Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

See Lesh.....nobody out there is caring about the science except those who tend to the hysterical.
They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats
You don't alleviate a threat by ignoring it. You just make any impact it will have, that much worse.
There is no threat. It's a hoax.
I went to Iceland a few years ago and glaciers there have retreated by over a 1/2 a mile, mostly in the last 100 years. That is a GLOBAL phenomena. Global warming is a threat and it is real, doesn't matter if it is man-made or natural, it is still a threat.
I have ass-mouth-man-bear-pig disease

Sorry to hear that (I guess). Is there treatment?
They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats
You don't alleviate a threat by ignoring it. You just make any impact it will have, that much worse.
There is no threat. It's a hoax.
I went to Iceland a few years ago and glaciers there have retreated by over a 1/2 a mile, mostly in the last 100 years. That is a GLOBAL phenomena. Global warming is a threat and it is real, doesn't matter if it is man-made or natural, it is still a threat.
Most of the retreat occurred before 1950, and most of the CO2 we pumped into the atmosphere happened after 1950

More Evidence Glacier Retreat Was Far More Rapid During The 1850s-1940s Than Since
They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats
You don't alleviate a threat by ignoring it. You just make any impact it will have, that much worse.
There is no threat. It's a hoax.
I went to Iceland a few years ago and glaciers there have retreated by over a 1/2 a mile, mostly in the last 100 years. That is a GLOBAL phenomena. Global warming is a threat and it is real, doesn't matter if it is man-made or natural, it is still a threat.

Trump wasn't in office until January 2017. He needed a couple years to solve the Global Warming Crisis, except now he's done it. When you combine that with the Nobel Peace Prize on his way, being 2016 Time Man of the Year, and other various worldwide accomplishments, he should be go down in history very favorably for all he has done to help save Western Civilization. Without Trump and Putin, I hesitate to think the danger Western Civilization would be in.
Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it.
No stopping it?

Oh, well...

...may as well keep burning those fossil fuels.


And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late

The real question IS --- What "it" is.. Is it the 8 or 10degC change by 2100 that was originally fielded in the 80s and 90s to provoke hysteria and has constantly revised DOWNWARD SINCE? What IS the current projected temperature anomaly for 2100? What is the RANGE on that projection? What "emissions scenario" attached to that modeling run???

These are questions morons like you citing "consensus'" will NEVER look into for themselves.. They refer to "it".. And a lot of the media and political ABUSE of the real science in order to spread PANIC AND FEAR all the way down to 4th graders who NOW BELIEVE, the planet is gonna commit hari kari in 12 years or less....
They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats

LOL...America is a net exporter of oil? Where the hell did you read that...Breitbart? Shit...are Trumpbots gullible.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
U.S. Exports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

So I suppose America is importing 279,000,000 barrels of oil EVERY MONTH just for the fun of it?
America imports almost 4 TIMES as much oil as she exports.

There's a couple charts there to help you understand that nations that ARE oil producers --- even net exporters of oil -- STILL take imports...

And no, oil ignoramus, most countries that produce a lot of oil do NOT import much of it.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - imports — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

Saudi Arabia imports...NONE.
Venezuela imports...NONE.
Qatar, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Libya...all import NONE.

In fact, America imports more oil then any strong oil producing nation...BY MILES.

Your theory is total nonsense.

The PRIMARY reason BY LIGHT YEARS America imports SO much oil is because she needs it. Secondarily, because she has huge oil refinement facilities so she makes a boat load refining it for other people (like Canada).

Try more learning and less blindly believing whatever your Trumpbot ears want to hear and you won't make such ridiculously ignorant statements on things.

But America not remotely near being oil self-sufficient. Only ignorant people think otherwise.

NOW we are done.

And don't bother replying to me on this - I ain't wasting my time reading it (just like I did not read the second reply you made to me above).

Have a nice day.

Another wasted Google experience for you.. Be ignorant.. Don't go back and read the WSJ and Bloomberg links. THose idiots dont' GOOGLE like you do.... :laughing0301:

And WTF does it matter that Saudi or Quatar doesn't import oil?? THEY MAY however import our REFINED products for internal use.. But they have about the transport energy needs of Massachusetts.....

I figured as much. You did this the last two times we debated something, if I recall. When faced with a question whose correct answer blows away your point - you run and hide.

Yup...that's out flacaltenn.

Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

Have a nice day.

How many times now have you have you "hit and run" in this thread now without EXPLAINING WHY the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg business "numbers analysis" is wrong?? You still here pounding on political assessments and totally irrelevent CIA Factbook numbers that YOU don't understand...

Matters NOT if Saudi or Quatar are not IMPORTERS of oil.. Their economy is peanuts in terms of oil use.. What matters is that we "use' their oil to send them jet fuel and kerosene and LNG and other OIL PRODUCTS. And YOU stupidly use that transactions to show "what we use"... We don't consume that oil domestically, it's value-added manufacturing for EXPORT... So in your primitive lingo -- we don't USE IT.. Because it's not CONSUMED here and should not be counted against your juvenile concept of "what we use"...

That's just ONE detail you're totally missing in properly assessing our "energy independence".. Good luck with trying to use Trump hysteria to prove your point against the WSJ and Bloomberg....

The other details you're incapable of grasping is that oil is HIGHLY fungible (look it up)... That means that orders may be placed for Canadian, Mexican, African oil that we don't NEED to use, but are more conveniently located or priced at the time of the buy.. So those "imports" represent opportunities to EXPORT more of our oil and oil derivatives that AGAIN --- WE don't consume....
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They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats
You don't alleviate a threat by ignoring it. You just make any impact it will have, that much worse.
There is no threat. It's a hoax.
I went to Iceland a few years ago and glaciers there have retreated by over a 1/2 a mile, mostly in the last 100 years. That is a GLOBAL phenomena. Global warming is a threat and it is real, doesn't matter if it is man-made or natural, it is still a threat.

Trump wasn't in office until January 2017. He needed a couple years to solve the Global Warming Crisis, except now he's done it. When you combine that with the Nobel Peace Prize on his way, being 2016 Time Man of the Year, and other various worldwide accomplishments, he should be go down in history very favorably for all he has done to help save Western Civilization. Without Trump and Putin, I hesitate to think the danger Western Civilization would be in.

WTF? He solved Obama's unemployment crisis overnight didn't he? I find it hard to believe it took him over two year to solve Climate change. He just doesn't care........
Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it.
No stopping it?

Oh, well...

...may as well keep burning those fossil fuels.


And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late

The real question IS --- What "it" is.. Is it the 8 or 10degC change by 2100 that was originally fielded in the 80s and 90s to provoke hysteria and has constantly revised DOWNWARD SINCE? What IS the current projected temperature anomaly for 2100? What is the RANGE on that projection? What "emissions scenario" attached to that modeling run???

These are questions morons like you citing "consensus'" will NEVER look into for themselves.. They refer to "it".. And a lot of the media and political ABUSE of the real science in order to spread PANIC AND FEAR all the way down to 4th graders who NOW BELIEVE, the planet is gonna commit hari kari in 12 years or less....
Play word games all you want. It's happening and sane people understand that.

We have a very small window within which to do anything about it and people like you are trying to slow down the reaction to the point where we WON'T be able to do anything.
Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it.
No stopping it?

Oh, well...

...may as well keep burning those fossil fuels.


And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late

The real question IS --- What "it" is.. Is it the 8 or 10degC change by 2100 that was originally fielded in the 80s and 90s to provoke hysteria and has constantly revised DOWNWARD SINCE? What IS the current projected temperature anomaly for 2100? What is the RANGE on that projection? What "emissions scenario" attached to that modeling run???

These are questions morons like you citing "consensus'" will NEVER look into for themselves.. They refer to "it".. And a lot of the media and political ABUSE of the real science in order to spread PANIC AND FEAR all the way down to 4th graders who NOW BELIEVE, the planet is gonna commit hari kari in 12 years or less....
Play word games all you want. It's happening and sane people understand that.

We have a very small window within which to do anything about it and people like you are trying to slow down the reaction to the point where we WON'T be able to do anything.
ROFL! So facts are "word games" now?

According to the facts, we haven't created the problem, so what makes you think we can solve it? What makes you think it's even a problem?
Most of the retreat occurred before 1950, and most of the CO2 we pumped into the atmosphere happened after 1950

More Evidence Glacier Retreat Was Far More Rapid During The 1850s-1940s Than Since
Assuming all that were true, so what? The glaciers are still in retreat, indicating the globe is warming.

After a series of 4 Ice Ages with mile thick glaciers extending to the Mason Dixon line --- Are glaciers SUPPOSED TO BE advancing? Think that is a better climate?

Ice is a VERY bad thermometer. You can melt the same amount of ice with 10 day 0.1DegC temp change above freezing or a ONE day change of 1degC... Precipt and clouds have more of a long term effect than a 1 degC temp change.
Last edited:
LOL...America is a net exporter of oil? Where the hell did you read that...Breitbart? Shit...are Trumpbots gullible.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
U.S. Exports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

So I suppose America is importing 279,000,000 barrels of oil EVERY MONTH just for the fun of it?
America imports almost 4 TIMES as much oil as she exports.

There's a couple charts there to help you understand that nations that ARE oil producers --- even net exporters of oil -- STILL take imports...

And no, oil ignoramus, most countries that produce a lot of oil do NOT import much of it.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - imports — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

Saudi Arabia imports...NONE.
Venezuela imports...NONE.
Qatar, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Libya...all import NONE.

In fact, America imports more oil then any strong oil producing nation...BY MILES.

Your theory is total nonsense.

The PRIMARY reason BY LIGHT YEARS America imports SO much oil is because she needs it. Secondarily, because she has huge oil refinement facilities so she makes a boat load refining it for other people (like Canada).

Try more learning and less blindly believing whatever your Trumpbot ears want to hear and you won't make such ridiculously ignorant statements on things.

But America not remotely near being oil self-sufficient. Only ignorant people think otherwise.

NOW we are done.

And don't bother replying to me on this - I ain't wasting my time reading it (just like I did not read the second reply you made to me above).

Have a nice day.

Another wasted Google experience for you.. Be ignorant.. Don't go back and read the WSJ and Bloomberg links. THose idiots dont' GOOGLE like you do.... :laughing0301:

And WTF does it matter that Saudi or Quatar doesn't import oil?? THEY MAY however import our REFINED products for internal use.. But they have about the transport energy needs of Massachusetts.....

I figured as much. You did this the last two times we debated something, if I recall. When faced with a question whose correct answer blows away your point - you run and hide.

Yup...that's out flacaltenn.

Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

Have a nice day.

How many times now have you have you "hit and run" in this thread now without EXPLAINING WHY the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg business "numbers analysis" is wrong?? You still here pounding on political assessments and totally irrelevent CIA Factbook numbers that YOU don't understand...

Matters NOT if Saudi or Quatar are not IMPORTERS of oil.. Their economy is peanuts in terms of oil use.. What matters is that we "use' their oil to send them jet fuel and kerosene and LNG and other OIL PRODUCTS. And YOU stupidly use that transactions to show "what we use"... We don't consume that oil domestically, it's value-added manufacturing for EXPORT... So in your primitive lingo -- we don't USE IT.. Because it's not CONSUMED here and should not be counted against your juvenile concept of "what we use"...

That's just ONE detail you're totally missing in properly assessing our "energy independence".. Good luck with trying to use Trump hysteria to prove your point against the WSJ and Bloomberg....

The other details you're incapable of grasping is that oil is HIGHLY fungible (look it up)... That means that orders may be placed for Canadian, Mexican, African oil that we don't NEED to use, but are more conveniently located or priced at the time of the buy.. So those "imports" represent opportunities to EXPORT more of our oil and oil derivatives that AGAIN --- WE don't consume....

And once again...he avoids answering the question. Which proves that he is afraid to for fear of weakening his position.

I don't even begin to care about all that blather you are spewing - nor will I waste my time reading it. The few facts you state I already know. And the nonsensical hype I don't even begin to care about.
All I care about in terms of this discussion is does America produce enough oil to be oil self-dependent (and the answer is obviously, no...a fact you seem desperate to admit).

Once again,

It's simple...does America produce (pull out of the ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

Will he face the truth and answer, folks? My guess is 'no'...he will keep desperately avoiding it. Weak people just cannot face facts when it weakens their position/beliefs.
Last edited:
Most of the retreat occurred before 1950, and most of the CO2 we pumped into the atmosphere happened after 1950

More Evidence Glacier Retreat Was Far More Rapid During The 1850s-1940s Than Since
Assuming all that were true, so what? The glaciers are still in retreat, indicating the globe is warming.
It shows that humans aren't responsible.
Assuming that is true, so what? What does it matter what the cause if sea level rises and floods coastal lowlands? I doubt if a homeowner or farmer cares.
Most of the retreat occurred before 1950, and most of the CO2 we pumped into the atmosphere happened after 1950

More Evidence Glacier Retreat Was Far More Rapid During The 1850s-1940s Than Since
Assuming all that were true, so what? The glaciers are still in retreat, indicating the globe is warming.
It shows that humans aren't responsible.
Assuming that is true, so what? What does it matter what the cause if sea level rises and floods coastal lowlands? I doubt if a homeowner or farmer cares.
They do if you propose to tax them $97 trillion to solve a the "problem."
There's a couple charts there to help you understand that nations that ARE oil producers --- even net exporters of oil -- STILL take imports...

And no, oil ignoramus, most countries that produce a lot of oil do NOT import much of it.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - imports — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

Saudi Arabia imports...NONE.
Venezuela imports...NONE.
Qatar, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Libya...all import NONE.

In fact, America imports more oil then any strong oil producing nation...BY MILES.

Your theory is total nonsense.

The PRIMARY reason BY LIGHT YEARS America imports SO much oil is because she needs it. Secondarily, because she has huge oil refinement facilities so she makes a boat load refining it for other people (like Canada).

Try more learning and less blindly believing whatever your Trumpbot ears want to hear and you won't make such ridiculously ignorant statements on things.

But America not remotely near being oil self-sufficient. Only ignorant people think otherwise.

NOW we are done.

And don't bother replying to me on this - I ain't wasting my time reading it (just like I did not read the second reply you made to me above).

Have a nice day.

Another wasted Google experience for you.. Be ignorant.. Don't go back and read the WSJ and Bloomberg links. THose idiots dont' GOOGLE like you do.... :laughing0301:

And WTF does it matter that Saudi or Quatar doesn't import oil?? THEY MAY however import our REFINED products for internal use.. But they have about the transport energy needs of Massachusetts.....

I figured as much. You did this the last two times we debated something, if I recall. When faced with a question whose correct answer blows away your point - you run and hide.

Yup...that's out flacaltenn.

Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

Have a nice day.

How many times now have you have you "hit and run" in this thread now without EXPLAINING WHY the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg business "numbers analysis" is wrong?? You still here pounding on political assessments and totally irrelevent CIA Factbook numbers that YOU don't understand...

Matters NOT if Saudi or Quatar are not IMPORTERS of oil.. Their economy is peanuts in terms of oil use.. What matters is that we "use' their oil to send them jet fuel and kerosene and LNG and other OIL PRODUCTS. And YOU stupidly use that transactions to show "what we use"... We don't consume that oil domestically, it's value-added manufacturing for EXPORT... So in your primitive lingo -- we don't USE IT.. Because it's not CONSUMED here and should not be counted against your juvenile concept of "what we use"...

That's just ONE detail you're totally missing in properly assessing our "energy independence".. Good luck with trying to use Trump hysteria to prove your point against the WSJ and Bloomberg....

The other details you're incapable of grasping is that oil is HIGHLY fungible (look it up)... That means that orders may be placed for Canadian, Mexican, African oil that we don't NEED to use, but are more conveniently located or priced at the time of the buy.. So those "imports" represent opportunities to EXPORT more of our oil and oil derivatives that AGAIN --- WE don't consume....

And once again...he avoids answering the question. Which proves that he is afraid to for fear of weakening his position.

I don't even begin to care about all that blather you are spewing - nor will I waste my time reading it. The few facts you state I already know. And the nonsensical hype I don't even begin to care about.
All I care about in terms of this discussion is does America produce enough oil to be oil self-dependent (and the answer is obviously, no...a fact you seem desperate to admit).

Once again,

It's simple...does America produce (pull out of the ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

Will he face the truth and answer, folks? My guess is 'no'...he will keep desperately avoiding it. Weak people just cannot face facts when it weakens their position/beliefs.

The answer to your question of whether the US now is a NET exporter of oil and oil products is yes.. According to ALL MAJOR financial sources... It reached that milestone late last year... So YES..And people at WSJ and Bloomberg are CAPABLE of that tricky analysis.. You and your Bing/Googling are not..

You've refused to accept the REASONS why this is so -- while desperately flailing to cut/paste information you've taken out of context.. In fact, much of it is totally irrelevant to PROPERLY analyzing the question...

Will he face the truth and answer, folks? My guess is 'no'...he will keep desperately avoiding it. Weak people just cannot face facts when it weakens their position/beliefs.


There;s the projection we expect from an arrogant angry leftist.. Projection is nature's defense from feeling sorry for your own weaknesses... :2up: It's tied to the blushing and rage reactions.

And are U some kind of miracle savior? Pulling oil out of water? That's rich also.. You should have volunteered your superhero services at the Deep Water Horizon or Exxon Valdez disasters.... :113:
Last edited:
And no, oil ignoramus, most countries that produce a lot of oil do NOT import much of it.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - imports — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

Saudi Arabia imports...NONE.
Venezuela imports...NONE.
Qatar, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Libya...all import NONE.

In fact, America imports more oil then any strong oil producing nation...BY MILES.

Your theory is total nonsense.

The PRIMARY reason BY LIGHT YEARS America imports SO much oil is because she needs it. Secondarily, because she has huge oil refinement facilities so she makes a boat load refining it for other people (like Canada).

Try more learning and less blindly believing whatever your Trumpbot ears want to hear and you won't make such ridiculously ignorant statements on things.

But America not remotely near being oil self-sufficient. Only ignorant people think otherwise.

NOW we are done.

And don't bother replying to me on this - I ain't wasting my time reading it (just like I did not read the second reply you made to me above).

Have a nice day.

Another wasted Google experience for you.. Be ignorant.. Don't go back and read the WSJ and Bloomberg links. THose idiots dont' GOOGLE like you do.... :laughing0301:

And WTF does it matter that Saudi or Quatar doesn't import oil?? THEY MAY however import our REFINED products for internal use.. But they have about the transport energy needs of Massachusetts.....

I figured as much. You did this the last two times we debated something, if I recall. When faced with a question whose correct answer blows away your point - you run and hide.

Yup...that's out flacaltenn.

Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

Have a nice day.

How many times now have you have you "hit and run" in this thread now without EXPLAINING WHY the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg business "numbers analysis" is wrong?? You still here pounding on political assessments and totally irrelevent CIA Factbook numbers that YOU don't understand...

Matters NOT if Saudi or Quatar are not IMPORTERS of oil.. Their economy is peanuts in terms of oil use.. What matters is that we "use' their oil to send them jet fuel and kerosene and LNG and other OIL PRODUCTS. And YOU stupidly use that transactions to show "what we use"... We don't consume that oil domestically, it's value-added manufacturing for EXPORT... So in your primitive lingo -- we don't USE IT.. Because it's not CONSUMED here and should not be counted against your juvenile concept of "what we use"...

That's just ONE detail you're totally missing in properly assessing our "energy independence".. Good luck with trying to use Trump hysteria to prove your point against the WSJ and Bloomberg....

The other details you're incapable of grasping is that oil is HIGHLY fungible (look it up)... That means that orders may be placed for Canadian, Mexican, African oil that we don't NEED to use, but are more conveniently located or priced at the time of the buy.. So those "imports" represent opportunities to EXPORT more of our oil and oil derivatives that AGAIN --- WE don't consume....

And once again...he avoids answering the question. Which proves that he is afraid to for fear of weakening his position.

I don't even begin to care about all that blather you are spewing - nor will I waste my time reading it. The few facts you state I already know. And the nonsensical hype I don't even begin to care about.
All I care about in terms of this discussion is does America produce enough oil to be oil self-dependent (and the answer is obviously, no...a fact you seem desperate to admit).

Once again,

It's simple...does America produce (pull out of the ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

Will he face the truth and answer, folks? My guess is 'no'...he will keep desperately avoiding it. Weak people just cannot face facts when it weakens their position/beliefs.

The answer to your question of whether the US now is a NET exporter of oil and oil products is yes.. According to ALL MAJOR financial sources... It reached that milestone late last year... So YES..And people at WSJ and Bloomberg are CAPABLE of that tricky analysis.. You and your Bing/Googling are not..

You've refused to accept the REASONS why this is so -- while desperately flailing to cut/paste information you've taken out of context.. In fact, much of it is totally irrelevant to PROPERLY analyzing the question...

Will he face the truth and answer, folks? My guess is 'no'...he will keep desperately avoiding it. Weak people just cannot face facts when it weakens their position/beliefs.


There;s the projection we expect from an arrogant angry leftist.. Projection is nature's defense from feeling sorry for your own weaknesses... :2up: It's tied to the blushing and rage reactions.

And are U some kind of miracle savior? Pulling oil out of water? That's rich also.. You should have volunteered your superhero services at the Deep Water Horizon or Exxon Valdez disasters.... :113:

My question was nothing to do with exporting - but on domestic consumption vs. domestic production. Now either you know that and you are feigning this and/or your IQ is a LOT lower then I thought.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

It shows that America produces 15.65 million barrels of oil per day.
And it shows that America consumes 19.69 million barrels of oil per day.

(both figures are as of December, 2018)

That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

So...I will ask you again: (according to the EIA),

does America produce (pull out of her ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

I am not sure how much more simple I can make it for you.
Last edited:
My question was nothing to do with exporting - but on consumption vs. production. Now either you know that and you are feigning this and/or your IQ is a LOT lower then I thought.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

My gawd you are bound and determined to make your own analysis and are failing badly at that task.. First of all a list of largest CONSUMERS tells you jack shit about trade balance.. So that was another waste of your time and credibility.. And even tho the US produces 16% of the world's oil but "consumes" 20% --- those numbers do NOT account for imports that are here ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE of re-exporting finished oil products...

You'd need to read the analysis of what "produce and consume" really mean for those charts.

Keep it up... You're heading into meltdown territory... MEANWHILE -- You MISSED the Bing/Google jackpot as to what the ACTUAL Dept of Energy says on this issue... The contention we've been arguing is that we've already several months where there is a NET EXPORT of oil and oil products. The Dept of ENERGY (which you tried to analyze the wrong figures) says that MILESTONE will be the norm for EVERY MONTH by 2020... And if you look at the ACTUAL NUMBERS --- they are just about 2 or 3% short of that balance 2 months after this article from CNBC.. That's peanuts. As the event is already happening on a monthly and quarterly basis...

US to become a net energy exporter in 2020 for first time in nearly 70 years, Energy Dept says

The boom in U.S. oil and natural gas production will make the U.S. a net energy exporter in 2020 — a feat the country has not achieved in nearly 70 years, the Department of Energy’s statistics bureau said on Thursday.

The U.S. will start exporting more energy products than it imports as U.S. crude output continues to grow and domestic oil consumption declines, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its latest Annual Energy Outlook. Growing shipments of natural gas and petroleum byproducts will also boost the country’s role as a major energy exporter.

The report, which makes projections for the next 50 years, marks the latest revision to EIA’s timeline for the U.S. to become more energy independent. Last year, EIA forecast the U.S. would become a net exporter by 2022. In 2017, it said the nation would achieve the status in 2026.

Note the govt numbers being off even on LAST years projection.. And the Bloomberg/WSJ other articles marked the months where this event HAD ALREADY HAPPENED as we move to YEARLY TOTAL energy independence. Probably by the end of this year, MOST months will meet that mark...
My question was nothing to do with exporting - but on consumption vs. production. Now either you know that and you are feigning this and/or your IQ is a LOT lower then I thought.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

My gawd you are bound and determined to make your own analysis and are failing badly at that task.. First of all a list of largest CONSUMERS tells you jack shit about trade balance.. So that was another waste of your time and credibility.. And even tho the US produces 16% of the world's oil but "consumes" 20% --- those numbers do NOT account for imports that are here ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE of re-exporting finished oil products...

You'd need to read the analysis of what "produce and consume" really mean for those charts.

Keep it up... You're heading into meltdown territory... MEANWHILE -- You MISSED the Bing/Google jackpot as to what the ACTUAL Dept of Energy says on this issue... The contention we've been arguing is that we've already several months where there is a NET EXPORT of oil and oil products. The Dept of ENERGY (which you tried to analyze the wrong figures) says that MILESTONE will be the norm for EVERY MONTH by 2020... And if you look at the ACTUAL NUMBERS --- they are just about 2 or 3% short of that balance 2 months after this article from CNBC.. That's peanuts. As the event is already happening on a monthly and quarterly basis...

US to become a net energy exporter in 2020 for first time in nearly 70 years, Energy Dept says

The boom in U.S. oil and natural gas production will make the U.S. a net energy exporter in 2020 — a feat the country has not achieved in nearly 70 years, the Department of Energy’s statistics bureau said on Thursday.

The U.S. will start exporting more energy products than it imports as U.S. crude output continues to grow and domestic oil consumption declines, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its latest Annual Energy Outlook. Growing shipments of natural gas and petroleum byproducts will also boost the country’s role as a major energy exporter.

The report, which makes projections for the next 50 years, marks the latest revision to EIA’s timeline for the U.S. to become more energy independent. Last year, EIA forecast the U.S. would become a net exporter by 2022. In 2017, it said the nation would achieve the status in 2026.

LOL...what meltdown? I am not even reading what you post. I simply glance at it to see if you answered my question and then copy and paste my question (though I did glance at your link and it is almost TOTALLY irrelevant to my point).
You are the one who is typing out huge posts to try and avoid a simple 'yes' or 'no' question.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

It shows that America produces 15.65 million barrels of oil per day.
And it shows that America consumes 19.69 million barrels of oil per day.

(both figures are as of December, 2018)

That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

So...I will ask you again: (according to the EIA),

does America produce (pull out of her ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

I am not sure how much more simple I can make it for you.
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