Trump Slams Republican Ed Gillespie Following Democratic Win In Virginia Governor’s Race

“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,” the president said.

President Donald Trump has backed a losing horse once more.

Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in Virginia’s gubernatorial election on Tuesday, the first major loss for the GOP since Trump’s election last year. The president had thrown his support behind Gillespie on Twitter and attacked his opponent in the lead-up to the election.

On Tuesday night, however, Trump blamed the Republican for his loss.

“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,” the president tweeted the midst of his 12-day trip to Asia.

Donald J. Trump

Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!​

More: Trump Slams Republican Ed Gillespie Following Democratic Win In Virginia Governor's Race

So funny! Ed Gillespie got thumped because he didn't "embrace" Trump? Gillespie ran a dirty and racist campaign. Trump should be proud of him.
He's such an asshole.
“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,” the president said.

President Donald Trump has backed a losing horse once more.

Democrat Ralph Northam defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in Virginia’s gubernatorial election on Tuesday, the first major loss for the GOP since Trump’s election last year. The president had thrown his support behind Gillespie on Twitter and attacked his opponent in the lead-up to the election.

On Tuesday night, however, Trump blamed the Republican for his loss.

“Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,” the president tweeted the midst of his 12-day trip to Asia.

Donald J. Trump

Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!​

More: Trump Slams Republican Ed Gillespie Following Democratic Win In Virginia Governor's Race

So funny! Ed Gillespie got thumped because he didn't "embrace" Trump? Gillespie ran a dirty and racist campaign. Trump should be proud of him.
Trump blamed the Republican for his loss. “Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for,”....

So funny! Ed Gillespie got thumped because he didn't "embrace" Trump?

Clearly, Trump doesn't see the danger of positioning himself such that whether Republicans win or lose is effectively all about him. But, of course, Trump is Trump, and in his mind everything is all about him, so much so that he's but a few claims shy of declaring himself a deity.

Trump almost makes one believe in reincarnation, for much of his rhetoric is reminiscent of that which one could have expected to have heard from Egyptian pharoahs.
His speech right now in Seoul, South Korea is one of the new greats.

Yeah, he sounds like a robot on meth. He is still riding President Obama's coattails on economy, jobs, and stock markets. The stock markets are surging because Trump is deregulating them.
Yep. It will lead up to another crash.

The crash is inevitable, it is built into the system. If you would like to know why our system crashes on a regular basis read the book "Fragile By Design"

Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

Trump made our day. America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

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