Trump SOS pick honored by Russia

Republicans vote for a scam artist and a con man because he is close to a dangerous and murderous thug like Vladimir Putin.

I told you Republicans are anti American and have become a party dangerous to America.
So exactly why are American troupes finding side by side with Russians in Syria?

Russians are.bombing Alepo and killing innocents every day. Putin is a twenty first century Hitler and will be visiting the White House soon tp speak with his puppet in the US.
But's the Russians!!!
I love how casually the cultists deflect from the serious charges against Russia.

Don't even bother appealing to them. Their echo chamber is air tight.
I have to admit it. I'm totally blown away by the USMB Republicans acceptance of Putin and Russia. They don't know anything about him and they defend him. It's so scary Republicans could be this dangerous and ignorant.

To the less stupid ones, please do some reading:

Russian adventurism

Putin's crimes
I have to admit it. I'm totally blown away by the USMB Republicans acceptance of Putin and Russia. They don't know anything about him and they defend him. It's so scary Republicans could be this dangerous and ignorant.

They are not even defending. They just casually deflect.

Deny! Deny! Deny! They are incapable of anything else, the morons.
deal with it child....^^^

Mr Trump won.....say after me....Mr President Trump.....:mm:
If Trump tried, he could find the one person in the United States most disliked by Russians and make him secretary of state. By all means, NEVER ever, ever, get someone who has had a business relationship with and knows something about Russia.

If Trump tried he could do that, but why? Democrats have said that they were going to do to Trump when they said republicans did to obama, work for his failure. With that understanding, OF COURSE, all of Trumps picks would be relentlessly attacked. Why play into enemy hands? So far, Russia has proven to be a better ally and friend to Conservative Americans that liberal Americans have been.

That's the real world.
maybe someone can help me out here.
I know we have all been raised to hate Russia, movies always depict them as aggressors and our enemy, they have a different form of government, we were raised through the 60s practicing hiding under our desk so we would be ok when the nuclear bombs hit us.
So I suppose I understand this semi natural fear or distrust.
But honestly, what would be so bad if we were to actually get along with them, share their technology, maybe joint ventures in the space industry working together to build new civilizations on other planets, Mars first then who knows.
What would be so bad with that if we were on friendly diplomatic terms with them, and we respected their government and they respected ours. I don't buy into this BS that they would try to overtake us, If that was their plan you can pretty much bet that Russia and China would have already joined forces to bring us down. They haven't, and I dont think we need to fear that they will.
So who can enlighten me because other than their aggression toward some other countries I dont see a threat. And consider that we are also allies with Israel, and Israel is not exactly known for its peaceful existence in the middle east.
Oh and one more thing that really causes me to wonder. We hate and are afraid of Russia, who has never done anything to us, but we want to be butt buddies with some of the middle east countries that breed terrorists willing to do anything to destroy us.
Republicans vote for a scam artist and a con man because he is close to a dangerous and murderous thug like Vladimir Putin.

I told you Republicans are anti American and have become a party dangerous to America.
So you are saying that if Trump had said everything he said, no difference in him other than lets say he hated Russia and spoke out against them every chance he got, the republicans would not have voted for him? and, if he had run on Hillarys platform but had the same opinion of Russia that he has now, the republicans would still have voted for him? I dont agree. please explain why you would think this.

Now about the republicans being anti-American and dangerous to the country.
Lets look at this, which party wants the U.S to maintain what it is and has been and which party is it that wants the U.S to be transformed into something that is closer to a European socialist country.
Does someone that is Anti American try to maintain the country as it is ? Does someone take something that they do support and try to turn it into something that it currently is not.
Again, your actions and the actions of the party do not support your theory that the republicans are anti american.
maybe someone can help me out here.
I know we have all been raised to hate Russia, movies always depict them as aggressors and our enemy, they have a different form of government, we were raised through the 60s practicing hiding under our desk so we would be ok when the nuclear bombs hit us.
So I suppose I understand this semi natural fear or distrust.
But honestly, what would be so bad if we were to actually get along with them, share their technology, maybe joint ventures in the space industry working together to build new civilizations on other planets, Mars first then who knows.
What would be so bad with that if we were on friendly diplomatic terms with them, and we respected their government and they respected ours. I don't buy into this BS that they would try to overtake us, If that was their plan you can pretty much bet that Russia and China would have already joined forces to bring us down. They haven't, and I dont think we need to fear that they will.
So who can enlighten me because other than their aggression toward some other countries I dont see a threat. And consider that we are also allies with Israel, and Israel is not exactly known for its peaceful existence in the middle east.
Oh and one more thing that really causes me to wonder. We hate and are afraid of Russia, who has never done anything to us, but we want to be butt buddies with some of the middle east countries that breed terrorists willing to do anything to destroy us.

As near as could be made out. There was a time when Russia was the Godless and Soulless nation and we were the light of religious freedom.

Now Russia is the light of religious freedom and WE are the Godless and soulless nation.

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