Trump slammed by Parkland Hero students at Rally

You know...there seems to be a pattern here. Trump gets slammed for just about everything he does and even things he doesn't.

Are you new to politics in this country? It has been that way for 40 years at least.
They're just parroting what their liberal teachers are telling them.

Or perhaps almost dying at the hands of a crazy dude changes a person's' point of view. Did you ever think about that? No, of course you you just want to bash the girl because she does not think like you do

Did I blame her? No, her teacher has filled her head full of fuck.
Never let a tragedy go to waste if you can use a freaking kid as a political tool. In light of the current revelations by the Mueller probe you can imagine that the KGB got to the students while they were hurt and angry.
Just listen.




You don't have the right to say anything except "we're sorry, we're going to fix it..."
why do you believe her? it is liberalism that is to blame, we were safer in the fifties [with almost no gun control laws] and then came the 60's and all the lawlessness that entails...don't say anything just listen and then hang your head in shame.
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Republicans should wake up and show some common sense on gun control issues, because the younger generation is going to be waaaaay to the left of them on gun control,

unless the GOP thinks they'll be just fine without their votes in the future.
She certainly has a right to voice her opinion and I give a lot of leeway because of what she has experienced however her anger is misguided.

Lots of responsibility to go around for this. The kid made choices and I doubt any amount of gun control was going to stop him.

We need to change our culture, we need to hold children responsible instead of placating them. We need parents to love their kids by not shielding them from responsibility. When a kid screws up and the parents are called, the parents don’t need to defend kids, they need to be held accountable.

We don’t need participation trophies, we don’t need to make excuses for behavior. If a kid is confused at the age of seven about their sexual identity, we need to get to the underlying reasons instead of giving into the kids.

Parents are the key, teachers can only do so much, society can only do so much. The police made some really dumb errors but can they watch a kid everyday?

Just a few thoughts.
Whether you are looking at Cruz' history or the typical Inner City Black teen, the lack of a stable supportive parents (plural) is almost always the primary reason for the anger and pain.

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