Trump Should Replace The Press Corps With Alternative Media


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
MSM are enemies within and will willingly destroy Trimp's presidency therefore Trump shall contempt lying presstitutes and give information to alternative media only.No one word to presstitutes like German patriots reject any cooperation with German Lying MSM - Lugenpresse.

The Mainstream Media Should Be Treated With The Same Contempt They Treat Trump And His Supporters

Read here more:

Trump Should Replace The MSM White House Press Corps With Alternative Media




Here German demonstrants condemn Lugenpresse - MSM Liars.

I'm sure Trump will try to set up his own
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Hannity or Rush would be a natural to head that up.
LOL That way he can continue to be his own publicist. Fake news continues..... LOL

Trump Revealed

[repost] When asked about trump one should answer our new president is a person who built his reputation on a racist birther lie, is a serial liar, an insecure narcissist so fake he masqueraded as a publicist to praise himself, a draft dodger who inherited his wealth, a man who benefits from the American system of government but pays no taxes to support it, an outsourcer of clothing to China which he sells in America, a misogynist who rates women according to their appearance, an adulterer now on wife three and a braggart sexual molester, a racist who hires fellow racists and anti-Semites and claims a judge cannot be fair because of his nationality confirming his racism and insecurity, a man who makes fun of the handicapped, a business fake who operated a fake university, failed in most of his business ventures, example steak company, multiple bankruptcies, has no magazine or wine company but bold face lied about them to a pathetic press, a man whose foundation has been found guilty of illegal activities, and who talks on a fourth grade level. His appeal is hard to fathom, have Americans grown this dumb. Hatred for the other explains much of his appeal, an appeal to ignorance whether it is about immigrants, Hillary, or the media when they don't kowtow. Media helped his cause and often plays the foil, hate and resentment bind people together, the irony of Trump is that he is what is wrong with any nation be it America or a third world banana republic where he'd fit in perfectly. It is easy to imagine so insure a man adorned in fake medals with sycophants at his feet.
MSM are enemies within and will willingly destroy Trimp's presidency therefore Trump shall contempt lying presstitutes and give information to alternative media only.No one word to presstitutes like German patriots reject any cooperation with German Lying MSM - Lugenpresse.

The Mainstream Media Should Be Treated With The Same Contempt They Treat Trump And His Supporters

Read here more:

Trump Should Replace The MSM White House Press Corps With Alternative Media




Here German demonstrants condemn Lugenpresse - MSM Liars.

Trump as already bashed the Lame Stream Media by taking to twitter. The lickspittle liberal lapdogs are in a tithy that they don't get first hand news anymore, but sloppy seconds that the people already know, and wont believe the likes of Martha Racklicks and Chris(I have a thrill up my leg no mo.) Mathews.
Actually, Mr. Trump CAN replace much of the media, and is doing so regularly. When he speaks in public, the media show the parts of his speech that they want to show, then provide "analysis" which distorts, demeans, criticizes, and ridicules what he said. But he has Twitter, he has YouTube, and a dozen other ways to reach the American public directly WITHOUT the "help" of the media. Who needs 'em?
Unfortunately, the "independent" Media serves Soros' interests and can't be trusted. Should be replaced as soon as possible. Actually, would be nice to replace Soros too.
LOL That way he can continue to be his own publicist. Fake news continues..... LOL

Trump Revealed

[repost] When asked about trump one should answer our new president is a person who built his reputation on a racist birther lie, is a serial liar, an insecure narcissist so fake he masqueraded as a publicist to praise himself, a draft dodger who inherited his wealth, a man who benefits from the American system of government but pays no taxes to support it, an outsourcer of clothing to China which he sells in America, a misogynist who rates women according to their appearance, an adulterer now on wife three and a braggart sexual molester, a racist who hires fellow racists and anti-Semites and claims a judge cannot be fair because of his nationality confirming his racism and insecurity, a man who makes fun of the handicapped, a business fake who operated a fake university, failed in most of his business ventures, example steak company, multiple bankruptcies, has no magazine or wine company but bold face lied about them to a pathetic press, a man whose foundation has been found guilty of illegal activities, and who talks on a fourth grade level. His appeal is hard to fathom, have Americans grown this dumb. Hatred for the other explains much of his appeal, an appeal to ignorance whether it is about immigrants, Hillary, or the media when they don't kowtow. Media helped his cause and often plays the foil, hate and resentment bind people together, the irony of Trump is that he is what is wrong with any nation be it America or a third world banana republic where he'd fit in perfectly. It is easy to imagine so insure a man adorned in fake medals with sycophants at his feet.
In your description of Trump you forgot to mention he also won the Presidency of the United States.
I suspect you're not happy b/c you fear you are going to need to get a 'McJob' after Trump is inaugurated.
MSNBC is attempting to bully Twitter/Facebook/Youtube into cancelling President Trump accounts.
My recommendation to the radical LIB bobble heads at MSNBS/CNN is to 'pack light' after Trump becomes President.
Should anything happen to Trump before inauguration day or after he's sworn in if I were an employee at MSNBS/CNN/WP/NYT I'd be leaving the country and changing my identity.
MSM are enemies within and will willingly destroy Trimp's presidency therefore Trump shall contempt lying presstitutes and give information to alternative media only.No one word to presstitutes like German patriots reject any cooperation with German Lying MSM - Lugenpresse.

The Mainstream Media Should Be Treated With The Same Contempt They Treat Trump And His Supporters

Read here more:

Trump Should Replace The MSM White House Press Corps With Alternative Media




Here German demonstrants condemn Lugenpresse - MSM Liars.

Yes, go after the media. Then the intellectuals and educators. Then the little people.
MSNBC is attempting to bully Twitter/Facebook/Youtube into cancelling President Trump accounts.
My recommendation to the radical LIB bobble heads at MSNBS/CNN is to 'pack light' after Trump becomes President.
Should anything happen to Trump before inauguration day or after he's sworn in if I were an employee at MSNBS/CNN/WP/NYT I'd be leaving the country and changing my identity.

Yep. That's how any other third world dictator would do it. No reason to believe trump wouldn't try to do the same.

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