Trump solved the Global Warming crisis while simultaneously making USA a net exporter of oil. MAGA!

That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

Here's where your arrogance and winging went wildly wrong. Your "analysis" sucks because you did NOT READ the primary sources that posters supplied. This projection of YEARLY "energy independence has been outpaced by the RATE at which the gap is closing..

America is ACTUALLY PRODUCING -- not your "79% of the oil she consumes" --- but more like 98% of the oil "she" consumes right NOW on a YEARLY basis.. And most MONTHS will cross that zero line between NOW and 2020...

All that wailing and flailing trying to show my ignorance and weakness could have been avoided by ACTUALLY READING the analysis from WSJ and Bloomberg..

I understand what's going on by citing actual sources, not trying to make my own numbers in a desperate attempt to match some buggy agenda or partisan talking points...
My question was nothing to do with exporting - but on consumption vs. production. Now either you know that and you are feigning this and/or your IQ is a LOT lower then I thought.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

My gawd you are bound and determined to make your own analysis and are failing badly at that task.. First of all a list of largest CONSUMERS tells you jack shit about trade balance.. So that was another waste of your time and credibility.. And even tho the US produces 16% of the world's oil but "consumes" 20% --- those numbers do NOT account for imports that are here ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE of re-exporting finished oil products...

You'd need to read the analysis of what "produce and consume" really mean for those charts.

Keep it up... You're heading into meltdown territory... MEANWHILE -- You MISSED the Bing/Google jackpot as to what the ACTUAL Dept of Energy says on this issue... The contention we've been arguing is that we've already several months where there is a NET EXPORT of oil and oil products. The Dept of ENERGY (which you tried to analyze the wrong figures) says that MILESTONE will be the norm for EVERY MONTH by 2020... And if you look at the ACTUAL NUMBERS --- they are just about 2 or 3% short of that balance 2 months after this article from CNBC.. That's peanuts. As the event is already happening on a monthly and quarterly basis...

US to become a net energy exporter in 2020 for first time in nearly 70 years, Energy Dept says

The boom in U.S. oil and natural gas production will make the U.S. a net energy exporter in 2020 — a feat the country has not achieved in nearly 70 years, the Department of Energy’s statistics bureau said on Thursday.

The U.S. will start exporting more energy products than it imports as U.S. crude output continues to grow and domestic oil consumption declines, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its latest Annual Energy Outlook. Growing shipments of natural gas and petroleum byproducts will also boost the country’s role as a major energy exporter.

The report, which makes projections for the next 50 years, marks the latest revision to EIA’s timeline for the U.S. to become more energy independent. Last year, EIA forecast the U.S. would become a net exporter by 2022. In 2017, it said the nation would achieve the status in 2026.

LOL...what meltdown? I am not even reading what you post. I simply glance at it to see if you answered my question and then copy and paste my question (though I did glance at your link and it is almost TOTALLY irrelevant to my point).
You are the one who is typing out huge posts to try and avoid a simple 'yes' or 'no' question.

Here are the government statistics.

What countries are the top producers and consumers of oil? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

It shows that America produces 15.65 million barrels of oil per day.
And it shows that America consumes 19.69 million barrels of oil per day.

(both figures are as of December, 2018)

That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

So...I will ask you again: (according to the EIA),

does America produce (pull out of her ground/water) enough oil to cover even eighty percent of the amount of oil she consumes per day?

Yes or no, please?

I am not sure how much more simple I can make it for you.

Just told you moron.. It's 98% on a YEARLY basis with MOST MONTHS closing that gap to zero. Are you STILL NOT READING THE LINKS? Like the one I just gave to you from the Dept of Energy that you so admire....

That gap is now SO SMALL as to be a statistical uncertainty at the moment..
That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

Here's where your arrogance and winging went wildly wrong. Your "analysis" sucks because you did NOT READ the primary sources that posters supplied. This projection of YEARLY "energy independence has been outpaced by the RATE at which the gap is closing..

America is ACTUALLY PRODUCING -- not your "79% of the oil she consumes" --- but more like 98% of the oil "she" consumes right NOW on a YEARLY basis.. And most MONTHS will cross that zero line between NOW and 2020...

All that wailing and flailing trying to show my ignorance and weakness could have been avoided by ACTUALLY READING the analysis from WSJ and Bloomberg..

I understand what's going on by citing actual sources, not trying to make my own numbers in a desperate attempt to match some buggy agenda or partisan talking points...

For this discussion, I am not in the slightest bit interested in 'projections'. Only proven facts from respected/government sources.

Let's try this a different way (back to basics):

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?
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That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

Here's where your arrogance and winging went wildly wrong. Your "analysis" sucks because you did NOT READ the primary sources that posters supplied. This projection of YEARLY "energy independence has been outpaced by the RATE at which the gap is closing..

America is ACTUALLY PRODUCING -- not your "79% of the oil she consumes" --- but more like 98% of the oil "she" consumes right NOW on a YEARLY basis.. And most MONTHS will cross that zero line between NOW and 2020...

All that wailing and flailing trying to show my ignorance and weakness could have been avoided by ACTUALLY READING the analysis from WSJ and Bloomberg..

I understand what's going on by citing actual sources, not trying to make my own numbers in a desperate attempt to match some buggy agenda or partisan talking points...

Let's try this a different way:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Last week, it was 12,000,000 barrels per day.

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels per day.

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Are these statistics erroneous?

Yes or no?

Probably not.. But they are INSUFFICIENT to reach ANY conclusions about the balance of trade or energy independence... Did you NOT READ what I just posted from the EIA Dept of Energy?? THIS ISSUE IS SOLVED...

You're just incapable of reading and analyzing credible sources EXPLAINING IT TO YOU....

98% of actual DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION is NOW COVERED on a yearly basis.. With MOST months between now and 2020 being 100% or MORE covered... Are you now taking issue with the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY numbers I just gave you???

Are you OK??? Seriously... WTF is your problem with credible sources.. Can you not READ and understand them???
That means that America produces only 79.4% of the oil she consumes.

Here's where your arrogance and winging went wildly wrong. Your "analysis" sucks because you did NOT READ the primary sources that posters supplied. This projection of YEARLY "energy independence has been outpaced by the RATE at which the gap is closing..

America is ACTUALLY PRODUCING -- not your "79% of the oil she consumes" --- but more like 98% of the oil "she" consumes right NOW on a YEARLY basis.. And most MONTHS will cross that zero line between NOW and 2020...

All that wailing and flailing trying to show my ignorance and weakness could have been avoided by ACTUALLY READING the analysis from WSJ and Bloomberg..

I understand what's going on by citing actual sources, not trying to make my own numbers in a desperate attempt to match some buggy agenda or partisan talking points...

Let's try this a different way:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, it was 12,000,000 barrels per day.

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels per day.

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Are these statistics erroneous?

Yes or no?

Probably not..

I will take your answer as a 'no'. So, you admit these stats are legit.

(BTW - For this discussion, I am not in the slightest bit interested in 'projections'. Only proven/happened facts from respected/government sources.) on to my (modified) original question:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 60% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?
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Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

Wow... It was 79% just a couple posts ago.. In addition to your belligerence and anger and inability to actually read credible sources --- I think your calculator is busted.... :2up:

Yeah, it was. But the more recent government statistics that I posted above work out to less then 70%.
But actually, now that i do the quick is actually less than 60% (12 million is less then 60% of 20.5 million). I will make the change.

BTW, I assumed I would not have to explain the obvious.

My mistake.
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Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

Wow... It was 79% just a couple posts ago.. In addition to your belligerence and anger and inability to actually read credible sources --- I think your calculator is busted.... :2up:

Yeah, it was. But the more recent government statistics that I posted above work out to less then 70%.

I assumed I would not have to explain the obvious.

My mistake.

The parts you're missing from not reading primary sources --- I TRIED to explain to you.. The parts about "what we use" include LARGE amounts we do not consume, but turn into products for exports..

In addition both worldwide demand and PRICE is down. And this is all due to the PRIVATE ENTERPRISE development of oil reserves that have come on-line in the past 10 years in the Bakken and Pennsylvania fields.

AND the rescinding of an Obama era order almost PROHIBITING domestic oil from being exported at all... And a lot of other factors that have turned this around in extraordinary ways... The trend to positive exports is too fast for the government to actually calculate or project at the moment...
Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

Wow... It was 79% just a couple posts ago.. In addition to your belligerence and anger and inability to actually read credible sources --- I think your calculator is busted.... :2up:

Yeah, it was. But the more recent government statistics that I posted above work out to less then 70%.

I assumed I would not have to explain the obvious.

My mistake.

The parts you're missing from not reading primary sources --- I TRIED to explain to you.. The parts about "what we use" include LARGE amounts we do not consume, but turn into products for exports..

The 20.5 million barrels per day (19.65 in 2017) figure is STRICTLY FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION - NONE OF IT IS FOR EXPORT (that is seperate).

Use of Oil - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration on to my (modified) original question:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 60% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?
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Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

Wow... It was 79% just a couple posts ago.. In addition to your belligerence and anger and inability to actually read credible sources --- I think your calculator is busted.... :2up:

Yeah, it was. But the more recent government statistics that I posted above work out to less then 70%.

I assumed I would not have to explain the obvious.

My mistake.

The parts you're missing from not reading primary sources --- I TRIED to explain to you.. The parts about "what we use" include LARGE amounts we do not consume, but turn into products for exports..

The 20.5 million barrels per day (19.65 in 2017) figure is STRICTLY FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION - NONE OF IT IS FOR EXPORT (that is seperate).

Use of Oil - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration on to my (modified) original question:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 60% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

I'm marking this thread for comedic relief whenever I think there's an upside to social media discussions.. In the span of an hour -- your phony estimates have gone from 79% to 70% to NOW 60%.... What is this? A Morroccan auction???? :2up:

You've been demolished by Bloomberg, CNBC, Wall Street Journal and NOW the US fucking Dept of Energy and you're STILL fabricating GUESSES??? Go hit the bong..
Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 70% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

Wow... It was 79% just a couple posts ago.. In addition to your belligerence and anger and inability to actually read credible sources --- I think your calculator is busted.... :2up:

Yeah, it was. But the more recent government statistics that I posted above work out to less then 70%.

I assumed I would not have to explain the obvious.

My mistake.

The parts you're missing from not reading primary sources --- I TRIED to explain to you.. The parts about "what we use" include LARGE amounts we do not consume, but turn into products for exports..

The 20.5 million barrels per day (19.65 in 2017) figure is STRICTLY FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION - NONE OF IT IS FOR EXPORT (that is seperate).

Use of Oil - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration on to my (modified) original question:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 60% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please?

I'm marking this thread for comedic relief whenever I think there's an upside to social media discussions.. In the span of an hour -- you're phony estimates have gone from 79% to 70% to NOW 60%.... What is this? A Morroccan auction???? :2up:

You've been demolished by Bloomberg, CNBC, Wall Street Journal and NOW the US fucking Dept of Energy and you're STILL fabricating GUESSES??? Go hit the bong..

What a spin job. I prove him dead wrong about domestic production...and he pulls me posting different percentages based on different statistical years out of his ass to try and deflect from his huge mistake.
Wow...not only flacaltenn, are you apparently lower IQ'd then I appear a LOT weaker as well. You have not even got the guts to admit it when you are factually, proven wrong.

So noted.

But aside from ducked the point and the question.

I proved that the 20.5 million barrels of oil in 2018 (19.65 in 2017) is STRICTLY used for domestic consumption...NONE of it is for export (even though you erroneously stated much of it was). on to my (modified) original question:

Here is the amount of oil America produces per day:

Weekly U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Last week, America produced 12,000,000 barrels of oil per day.

And here is how much oil the US consumes every day:

How much oil is consumed in the United States? - FAQ - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

U.S. oil consumption per day is 20.5 million barrels of oil (before refining) per day.

Does America presently produce (take from domestic ground/water sources) even 60% of the oil she uses?

Yes or no, please.

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They do if you propose to tax them $97 trillion to solve a the "problem."
Would you spend $1 million to insure there will be no potential problems? I don't know what is reasonable but I'd wager it is somewhere between the two.

I'm all for spending significant $ on research and some on small scale geo-engineering experiments.
They do if you propose to tax them $97 trillion to solve a the "problem."
Would you spend $1 million to insure there will be no potential problems? I don't know what is reasonable but I'd wager it is somewhere between the two.

I'm all for spending significant $ on research and some on small scale geo-engineering experiments.
I'm not willing to spend one dime on solving a hoax.
Pretty dumb. Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it. It's ok wait till people in Florida, the East Coast and the Gulf Coast have their house flood insurance triple then triple again. They'll get the message. The free market will take care of it.
/——/ Still waiting for Manhattan to be underwater. Tick tock tick tock
Pretty dumb. Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it. It's ok wait till people in Florida, the East Coast and the Gulf Coast have their house flood insurance triple then triple again. They'll get the message. The free market will take care of it.
/——/ Still waiting for Manhattan to be underwater. Tick tock tick tock
To bad you missed hurricane Sandy, your wait would be over.
I'm not willing to spend one dime on solving a hoax.
Right, it's a hoax. A global conspiracy joined in by most climate scientists. Only you and Trump can see through it. Where did those glaciers go again?
The climategate files showed that it is a conspiracy. Furthermore, a conspiracy isn't required for a bunch of parasites sucking on the government tit to feather their own nests.
Pretty dumb. Sea levels are rising and there is no stopping it. It's ok wait till people in Florida, the East Coast and the Gulf Coast have their house flood insurance triple then triple again. They'll get the message. The free market will take care of it.
/——/ Still waiting for Manhattan to be underwater. Tick tock tick tock
To bad you missed hurricane Sandy, your wait would be over.
That isn't what the quacks who claim global warming would flood NYC were talking about.

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