Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

They said the Global Warming Crisis was going to kill us off. Now, the threat has been alleviated while drastically increasing our production of fossil fuels and making the USA a net exporter of oil.

Trump removes global warming from list of national security threats

LOL...America is a net exporter of oil? Where the hell did you read that...Breitbart? Shit...are Trumpbots gullible.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
U.S. Exports of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products

So I suppose America is importing 279,000,000 barrels of oil EVERY MONTH just for the fun of it?
America imports almost 4 TIMES as much oil as she exports.

There's a couple charts there to help you understand that nations that ARE oil producers --- even net exporters of oil -- STILL take imports...

And no, oil ignoramus, most countries that produce a lot of oil do NOT import much of it.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - imports — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

Saudi Arabia imports...NONE.
Venezuela imports...NONE.
Qatar, Mexico, Iraq, Iran, Libya...all import NONE.

In fact, America imports more oil then any strong oil producing nation...BY MILES.

Your theory is total nonsense.

The PRIMARY reason BY LIGHT YEARS America imports SO much oil is because she needs it. Secondarily, because she has huge oil refinement facilities so she makes a boat load refining it for other people (like Canada).

Try more learning and less blindly believing whatever your Trumpbot ears want to hear and you won't make such ridiculously ignorant statements on things.

But America not remotely near being oil self-sufficient. Only ignorant people think otherwise.

NOW we are done.

And don't bother replying to me on this - I ain't wasting my time reading it (just like I did not read the second reply you made to me above).

Have a nice day.

Another wasted Google experience for you.. Be ignorant.. Don't go back and read the WSJ and Bloomberg links. THose idiots dont' GOOGLE like you do.... :laughing0301:

And WTF does it matter that Saudi or Quatar doesn't import oil?? THEY MAY however import our REFINED products for internal use.. But they have about the transport energy needs of Massachusetts.....

I figured as much. You did this the last two times we debated something, if I recall. When faced with a question whose correct answer blows away your point - you run and hide.

Yup...that's out flacaltenn.

Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

Have a nice day.
he ALERTED us to a problem

And nobody predicted the party of monotheism would turn on science after Al Gore started preaching about climate change? It was a stupid move and the worst thing that could have happened did happen.
The US is NOT an net exporter of oil.

We are a net exporter of REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS...

If you don't know the difference please hide your ignorance and STFU

U.S. energy independence relates to the goal of reducing the United States imports of petroleum and other foreign sources of energy. Energy independence is espoused by those who want to leave the U.S. unaffected by global energy supply disruptions, and to restrict reliance upon politically unstable states for its energy security. Energy independence is highly concerned with oil, the source of the country's principal transport fuels.

In total energy consumption, the U.S. was between 86% and 91% self-sufficient in 2016.[1] In May 2011, the country became a net exporter of refined petroleum products.[2] As of 2014, the United States was the world's third-largest producer of crude oil, after Saudi Arabia and Russia,[3] and second-largest exporter of refined products, after Russia.[4]

As of March 2015, 85% of crude oil imports came from (in decreasing volume): Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia.[5] Nineteen percent of imported oil comes from the Middle East.[6] The fraction of crude oil consumed in the U.S. that was imported went from 35% immediately before the 1973 oil crisis, peaked at 60% in 2005, and then returned to 35% by 2013[7] thanks to increased domestic production[8] from the shale oil boom.[9] Beginning in the 1970s, exports of crude oil were illegal without a permit; in 2013, the United States physically exported a relatively small amount of oil, and only to Canada.[10]
And nobody realized the party of monotheism would turn on science after Al Gore started preaching? It was a stupid move and the worst thing that could have happened did happen.


Better to keep quiet and let it happen?

And what the hell is this "party of monotheism"?
YOU fuckers turned it into a partisan issue

Which kind of fucker am I exactly? I think you're confused.
You're just a troll. Not everything is about you directly

You said "you fuckers" which suggests I am one of a group of fuckers. Rest assured I am one of the fuckers trying to make this an issue that isn't divided at party lines. You like to suggest I am some unthinking Republican clown because you can only think in black and white, just like Trump cultists.
The U.S. is the largest producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of ENERGY (not oil).
The U.S. is the largest producer of oil in the world and a net exporter of ENERGY (not oil).

Yup...but she is by far the largest user of oil PLUS much of that oil production is from fracking.

And fracking reserves are strongly believed to have been WAY over-stated.

US Fracking Wells Are Producing Far Less Than Forecast

America cannot keep this level of oil production up for that much longer...not without finding new sources.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it.
No stopping it?

Oh, well...

...may as well keep burning those fossil fuels.


And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late
Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it.
No stopping it?

Oh, well...

...may as well keep burning those fossil fuels.


And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late
He is the one who said there's no stopping it.

So, if there is no stopping it...



So stupid.

We just need to hold out for 12 more years....

.... when the world ends.

And there you have the last stanza of the Denier song.

FIrst's not happening

It's happening but it's natural


It is happening but fIxing it is too expensive


oops it's too late

And if they get to play that song long WILL be too late

He started it and you're singing the chorus

Happily it appears...God only knows why
He started it and you're singing the chorus

Happily it appears...God only knows why
Because it is akin to telling me I have ass-mouth-man-bear-pig disease, and that I need to immediately cut off my dick or REALLY BAD THINGS will happen. And, you are telling me I am a fool for questioning the reason for chopping off my dick.

Pretty dumb. Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it. It's ok wait till people in Florida, the East Coast and the Gulf Coast have their house flood insurance triple then triple again. They'll get the message. The free market will take care of it.
Sea levels have been rising since the end of the ice age. However, the amount they have risen in the last 50 years is virtually undetectable. Even the IPCC says they will probably only rise by 6 inches by the end of this century. The solution to that problem is to move your beach umbrella 6 feet further from the water.
Why are exports going up when we were told all that additional oil is going to stay here....I'm fine with more oil...but it belongs here. All of it. Big oil shams again.

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