Trump slams Puerto Rico: ‘They want everything to be done for them’

did those who remained on PR throughout the storm are still pissed that Trump didnt arrive there within 48 hours with a fleet of generators/gas/food/batteries/water and hot pockets?
It's been 28 days since Puerto Rico state of emergency was declared.
and how many days has it been since south chicago has been declared a state of emergency? and yet, nothing has changed yet
Ahhhh, a nice opportunity for the democrats and their race baiting. Meanwhile, all of the elitist left wingers are pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans as they pretend to care about ALL of their issues.
Ahhhh, a nice opportunity for the democrats and their race baiting. Meanwhile, all of the elitist left wingers are pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans as they pretend to care about ALL of their issues.
This is what the Left sees them as......

Ahhhh, a nice opportunity for the democrats and their race baiting. Meanwhile, all of the elitist left wingers are pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans as they pretend to care about ALL of their issues.
STFU, Donald sent them a golf trophy. He's doing a heck of a job
Ahhhh, a nice opportunity for the democrats and their race baiting. Meanwhile, all of the elitist left wingers are pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans as they pretend to care about ALL of their issues.
STFU, Donald sent them a golf trophy. He's doing a heck of a job
Oh pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans? Yeah, that is all you are doing. Already an asshole who does nothing for the planet and truly believes if you hate republicans well enough and if you are a good enough socialist that you are doing things for the planet.

You have not lifted one single finger for the Puerto Ricans. You are a loser and I can see you are completely use to your own hypocrisy. Not sure how you actually live with it.

Now, why don't you tell all of us how much you truly care. I need to laugh in your pathetic hypocritical face.
STFU, Donald sent them a golf trophy. He's doing a heck of a job

In Puerto Rico, where we knew the hurricaine was going to hit hard, It stil is going to take two weeks before the first hospital ship gets there.

Haiti Earthquake Response

By February 10, FEMA, in coordination with the Department of Defense (DOD), delivered more than 1.42 million meals; 24,365 blankets; 767,164 liters of water; 7,645 cots; and 94,709 comfort kits to Haiti.

It Trump believes in putting america first, he should show a better responce in puerto rico, than FEMA did in Hati.

Oh pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans? Yeah, that is all you are doing.

The congressional delegations from the north east, who had been hit by superstorm sandy, pointed out how texas said no to the aid package for sandy victims.

Yet they weren't vindictive, and quickly passed hurricaine relief for houston. Why? Because they were fellow americans in trouble.
Hate of other Americans because they live on an island & are broke & just suffered a hurricane. I don't get it?
Oh pretending to care about the Puerto Ricans? Yeah, that is all you are doing.

The congressional delegations from the north east, who had been hit by superstorm sandy, pointed out how texas said no to the aid package for sandy victims.

Yet they weren't vindictive, and quickly passed hurricaine relief for houston. Why? Because they were fellow americans in trouble.
Living in Mississippi, I can vouch for the fact that there was no more non-emergency relief in the Sandy bill than in the Katrina bill. But there was money for rebuilding (and rebuilding better than it was before the storms) that was years down the road. What bothered me about both bills was that people were bailed out to basically rebuild right where they were before. In most cases that strikes me as just stupid. In Mississippi the freaking water came so far inland that I just couldn't believe it happened. I still have difficulty comprehending it. But, it you want to live on a beach, you're on your own. JMO

We should have had aid to PR days before it got there. There's just no excuse. People died in New Orleans because the governor fucked up with the nalt guard. But the Navy had a helicopter aircraft carrier as soon as the storm moved inland. W should have nationalized the FEMA response, but he didn't for political reasons. He was a decent guy but a horrible president. Trump is just a racist playing at potus.
W should have nationalized the FEMA response, but he didn't for political reasons. He was a decent guy but a horrible president. Trump is just a racist playing at potus.

Is it race, or is it politics? Nobody in Puerto Rico voted for Trump, and just like Trump could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose any votes from his supporters, Trump isn't going to gain any votes by helping Puerto Rico.

Trump needs Texas, Trump needs Florida, 'nuff said.
Are there no white Liberals?

Lots of 'em! Haven't you ever seen them marching in rallies for black causes or against other white people! For a liberal, you can be white and still hate white people because at the heart of it all, all liberals hate themselves and are angry for it, then project their faults onto others to avoid seeing their own faults in themselves.
Look, little piss ant shit for brains, one does not have to hate other people to march for justice for a group of people of different pigmentation. It is sick blind little fucks like you that hate all that are not like them.

Hey! You must write all of the childish name-calling that other Libfarts on this board use! All one needs is to look at all of the white dronebots marching for rights of the "oppressed minorities" to see all the hate and loathing in their faces and their voices. You never saw one of the angry little liberals come up to mike and camera to shout little degenerations as they threaten the camera operator? Ah, such good little citizens. Such good little fools. The causes they march for don't even exist and they are sent into motion as the useful pawns for the anarchist America-haters of the world.
Hey! You must write all of the childish name-calling that other Libfarts on this board use! All one needs is to look at all of the white dronebots marching for rights of the "oppressed minorities" to see all the hate and loathing in their faces and their voices. You never saw one of the angry little liberals come up to mike and camera to shout little degenerations as they threaten the camera operator? Ah, such good little citizens. Such good little fools. The causes they march for don't even exist and they are sent into motion as the useful pawns for the anarchist America-haters of the world.

This reminds me of two ironic truths. In the civil war johnny reb, who often didn't have enough to keep his family fed, no less be able to afford a slave, fought so that rich land owners could have slaves.

Later people living in trailer parks were convinced to support repeal of the estate tax, what was called the death tax, that put a tax on inherited estates (at that time) of over $3.5 million dollars. And somehow people who could only dream of ever paying that tax supported its repeal.
[In the civil war johnny reb, who often didn't have enough to keep his family fed, no less be able to afford a slave, fought so that rich land owners could have slaves.

You are ignorant. The CW was not about freeing the slaves. The idea is absurd. Don't you know that

1. The Union had four slave states (KY MD DE MO) during the war

2. There were many Union generals who were slave owners during the war.
Hate of other Americans because they live on an island & are broke & just suffered a hurricane. I don't get it?

We don't hate the PRs. But we do say since they are exempt from federal income taxes, they don't get a bailout.
did those who remained on PR throughout the storm are still pissed that Trump didnt arrive there within 48 hours with a fleet of generators/gas/food/batteries/water and hot pockets?
It's been 28 days since Puerto Rico state of emergency was declared.
and how many days has it been since south chicago has been declared a state of emergency? and yet, nothing has changed yet
Chicago crime / murder rate is not in top 10 regardless of how many times you russians say it is.
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For nearly 10 years Donald J,. Trump was exempt from feederal income taxes too

No he wasn't. I'm sure he filed a tax return every year. There may have been years when he didn't pay any taxes because of offsetting losses but that's not an exemption from income tax. THINK

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