
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
We are so used to having our ears “tickled” that we do not know the truths when we hear it. Politicians tells us what they think we want to hear and to some of us it is what we want to hear.
We had a businessman (Bush) in the White House who failed at every business venture he ever tried and had to be bailed out by Papa Bush. How did we expect him to solve business in the White House. He was destined to fail and left it for Obama to bail I him out. Obama tried but Right Wing Congress stood in his way sometimes and other time Obama failed on his own. I put my trust in one who has success in business to be a success in the business of the White House.

The Pope need to clean his own house before telling us now to fix the immigration problem. Saying we need to be “humane” in solving the immigration problem is like a kid in a candy store. We tried “humane” in 1986 when we gave amnesty to 3.2 million illegal aliens and that led to possible 30 million more now seeking amnesty. Same thing. Amnesty of legalization or path to citizenship. Point is THEY GET TO STAY. If we do not learn from our mistake we are bound to make them again and again. We have immigration laws and we fix immigration by enforcing those laws which have deportation as a penalty for entering this country legally. Do not make laws if we have no intentions (cajones) to enforce them. Presidents after presidents keep making the same immigrations mistakes over and over again. We do not have a border if 30 million people are able to cross it at will with no fear of deportation. The message we send them is that if you come, you can stay. I makes a mockery of border security agents that put their lives on the live day after day trying to apprehend illegal aliens and send them back across the border. Instead they are met with “cath and release”? We are not talking about fish.

Saint Cruz, Forked Tongue Hillary and Spaced out Rubio,etc. If you cannot run your own business and house hold budget , why should we believe you can run the nation’s White House? Being in politics for a hundred years is not a resume. The problems Hillary want to solve went unsolved when she worked under President Obama and she cannot be trusted. If the status quo is not working, lets try something different. Trump is different. He tells the truth and that scares the #$@ out of people who are used to hearing noise in their heads.
i would rather cruz win the nomination but trump would be my second choice if he did not get elected.
Illegal immigration is the root of all this nations problems and unless we fix that problem we are never going to be great. We are failing the american taxpayers, our children, our elderly, our military because of tax money going to cost of illegal immigration. Anchor babies education and medical care. Incarceration, trying to secure the border. Especially young black men who cannot get an education and a job and end up committing crimes to survive and ending up in prison leaving kids behind for the system to take care. what can we not learn to take care of our first. every jobs taken by an illegal aliens is taken from an american. 7% of kindergartens have a parent who is in the country illegal. These kids have to be taught English before academics thus taking time away from Americans kids. And most are on the free lunch and breakfast programs. Self preservation? Who is going to look out for me and mine if not Trump. Others are running on stupid. Or pandering.
Donald Trump acts like a cartoon character, I'm thinking Daffy Duck or maybe Donald Duck. Every time something doesn't go his way, he goes apeshit and once you're on his enemies list, he never lets go of his desire for revenge. He's still carrying on about Megyn Kelly months after her original attack on him.
We are so used to having our ears “tickled” that we do not know the truths when we hear it. Politicians tells us what they think we want to hear and to some of us it is what we want to hear.
We had a businessman (Bush) in the White House who failed at every business venture he ever tried and had to be bailed out by Papa Bush. How did we expect him to solve business in the White House. He was destined to fail and left it for Obama to bail I him out. Obama tried but Right Wing Congress stood in his way sometimes and other time Obama failed on his own. I put my trust in one who has success in business to be a success in the business of the White House.

The Pope need to clean his own house before telling us now to fix the immigration problem. Saying we need to be “humane” in solving the immigration problem is like a kid in a candy store. We tried “humane” in 1986 when we gave amnesty to 3.2 million illegal aliens and that led to possible 30 million more now seeking amnesty. Same thing. Amnesty of legalization or path to citizenship. Point is THEY GET TO STAY. If we do not learn from our mistake we are bound to make them again and again. We have immigration laws and we fix immigration by enforcing those laws which have deportation as a penalty for entering this country legally. Do not make laws if we have no intentions (cajones) to enforce them. Presidents after presidents keep making the same immigrations mistakes over and over again. We do not have a border if 30 million people are able to cross it at will with no fear of deportation. The message we send them is that if you come, you can stay. I makes a mockery of border security agents that put their lives on the live day after day trying to apprehend illegal aliens and send them back across the border. Instead they are met with “cath and release”? We are not talking about fish.

Saint Cruz, Forked Tongue Hillary and Spaced out Rubio,etc. If you cannot run your own business and house hold budget , why should we believe you can run the nation’s White House? Being in politics for a hundred years is not a resume. The problems Hillary want to solve went unsolved when she worked under President Obama and she cannot be trusted. If the status quo is not working, lets try something different. Trump is different. He tells the truth and that scares the #$@ out of people who are used to hearing noise in their heads.
Trump's daddy not only put him in his first deal, but it was his money that bailed him out of his disasters in Atlantic City.
Illegal immigration is the root of all this nations problems and unless we fix that problem we are never going to be great. We are failing the american taxpayers, our children, our elderly, our military because of tax money going to cost of illegal immigration. Anchor babies education and medical care. Incarceration, trying to secure the border. Especially young black men who cannot get an education and a job and end up committing crimes to survive and ending up in prison leaving kids behind for the system to take care. what can we not learn to take care of our first. every jobs taken by an illegal aliens is taken from an american. 7% of kindergartens have a parent who is in the country illegal. These kids have to be taught English before academics thus taking time away from Americans kids. And most are on the free lunch and breakfast programs. Self preservation? Who is going to look out for me and mine if not Trump. Others are running on stupid. Or pandering.
Net illegal immigration is near zero in the United States today. We have more than doubled the number of border guards in the last eight years. This is nativist paranoid nonsense.
Donald Trump acts like a cartoon character, I'm thinking Daffy Duck or maybe Donald Duck. Every time something doesn't go his way, he goes apeshit and once you're on his enemies list, he never lets go of his desire for revenge. He's still carrying on about Megyn Kelly months after her original attack on him.

I'll go with his namesake, Donald, because he's incomprehensible and ANGRY all the time.
Trump has recently made some controversial remarks about "enhanced interrogation techniques"

"I'd bring back waterboarding," Trump said during a February 7 debate. "And I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."

"I have made it clear in my campaign that I would support and endorse the use of enhanced interrogation techniques if the use of these methods would enhance the protection and safety of the nation. Though the effectiveness of many of these methods may be in dispute, nothing should be taken off the table when American lives are at stake. The enemy is cutting off the heads of Christians and drowning them in cages, and yet we are too politically correct to respond in kind."
The above quote is an excerpt from an OP-ED attibuted to Trump in USA Today. See http://www.usatoday....bates/80418458/
Is Trump suggesting that the USA should "respond in kind" by holding public spectacles where Muslim POWs are either beheaded or drowned in cages? Bad idea in my opinion.
One good thing today. Donald Trump got his best endorsement to date. Obama said on national television that he didn't think the American people would allow Trump the nomination. That should send Trump's votes over the top in every primary.
Donald Trump is a selfish, arrogant bully who thinks of himself first & belittles others. He's a bad guy. Sure I agree with him on some issues, but a Man with no humility who doesnt treat anyone with respect & dignity will never ever get my vote.
Is Trump sticking by that uuugge lie about see thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. He gets caught telling lies just about every day. He is a lying machine. Pathological and habitual liar of epic proportions. His supporters seem to not give a crap.
Is Trump sticking by that uuugge lie about see thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. He gets caught telling lies just about every day. He is a lying machine. Pathological and habitual liar of epic proportions. His supporters seem to not give a crap.

Most all politicians lie, they just use a little more finesse than Trump does. Obama, like bill clinton, had problems with trade "deals" that sent jobs to other countries. Then clinton ramrodded nafta, wto, etc through. Obama joined with republicans to ram through TPP. Remember, obama is the guy that had problems with Nafta when he was running for prez the first time. Same guy that said "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it". Reagan, concerned about the debt before he tripled it. On and on the lies go. Maybe, just maybe though, Trump isn't lying. He doesn't have to please any donors like obamahillaryjebmarcoted etc.

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