat for illegals otherwise they will keep coming. We do not have limitless resources either at the border or in the education and health systems of border states. If a few kids have to cry for their mommies for a day or two, so be it. That's a great exchange for the thousands of lives that will be saved by stopping the relentless flow of these people to our border. Donald Trump should certainly get the Nobel Prize for this bold and ultimately humanitarian cause.

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